Longevity Species

Chapter 966 Blessed by the maze, the bull demon dominates the explosion! (first update)


The strange emperor frowned slightly when he saw the "King of Demon Spirits" in front of him.

He had never seen the Demon King, nor had he even heard of the Demon King, but seeing the power of the Demon King, even if he was a top aspirant, he had to "face it squarely".

"The king of demons, Julei Mountain, you demons can't eat it!"

The strange emperor said lightly.

Although the Demon King is very powerful, he is not afraid.

The Bull Demon Lord was very flustered, but at this time he had to "resist", so he could only say "dominantly": "This seat said that no one is allowed to enter Julei Mountain except demon spirits. Otherwise, kill without mercy!"

Anyway, no matter what, let's put down a harsh word first. If he didn't even dare to speak harsh words, how could he compare to his status as the "King of Demons"?

The strange emperor looked down and said: "I am the emperor of the five elements of thunder!"

As if he was afraid that the Demon King would not recognize him, the Strange Emperor spoke out his name.

Immediately, there were faint exclamations in the surrounding void.

The Great Emperor of the Five Elements Thunder, that is a true legend, he is also an innate god and demon, and he is also a top aspirant. It's just that he seems to be luckier than the three top emperors of Julei Mountain.

At least, the Great Emperor of Five Elements Thunder is still alive!

Because they belong to the same innate gods and demons, and they all walk the road of thunder, the emperor of thunder is bound to win the thunder of the three era gods in Julei Mountain.

No one can stop him from obtaining the three era god thunders, not even the Demon King!

"Hahaha, even the Great Emperor of Thunder is here. It seems that this Julei Mountain is really lively, why don't you let me come and try the quality of the Demon King?"

Suddenly, there was another sound in the void.

However, this voice seemed rather blunt, and it seemed that he was not afraid of the majestic King of Demon Spirits.


Immediately afterwards, a terrifying giant monster appeared from the void. This terrifying giant monster had nine heads and looked like a huge lion.

"The nine-headed lion emperor of the demon world!"

Some familiar emperors were shocked.

Demon world!

It is rare to be a strong man in the demon world.

In general, gods and demons are respected in the ancient ancient continent, but there are still demon worlds and demon kingdoms left. Among them, the demon country rarely appears except when the demon tide erupts, and the frequency of the strong demon world is higher.

But when the tide of demons was raging, the strong men in the demon world also restrained themselves and basically did not show up.

Unexpectedly, this Julei Mountain would actually attract a powerful person from the demon world.

The strong in the demon world are generally straightforward, respect the strong, and have a violent personality. The current nine-headed emperor is also the same. He will directly "shake" the demon king as soon as he appears.

Even the former Emperor of Thunder had to be "afraid" of the mighty King of Demon Spirits, and would not do it directly, but how could the Nine-Headed Emperor care so much?

Just do it!

At this moment, the head of the bull demon was numb, and there was already a sentence in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not.

Is this nine-headed emperor an idiot?

Didn't you see that so many aspirants around you, even the top aspirants, are afraid and hesitant to make a move? Why did you directly attack when you came to the Nine-Headed Emperor?

How stupid is that?

Don't you know how to pretend to be false, and then let him buy a little more time?

The bull demon master is also very helpless, how desperate is he when he meets such a "reckless guy" as the Nine-headed Emperor and does what he says? With such a temper, how did he become a questioner?

Moreover, he is still a top questioner!

"court death!"

The bull demon master also "roared".

But at this time, he sent a voice transmission to Lei Dao: "Brother Lei, come on, come on, I can't take it anymore. I met a fool who is still a top aspirant. If you don't make a move, I might not be able to take it anymore!" ..."

At this moment, Lei Dao has already arrived in Julei Mountain, in fact, he has just arrived.

The inside of Julei Mountain is quite complicated and quite large, but he swept away his spiritual sense and immediately headed towards Leichi.

That Thunder Pond is very large and conspicuous, and more importantly, it has a strong breath of life. There may be many life-extending treasures, which is Lei Dao's biggest goal.


When Lei Dao came to a thunder pool, what he saw was a large area of ​​"barbaric growth" of various natural materials and treasures. Relying on the continuous energy of Lei Chi, these treasures of heaven and earth seem to be much larger than ordinary treasures of heaven and earth.


Lei Dao didn't care whether these treasures of heaven, material and earth were grown or not, or whether they were life-extending treasures, anyway, they were all in front of him, so why should he be polite?

All of them were directly absorbed into the body realm.

"This thunder pond..."

Lei Dao hesitated.

This Thunder Pond also seems to be very extraordinary, do you want to collect it together?

After thinking about it, such an opportunity is rare, if you don't accept it now, there will be no such opportunity next time.

As a result, the power of the domain in Lei Dao's body was wrapped up, and Lei Chi was also directly absorbed.

The entire area around Leichi became completely bare all of a sudden.

Originally, there were still a large number of demon spirits, but they were a little confused when they saw the scene in front of them.

Didn't they break Julei Mountain?

Isn't it time to enjoy the treasures here?

Why is the treasure gone now?

Where are the treasures?


For a moment, the eyes of all the demon spirits were focused on Lei Dao.

These demon spirits also have wisdom, even if their intelligence is not too high, but seeing this scene, how could they not know that it was the work of this "ordinary" demon spirit in front of them?

All the treasures were taken away by Lei Dao.


Suddenly, many demon spirits roared towards Lei Dao.

Even Lei Dao exudes the aura of demon spirits, but the demon spirits are also predators of the weak. In order to compete for treasures, it is even common to kill and devour each other.

Lei Dao had a headache.

There are too many of these demon spirits, if they are killed rashly, there will be a steady stream of demon spirits behind them, but it will only consume the power of the strange treasures of the lost world.

"Forget it, let's start with a shock!"

Lei Dao's heart moved, and suddenly, the breath in his body soared. Immediately afterwards, another "King of Demon Spirits" almost appeared.

As soon as the "King of Demon Spirits" appeared, Lei Dao roared at many demon spirits. These demon spirits were all afraid, but some demon spirits were also very puzzled.

Why are there two demon kings?

Now this one is the king of demon spirits, what about the one outside?

"Huh? Can't hold it anymore?"

Lei Dao was about to search Julei Mountain again. After all, he only collected the treasures near the Thunder Pond. Julei Mountain was still very big, and there were many treasures.

At least, the God Thunder of the three eras was not found.

But just now the bull demon master had already transmitted the sound, and Lei Dao knew what was going on after a little sensing.

There are really people making trouble, and they are still top questioners.

"Nine-headed Emperor? Then cut off your nine heads!"

There was a flash of light in Lei Dao's eyes.

In the Lost Realm, he has no problem giving power to anyone, including the Lord Bull Demon.

Now the bull demon master can't die.

Since the status of the Bull Demon Lord is now the "King of Demons", let the Bull Demon Lord become the real king of demons!

The next moment, Lei Dao held the treasure in his hand, and suddenly, a surge of power passed towards the Bull Demon Lord.

In the void, the Bull Demon Ruler and the Nine-Headed Emperor!


The Bull Demon Master let out a roar. Now that he is in front of everyone, he is majestic and majestic. This roar is astonishing. The black flames exploded in an instant, and it seemed that even the void was distorted. Even the Emperor of Thunder retreated a little distance to make way for the space.

He didn't want to have an inexplicable battle with the Demon King and the Nine-Headed Emperor.

But the more this happened, the more bitter the bull demon ruler felt.

After all, he is a Xibei guy, just pretending, if Lei Dao doesn't come, what kind of demon king is he?

If this is the case, he will reveal his secrets!

"It's over, this time it's completely over..."

It's been a long time since Lei Dao came, and the bull demon master felt a cool feeling in his heart.


However, at this moment, a surging force suddenly blessed the body of the bull demon master. Immediately, the bull demon master felt that he was extremely "inflated".

It's not that the body is expanding, but the strength is expanding!

"This is……"

The bull demon master felt a little unbelievable.

This kind of power is too strong, far beyond his imagination.

He even felt that these powers were real and completely belonged to him!

"Brother Niu, from now on, you are the real king of demon spirits! Anyone who dares to step into the Thunder Gathering Mountain, you will kill them!"

Lei Dao's familiar voice also reached the ears of the Bull Demon Master.

At this moment, even if Lei Dao didn't appear, this sudden surge of power made the Bull Demon Lord feel excited and his confidence soared. He knew that this was the power of the maze world.

In the maze world, Lei Dao is invincible!

Now, Lei Dao used the power of the maze to turn the Bull Demon Lord into a real king of demons, a real top questioner, what worries does the Bull Demon Lord have?


The face of the bull demon master was shrouded in black flames, even if he was ecstatic, no one could see it. Everyone could only see that following the collision between the "King of Demon Spirits" and the Nine-Headed Emperor, the two sides collided fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the Nine-Headed Emperor trembled suddenly, and a "wailing" sound came out of his mouth.


One of the heads of the Nine-Headed Emperor burst open just like that.

This is a head, the head of the Nine Great Emperors!

"you wanna die!"

The Nine-Headed Emperor is completely crazy, he is a top aspirant, and this time he came to Julei Mountain, it is three more eras God Lei is bound to win, but a demon spirit who does not know where to come out dares to stop him, and more importantly hurt him.

How can the nine-headed emperor endure?

As a result, a huge "road" emerged in the void above the head of the Nine-Headed Emperor, which is the road of a saint!

The Nine-Headed Emperor was about to go all out, and he actually used the way of the saint directly.

"Hmph, today this seat has cut off your path to sainthood!"

The Bull Demon Ruler was full of spirits, just now, he truly experienced the feeling of a top aspirant.

This feeling is so comfortable and crazy, he even thinks it's good to be like this all the time.

So, a road appeared above his head, which is also a saint's road, but it is not his saint's road, but Lei Dao used the power of the magic treasures of the lost world to create the "monster king" of the demon king. The Way of the Saints".

Although it is illusory, under the shroud of the maze, no one knows that it is illusory.

What's more, in the maze, even illusory power can "kill" the opponent and make people fall.

The Bull Demon Lord also released the Saint's Path, and the black flames above his head swelled wildly. It seemed that there were black flames burning even in the Saint's Path.

Then, the two paths of saints collided fiercely without any scruples.

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