Longevity Species

Chapter 967 Three Corpses? (Second more)


The paths of saints collide, this is simply the way of madmen. Seeing this scene, the faces of those top emperors and aspirants in the surrounding void changed drastically.

"Crazy, just crazy, these two are lunatics, is it necessary to be so crazy?"

"Did they think they were the only ones competing for Julei Mountain? There are so many aspirants around, so they are so desperate?"

"Desperately using the way of a saint is simply self-destructive. You really deserve to be a savage in the demon world. You are not calm and irrational at all. The same is true for this king of demons, who is known as the king of demons. Just stupid people."

"Demon spirits and demon emperors, you can't afford to mess with them!"

Even the top powerhouses who were watching the excitement around them couldn't understand what the Nine-Headed Emperor and the Demon King were doing?

As soon as you come up, you will amplify your moves and go all out?

Don't they know the importance of the saint's path?

No, they sure do!

There is no aspirant who does not know how important the path of saints is, but now, they still dare to bet their own path of saints to risk their lives. And the purpose is just to enter Julei Mountain?

Or, is it for vindictiveness?

That's just crazy!

In fact, even Juggernaut himself thought he was crazy, but he was sober. Because, he understands that the power he just obtained is illusory, it is all fake, it is the power given to him by the maze world, it is an illusion.

Since it's all illusory, what else does he have to be afraid of?

On the contrary, the nine-headed emperor on the opposite side, the bull demon master admired it a little. The nine-headed master was taking his life and betting.

However, the admiration of the bull demon ruler does not mean that he will keep his hand. On the contrary, he will go all out and live up to Lei Dao's trust at all costs!

As the paths of saints of the two collided, suddenly, the void seemed to collapse and distort. The terrifying aftermath swept away in all directions, even the Emperor of Thunder retreated again and again, looking at the Bull Demon Lord and the Nine-Headed Emperor with "weird" eyes.

He really didn't expect that the two of them were fighting so fiercely, they were really desperate.

If the way of the saint has exploded, it is absolutely desperate, and it is still the kind of advance and no retreat.

However, there are strengths and weaknesses in the path of saints, especially in this kind of direct face-to-face collision, so the strong will always be strong, even if it is a little bit stronger, it will be able to gain the upper hand.


Finally, the face of the Nine-Headed Emperor changed drastically.

Everyone can see that the power of the Nine-Headed Emperor's saint has actually begun to crack, like shards of glass, one piece after another begins to shatter.

This is broken!

"Impossible, you are a demon, how can you break the path of saints in this seat?"

The nine-headed emperor opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

He is a majestic emperor of the demon world, a mighty one, and a top aspirant who has never been born in the world. He is usually domineering, invincible, and invincible.

This time, he left the demon world because he wanted to come to Julei Mountain to kill all directions, and to obtain the Thunder of the Three Dao Era to use in his practice of the road of sage.

But who would have thought that he lost, and lost so thoroughly, that he didn't even have a chance to regret this defeat.

The Bull Demon Lord's eyes were cold, and the black flames on his body seemed to inflate even more, and he seemed to be unaffected by anything.

Even, many demon spirits below are still carnival, cheering that they have such an invincible king of demon spirits!

"Nine-Headed Emperor, I have said that demon spirit exorcisers step into Julei Mountain without authorization and kill without mercy! You are the first top aspirant to be beheaded by this seat!"

Afterwards, the Bull Demon Master directly slapped him with a big hand, lost the way of saint, already riddled with holes, how could the Nine-Headed Emperor, who was seriously injured, stop the Bull Demon Master under the blessing of the Maze World?


The next moment, the Nine-Headed Emperor was crushed by the palm of the Bull Demon Master, and even the road to the saint was completely shattered. The vitality of the Nine-headed Emperor also quickly declined, and finally disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before. of.

The entire void was filled with silence and silence!


Totally dead!

There was not even a breath, and the feeling of life passing by was too real to be wrong.

The nine-headed emperor has fallen!

The dignified top aspirant has actually fallen? And it is still under the watchful eyes of the public, even in the history of the barren ancient continent for so many years, it is a very shocking thing, which is enough to shock the entire barren ancient continent.

Even, many people feel a little unreal.

Is that the questioner?

Aren't all the aspirants high and high, and it is difficult for the dragon to see the head but not the end?

As for falling?

It is often just heard, and it is difficult to hear once.

Now, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he just fell like this?

And it's a top questioner, like a child's play.

is this real?

Many people were silent, and many people were puzzled, but even when Lei Zhi's enemy looked at the demon king who was the incarnation of the bull demon ruler again, his eyes changed, and they were no longer as casual and indifferent as before.

But dignified!

Very dignified!

Being able to kill the Nine-Headed Emperor means being able to kill other top aspirants, which is a huge threat to any aspirant or top aspirants.

After all, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the aspirant to perish if the ancestors and sages do not come out.

But now, a top aspirant has fallen into the hands of the Demon King, which seems to have broken a certain balance.

"Who else wants to enter Julei Mountain?"

The bull demon master is now even more energetic and arrogant.

With his hands behind his back, raging flames were burning all over his body, his body was like a giant standing upright. Standing there, he was like an iron gate, which no one could break through.

This is the peerless style!

This is the king of demons!

This is invincible, invincible, truly invincible!

No one spoke anymore, and no one dared to break in. Even the enemy of thunder, who was inevitable before, is now silent.

With the King of Demon Spirits guarding Julei Mountain, who would dare to intrude?

After all, the Nine-Headed Emperor is a lesson from the past!

Lei Dao was in Julei Mountain, so he could naturally sense every move of the Bull Demon Lord. Just now, the Bull Demon Lord beheaded the Nine-Headed Emperor.

Even Lei Dao is actually not easy.

In the lake of life before, although he also transformed into the king of demon spirits and beheaded top aspirants, but at that time, Lei Dao still used the power of the realm in his body, not much power of the maze.

But this time is different.

In order to "keep secret" this time, Lei Dao did not dare to use the power of the realm in his body, so all he used was the power of the maze. Using the power of the maze to kill a top aspirant would consume too much of the treasure of the maze.

Lei Dao even suspected that if he continued to be so unscrupulous and used the magic treasure alone to kill the top aspirants, he might not be able to kill many top aspirants, and his energy of the magic treasure would be exhausted.

At that time, the gain outweighs the loss.

Therefore, Lei Dao also has a sense of urgency, which does not match his plan.

He had to hurry up and not delay in Julei Mountain any longer, otherwise, if some people outside couldn't bear it and wanted to make a move, then he would have to waste the power of the magic treasure to suppress it, and the gain outweighed the loss.

"You must first find the Thunder of the Three Era."

Lei Dao's divine sense frantically probed, no matter how big Julei Mountain was, under the detection of the divine sense, there was nothing to hide.

"Huh? Found it!"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up, and then he flew directly towards a certain peak in Julei Mountain.

In Julei Mountain, there are many peaks, but they are all virtual and real, with different functions. Many mountain peaks are now covered with demon spirits. Under the influence of the demon tide, these demon spirits are simply surging and polluting everything.

Once all treasures are polluted by demon spirits, they are almost useless. Therefore, Lei Dao not only had to find the Three Era God Thunder as soon as possible, but even had to find the Era God Thunder before those demon spirits.


Lei Dao came to a mountain peak.

This mountain peak looks like it should be the main peak. There are three caves on it, all of which contain a terrifying power of thunder.

Lei Dao felt that the Thunder of the Three Dao Era should be inside.


Although the cave was sealed, Lei Dao directly shook it with the power of the domain in his body, there was no cave that he couldn't open. It is Lei Dao that has such a powerful force to directly open the cave.

Otherwise, if you change to a lesser aspirant, you may have no choice but to face this cave. Therefore, not everyone who enters Julei Mountain can obtain all kinds of treasures, that is simply impossible.

Just a treasure near the Thunder Pond is not something that ordinary aspirants can take away casually, let alone search for other treasures in Julei Mountain.

Without this method of "scraping the ground three feet", Lei Dao would not dare to say that he could search for the treasures of the entire Julei Mountain.

The cave was opened, and there was a dazzling array of rare and rare treasures inside. It was the cave of the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain.

Moreover, in the cave, Lei Dao also saw three divine thunders.

Era God Thunder!

The divine thunders of the three eras are located in the cave, and they are still quite well preserved, without any leakage of power.

What's more, Lei Dao saw the dead body

Three intact corpses!


Lei Dao's heart moved, and he immediately thought of the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain.

It was rumored that the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain had fallen, but no one knew exactly how or why they fell.

After all, the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain are innate gods and demons. They have already become aspirants at the beginning of the era. What power can make them all fall?

But now, in Julei Mountain Cave Mansion, there are actually three corpses left, which is too weird.

Even if the top aspirant falls, he will die, the path of the saint will collapse, everything will disappear and return to nothingness, how can there be a corpse left behind?

Perhaps, these three corpses are very problematic in themselves!

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