Longevity Species

Chapter 965 The Demon King reappears, as if he has reached his peak! (third change)


An invisible fluctuation, following the rapid spread of the mysterious treasure in Lei Dao's hand, circle after circle, quietly enveloped the entire Julei Mountain.

Julei Mountain is huge. Of course, this is nothing to the Lost Realm. Even if it is a domain, the Lost Realm can easily cover it. It's just that, the wider the range that the maze world wants to cover, the more energy the maze world treasure needs to consume.

Under normal circumstances, Lei Dao thinks that the coverage area is almost enough, not to mention that it may consume more energy to deter those with ulterior motives.

"Lord of the Bull Demon, it's your turn! Remember, you are now the Great Emperor of the Abyss, the King of Demon Spirits, and the top aspirant of the great Demon Kingdom. Go, lead your army of demon spirits, break through Julei Mountain, and destroy the entire Julei Mountain. Break them all!"

Lei Dao's voice exploded in the ears of the Bull Demon Lord.

The next moment, the Bull Demon Lord himself hadn't even reacted, and then, his whole image suddenly changed, as if his body was covered with a layer of blazing black flames.

No, that's not a black flame, it should be a special power formed by the entanglement and breeding of Yin Qi and resentment, which belongs exclusively to the demon spirit.

This kind of power is called the power of pollution!

"I... I became a demon?"

The bull demon master was very confused, how could he become a demon all of a sudden?

You know, he is a practitioner of the Ming Realm, a genuine practitioner of the Ming Realm, and even an aspirant, so why did he become a demon?

Moreover, this demon spirit seems... too strong?



Even with the eyes of the Bull Demon Dominator, he now feels that he is really too majestic. An exquisite and terrifying armor covered his whole body, standing in the void, his body was constantly burning with raging black flames, and there was also a terrifying evil spirit, and the tsunami-like shouts of countless demon spirit mountains below.

This feeling is really majestic to the extreme!

Even the ruler of the bull demon, once the number one ruler of Pancheng, has never felt this way.

"Is this acting?"

The bull demon ruler also immediately understood that this was Lei Dao's method, and it was Lei Dao who used the power of the lost world to suddenly change him into such a look.

It seems that he is still the big man among the monsters-the king of monsters!

"The King of Demon Spirits? This name is impressive. Wait, why is this name so familiar?"

Some thoughts vaguely flashed through the mind of the bull demon master. He felt that the name was familiar, but he didn't remember it for a while.

However, it doesn't matter.

The point is, the current bull demon master is the king of demon spirits!

A top aspirant among the demon spirits, an invincible powerhouse, can deter countless enemies.

Now, the task of the bull demon master is to deter!

At this moment, with the sudden appearance of the "King of Demon Spirits", the bull demon master, the entire Julei Mountain was completely boiling, and the enthusiasm of the demon spirits was unprecedentedly high, and even the power of pollution became stronger.

This caused the various forces "snooping" around to become suspicious.

"Who is that?"

"Where did such a powerful demon come out?"

"Didn't you hear the demons calling for the Demon King? It's just that I haven't heard that there is any Demon King in the Demon Kingdom. Besides those high-ranking demon saints, there is also a Demon King?"

"The king of demons...wait, isn't it the king of demons who appeared on the lake of life for a short time not long ago? That is the top aspirant who took the entire lake of life, and now he appears in Julei Mountain again? Make it difficult for the saint?"

"The king of demons, if it is the king of demons that appeared in the lake of life last time, then it will be troublesome. With the appearance of the king of demons, Julei Mountain must not be able to hold for a long time. Should we do it?"

Some gods and demons who were spying secretly, mainly some aspirants, actually hesitated.

This sudden change caught them off guard.

Originally, they wanted to wait for the demon tide to pollute the Julei Mountain formation, and then break the formation, and then rush in to get a share of the pie, but now that the Demon King appeared, it would be troublesome.

After all, judging by the attitude of the Demon King, he wants to dominate the entire Julei Mountain!

However, some top questioners have not spoken.

They are waiting.

A king of demon spirits is not enough to make them retreat. They are still waiting for the formation of Julei Mountain to be completely shattered. When the time comes, it is time for them to act.

The bull demon master turned into the king of demon spirits, surrounded by countless demon spirits below, he himself felt as if he had reached the peak, and at that moment, he was a little intoxicated.

Perhaps, the achievement of the ancestor is nothing more than that?

Even at this time, he swept his eyes aggressively across the void, obviously "warning" those coveted gods and demons or masters around him.

This is already quite obvious!

Among the many demon spirits, Lei Dao turned into an ordinary demon spirit. He glanced at the bull demon master, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Yes, the old cow's acting skills are still good. If I distract myself from controlling it, it may not be easy. It's really good to find someone to help you."

Lei Dao is very satisfied.

In fact, there are many masters in the fandom, and Lei Dao can also let them make a temporary "guest appearance".

But Lei Dao didn't trust them very much.

Even if you want to "act", you have to find someone you know well, and at least you have to be an asker, otherwise, if you encounter any unexpected situation, wouldn't it be easy to be exposed?

Therefore, the bull demon ruler is the most suitable candidate.

But now, it seems that the Bull Demon Lord also enjoys the status of "King of Demon Spirits". That "warning" gaze really looked down on all sentient beings, really "acting out" invincible domineering.

It seems that this is really the King of Demon Spirits.

As for the Demon King who was incarnated by Lei Dao before, it seems that he is not as good as this.

"Well, we have to hurry up and break Julei Mountain, otherwise, wouldn't the old cow's efforts be in vain?"

Lei Dao is also very clear that his purpose is not just to let the bull demon dominate the limelight, the key is to break the Julei Mountain magic circle, enter Julei Mountain, collect the treasures of the Thunder Pool, and the three eras of divine thunder. Purpose.

Therefore, Lei Dao used the power of the Mystery Realm to envelop the strongest magic circle in Julei Mountain all at once.

This magic circle is where the gate of Julei Mountain is located. Now it has been almost polluted by the pollution power of the demons, but it is very resilient.

If there is no external force, it may be difficult to break through the Julei Mountain Magic Circle in a short time.

If time drags on, who knows if the demon tide will recede?

Once the tide of magic retreats, no amount of demon spirits will be of any use.

"Try it with the power of the mysterious treasure."

Lei Dao is still quite confident. His maze world treasure belongs to the power of "other world". question.

Afterwards, Lei Dao mobilized the power of the Lost Realm, enveloping the Julei Mountain Formation all at once.


Following Lei Dao's low shout, the only remaining formation on Julei Mountain was forcibly and directly "distorted" by the power of the other world.



The formation of Julei Mountain was broken just like that, and the next moment, the demons were almost ecstatic, wanting to rush into Julei Mountain crazily.

It is also impossible for Lei Dao to prevent the demon spirits from entering Julei Mountain. He does have such ability, but it is not necessary at all, because in that case, his figure will be very conspicuous and abrupt, and the previous performance of the bull demon master will be in vain up.

He wants to fish in troubled waters!


The next moment, Lei Dao rushed into Julei Mountain almost immediately.

And just after Lei Dao rushed into Julei Mountain, in the void near Julei Mountain, some gods and demons and masters also appeared one after another. They could all see that the large array of Julei Mountain had been broken.

"It's broken, the formation is broken!"

"You can go in, but what about the Demon King?"

"It doesn't matter, the king of demons allowed the demons to enter without any indication, and didn't allow us to enter?"

"That's right, we are powerful, with so many top emperors, and even aspirants, why are we afraid of a demon king?"

Seeing that the formation of Julei Mountain was broken, some top emperors and aspirants also began to move around.

However, it seemed that they were still a little afraid of the king of demon spirits. They didn't try to be the first birds, but quietly watched the army of demon spirits flood into Julei Mountain.

"Leiju Mountain, finally broke!"

After an unknown amount of time, a faint sigh came from the void.

Immediately afterwards, a strange emperor appeared in the void.

He is tall and straight, and looks a little thin, with only a faint blue mark between his eyebrows, which looks a bit like the mark of lightning.


The next moment, the strange emperor seemed to turn into a stream of light, wanting to enter Julei Mountain. As for the king of demon spirits, he didn't seem to care too much.

The bull demon master's eyes froze slightly.

He was a little flustered!

Really panic!

He didn't know this strange emperor, but he could feel the aura of the other person. It was the aura of the aspirant, not even an ordinary aspirant.

Top questioner!

Only top aspirants have such a terrifying aura.

It seems that the momentum is not obvious, and it is far less powerful than the king of demons that the Bull Demon Lord incarnates at the moment, but the Bull Demon Lord knows his own affairs.

He is a Xibei product and a fake.

Once he makes a move, he will immediately reveal his secrets!

When the time comes, he will screw up his performance.

Once he fails, look at those staring eyes all around, needless to say how miserable his end will be.

In short, his end will be very miserable. Even the aspirant may die without a burial!

It's just that he can't retreat now!

Although the bull demon master didn't see Lei Dao, he also vaguely understood when he saw that the formation of Julei Mountain was broken. Lei Dao was mostly mixed in with the army of demon spirits, and had already entered Julei Mountain.

Now, maybe Lei Dao is trying his best to collect treasures.

Therefore, the bull demon master had to delay Lei Dao's time, and he had to block the strange emperor in front of him.

Even if you can't stop it, you have to stop it!

"Presumptuous! Without the consent of this seat, anyone other than demon spirits is not allowed to enter Julei Mountain!"

At this time, the Bull Demon Lord let out a "roar", and the black flames all over his body surged violently, as if the void was distorted, showing the majesty of his peerless overlord!

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