Longevity Species

Chapter 968 The Saint is Coming! (third change)

Lei Dao didn't hesitate for too long. No matter what happened to the three corpses, the divine thunder of the Three Dao Era was real. Lei Dao could feel the terrifying power contained in the divine thunder. It was a very pure and essential power , purer than any power.

Perhaps, only the power of destruction that Lei Dao has seen can be more pure than these three eras of divine thunder.


Lei Dao directly used the power of the realm in his body to roll, and involved the three era gods and thunders into his body, and suppressed them with the power of the realm.

Fortunately, the three gods of thunder entered Lei Dao's body, and nothing changed, but Lei Dao was slightly relieved. If there is any problem with the Era God Thunder, it is a trouble.

Fortunately, the Era God Lei was very quiet.

Therefore, Lei Dao turned his attention to the three corpses in the cave. These three corpses were all intact, but there was no breath of life on them. As for the breath of the Saint's Path, the Saint's Path also completely collapsed.

But unlike other querents, the three bodies were well preserved.

The road of saints has collapsed, how can there be corpses left behind?

As for the normal fall?

Lei Dao never thought about it, there will be a normal fall of the questioner? There is almost no life limit, and the only life limit is the coming of the Era Calamity.

What's more, the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain are still innate gods and demons, so their lifespan is even less of a problem.

"Wait, there is still text?"

Lei Dao took a closer look and found that there were some words in front of the three corpses, which should have been intentionally left by the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain.

With a sweep of Lei Dao's divine sense, he immediately knew the content of these words, and his heart immediately understood.

This is indeed left by the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain, and it is even stated clearly why the three top aspirants fell.

It turned out that the three top aspirants wanted to rely on the Three Dao Era God Thunder and insisted on becoming a saint!


This is a hurdle that all top aspirants in the ancient continent have to face, but basically it is not a last resort, that is, when the catastrophe of the era comes, no one will forcefully become a saint.

Once the forced sanctification fails, you will die!

Or, since then, the foundation of sanctification has been lost, and sanctification will never be possible.

The three top emperors of Julei Mountain are different. They have lived for too long. They have been aspirants since the beginning of the era, and they have become top aspirants for so many years. Their only goal is to become holy.

To this end, they tried all kinds of methods, but it was useless. No matter what method they tried, they couldn't be sanctified, and if they couldn't entrust their primordial spirit in the ancient continent, they couldn't be sanctified.

In the end, they found another way and thought of another method, that is the God of the Era!

The Era God Thunder is their foundation, they are born with it, and it is also a gift given to them by the ancient continent. The Era God Thunder and the Ancient Continent can be said to be one.

Since their primordial spirits can't entrust themselves to the ancient continent, what about the era god Lei?

Can it be entrusted to the ancient continent?

So, on a whim, they completely integrated the Yuanshen into the Thunder of the Era, and then combined the power of the Thunder of the Three Eras to try to integrate into the ancient continent.


Lei Dao didn't see the result in the text, but now he saw the corpses of the three top aspirants in Julei Mountain, and even three complete Era God Thunders.

Then the result can be imagined.

The three top aspirants of Julei Mountain failed!

They want to find another way, want to be holy, but how can it be so easy? In the end it failed.

Throughout the ages, there have been so many amazing and talented people who have become saints or ancestors. Who hasn't thought about finding another way to become a saint, but what happened?

None of them worked!

The three top aspirants of Julei Mountain are just one of them, and they are even prepared to fail. Anyway, if they fail, they will also be annihilated when the era comes. For a while, it doesn't really make much sense.

However, this is cheaper Lei Dao.

What he obtained was not only the divine thunder of the Three Dao Era, but also three corpses, especially the corpses of the three innate gods and demons. The blood contained in these corpses is what Lei Dao is most excited about.

"The three top aspirants of Julei Mountain are innate gods and demons. I don't know whether their blood is top blood or powerful blood?"

Lei Dao murmured in a low voice, but in fact his heart was filled with a glimmer of expectation.

He came to Julei Mountain this time for three purposes, one is life-prolonging treasures, the other is the Era God Thunder, and the third is to see if he can get some blood.

It now appears that almost all three objectives have been achieved.

"I hope it's the top bloodline, and it's not in vain for you three innate gods and demons to cultivate to the top aspirants..."

Lei Dao murmured in a low voice, he even collected the three corpses together, after all, the blood was still in their corpses, and it took a little effort to completely intercept them.


Lei Dao left the cave, and he scanned with his divine sense, and found that the entire Julei Mountain was covered by demon spirits, densely packed, and polluted everywhere.

Julei Mountain has been completely abolished!

"It's a pity, there are many other treasures in Julei Mountain, all of which have been polluted by demons..."

Lei Dao shook his head, he felt a little pity.

In fact, there must be good things in Julei Mountain, but it is impossible for Lei Dao to prevent the demon spirits from entering, otherwise, it would be too obvious. Without the deterrence of the demon tide, how could Lei Dao search the entire Julei Mountain so easily ?

As for other treasures being polluted, Lei Dao has nothing to do.

"Huh? The acting skills of the bull demon master are really better than mine, and those people dare not act rashly. However, we can't delay any longer. If we delay any longer, maybe we will reveal our secrets and have to go..."

Lei Dao was about to put away the lost world and leave, when suddenly, he raised his head suddenly, as if he had sensed something, his expression suddenly became incomparably dignified.

"Is that... a saint?"

Raidou murmured softly.


The Bull Demon Ruler is full of vigor and vigor, looking at all sentient beings with disdain, his whole body is like a giant standing in the sky, straddling the void, holding the entire Julei Mountain in his hand, he is invincible!

This is really over the top!

Even, this is not the peak in the general sense. After all, the bull demon master just beheaded a top aspirant, even under the blessing of the lost world, but it was indeed killed by the bull demon master.

Wouldn't the Bull Demon Ruler feel happy if he could kill the top aspirant?

Especially where his eyes are now, no matter whether it is light or dark, no strong person dares to look at him. Even if he used to be the number one master in Pancheng, he was not so majestic.

Standing on the summit of practice is so fun!


The next moment, the Bull Demon Lord raised his head abruptly.

what did he see


A huge shadow!

It seemed to cover the sky and block out the sun, just like the top of Mount Tai, it seemed that the whole sky was darkened all of a sudden.

A tremor from the depths of the soul constantly lingered in the heart of the Bull Demon Lord.

"That is……"

Everyone around, including the demon spirit, seemed to be "silent" at this moment, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the stalwart figure that suddenly appeared in the void.




That's a saint!

There is no doubt that this is the coming of a saint!

Although it seems to be just an incarnation, an incarnation also represents a saint!

However, after the outbreak of the demon tide, when did the incarnation of the saint come? He didn't even show his face, why are the incarnations of saints appearing now?


The incarnation of the saint fixed his eyes directly on the king of demon spirits who was the incarnation of the bull demon ruler.

Immediately, the bull demon master was shocked all over, as if his whole body had been seen through, he was so cold that he didn't even dare to make any movements.

"Welcome to the saint!"

Many gods and demons appeared one after another, saluting the incarnation of the saint in the void.

That's Saint Yi!

They all recognized that this was the incarnation of the sage Yi, a very ancient great sage in the ancient continent. Whether it is the Lake of Life or Julei Mountain, it is actually Saint Yi's territory.

"King of Demon Spirits, you've crossed the line!"

Saint Yi said lightly.

Although the voice was very calm, it exploded in everyone's ears like a thunderstorm.

What's the meaning?

Has the Demon King crossed the border?

Does this mean that the Demon King has gone too far, are you warning the Demon King?

That is a dignified saint!

It is very rare to personally come forward to warn an aspirant, even a top aspirant.

The sage's words follow the Dharma, and a single sentence can kill the top aspirants. Why have you ever cared about the aspirants?

But now, Shengren Yi spoke in person, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Is this the King of Demons that made the majestic sage Yi unable to sit still, and had to come forward to warn him?

For a moment, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one would have thought that the saint came forward just to warn?

Has the world changed?

In fact, Saint Yi was also furious in his heart, wishing he could crush the Demon King 10,000 times.

But he can't!

The demon tide is an agreement between the demon kingdom and the gods and demons, and it must break out, and the saint must not interfere. Otherwise, the saints of the Demon Kingdom would also take action. Wouldn't that be chaos in ancient times?

But Saint Yi felt aggrieved!

It's not good where the magic wave erupted, but it happened to erupt in his territory again and again.

The point is that the demon spirit destroyed the lake of life just because a demon king appeared, which is almost the limit that the sage can bear.

But now?

Julei Mountain!

The caves of the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain who had a great relationship with him were also breached by demon spirits, and the culprit was this sudden appearance of the demon king.

How could Shengren Yi endure this?

The sage Yi was able to resist lowering his avatar to warn him, but he had already restrained himself very much without making a direct move.

Even the Bull Demon Master was a little confused.

The incarnation of the saint has come, he thought he would be struck by thunder and easily killed by the saint, but now?

Just a warning?

Could it be that the sage didn't see through the disguise of his identity?

In other words, even the saints have not seen through the maze?

Thinking of this, Juggernaut Bull Demon's heart was incomparably shaken, and there was even a hint of heat in his eyes.

If this is the case, it seems...he can escape!

To be able to hide from the sky in front of a saint, and to escape from the sky, it is exciting to think about it!

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