Longevity Species

Chapter 971 Challenge the saint! (third change)

"This... is this challenging the saint?"

Many people stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded, and everyone was shocked in their hearts!

Challenge the saints!

How long has this not happened?

Perhaps, this era has never happened.

Below the saint, they are all ants. Who dares to challenge the saint?

But now, someone really challenges the saint, even if it is only an incarnation, it is still a saint!

Even the bull demon master can't speak now, staring blankly at Lei Dao in the void.

At this moment, the bull demon master may understand why he is not as good as Lei Dao, even if he is an aspirant, he is far inferior to Lei Dao for his courage alone.

"You want to challenge Ben Sheng?"

Saint Yi was still very angry just now, but now he seemed to calm down all of a sudden, and looked at Lei Dao a little strangely.

"Yes, Lei wants to give it a try, the power of a saint!"

Lei Dao's momentum erupted, and his body continued to swell, swell, and swell, and finally turned into an indomitable giant.

"Kacha Kacha".

Lei Dao's body seemed to be constantly transforming, and faintly began to exude an aura that was very different from ordinary rulers and ordinary aspirants.

Ancestor divine body!

Without any cover-up, Lei Dao directly stimulated the ancestor's divine body, and still reached 6% of the ancestor's divine body, all of which erupted.

This is the first time that 6% of Lei Dao's ancestor god body has exploded.

The 6% of the ancestor's blood in the body seemed to be boiling violently, turning Lei Dao's ancestor god body into a very special life.

In fact, Lei Dao's ancestor god body has now merged with twenty-three bloodlines. It still retains some characteristics of many bloodlines, so it also has some aura similar to bloodlines.

But after merging into the ancestor's bloodline, it becomes only one kind of bloodline, only one kind of breath.

This breath is the breath of the ancestors!

The ancestor's breath that belongs exclusively to Lei Dao!

"Ancestral Breath..."

Others don't know, even the top aspirants don't know the changes in Lei Dao, let alone what such a strange divine body as Lei Dao means.

But it is easy for a sage to know, and the sage of Lingzu also knows it.

Saint Yi's complexion changed drastically. He never imagined that Lei Dao had already touched a trace of the essence of the ancestor, and began to have the breath of the ancestor.

Although the sage is not the same as the ancestor, the sage Yi has dealt with the ancestor for so long, so he can naturally sense the breath of the ancestor. He knew that this was definitely not an aura that ordinary aspirants could possess.

Lei Dao is definitely not an ordinary questioner.

Perhaps, the true ancestor of Lei Dao is expected!

For such a star of hope in the Ming world, Sheng Ren Yi was even more murderous in his heart.

Lei Dao's 6% ancestor bloodline is very powerful, but this is not over yet. He knows very well that 6% of the ancestor god body may be strong, but even 10% of the ancestor god body is not as good as it.

As for strength, it is far inferior to the inner body domain.

Lei Dao also has the inner body realm, which is his means of protecting Dao.

"Please enlighten me, saint!"

Lei Dao punched out directly, and the whole person seemed to have penetrated into the void all at once. This is the space talent of Kunpeng's bloodline. Even if he turned into the ancestor's bloodline, this space talent has not been weakened, and even strengthened.

Even in the barren ancient continent, Lei Dao can travel through space for a short time.

At this point, he has surpassed countless top aspirants.

In the ancient continent, except for saints and ancestors, no one can travel through space, even if it is only for a short time!

But Raidou did it!

"I really can't keep you today..."

Seeing that Lei Dao can travel through space, Saint Yi felt that Lei Dao could not stay.

Therefore, Saint Yi stretched out his hand lightly, with five fingers one at a time, without any extra movement, he directly turned his palm and clasped it downward.


Lei Dao felt as if the world was hanging upside down all of a sudden, the sky was turned upside down, what space, what direction, etc., everything was in chaos. And this is not an illusion, not an illusion, it is really turned upside down and completely chaotic.

This is the power of a saint!

Reversing yin and yang, turning the world upside down, is just a casual trick.

Otherwise, the sage would not be able to stand high above the ancient continent and overlook all living beings.

Even though Lei Dao is 6% of the ancestor's blood, he is far stronger than the top aspirants, but under the palm of the sage Yi, he is still like a flat boat in the sea, as if it will collapse at any time.

That's the difference!

Irreparable natural moat!

"If you only have this means and want to challenge the saint, it's still far away. The saint will be very disappointed..."

Saint Yi's voice echoed in Lei Dao's ears.

Although Lei Dao is very strong, in the eyes of the sage Yi, it is still not worth mentioning. Just relying on a powerful ancestor god body will not help at all.

"Is it?"

There was a flash of light in Lei Dao's eyes, he just wanted to give it a try.

Facts have proved that he is still far behind even with 6% of the ancestor god body alone. Even the Ancestral Divine Body faintly couldn't bear it anymore.

However, the power of the ancestor's divine body was beyond Lei Dao's imagination.

At least, it can still resist for such a long time.

"The realm is coming!"

The next moment, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and the realm in his body was activated instantly.


A huge realm appeared above Lei Dao's head, which seemed to contain countless worlds, mighty and mighty, descending with a bang, this is the arrival of the realm!

Ten times, twenty times, thirty times...

When the realm came down, it was as if there were countless worlds, all of a sudden pressing on Saint Yi, and suddenly, even Saint Yi felt the heavy pressure.

His body is just a very ordinary incarnation after all, and the power it can carry is too weak, but even so, it is compared with other saint incarnations, not with aspirants.

The incarnation of the saint is still invincible to the aspirant!

But now, Shengren Yi felt tremendous pressure.

"What kind of power is this?"

For the first time, Saint Yi's face changed. He felt the pressure, and the pressure was still multiplying. If it continued, he felt that maybe his avatar would really be unable to bear it.

But is it possible?

Will the incarnation of a saint be unable to withstand the means of a top aspirant?


This is absolutely impossible!

At least, the sage did not believe that Lei Dao had such means.

"Isn't it 30 times better? Then meditate!"

Lei Dao's eyes were cold, and he activated the power of the realm in his body again.

Forty times, fifty times, sixty times...

When Lei Dao's inner body realm reached sixty times the horror, the incarnation of Saint Yi finally couldn't bear it anymore.


Immediately, Saint Yi's avatar began to crack inch by inch, which had reached its limit, and if it continued like this, this avatar would really be annihilated.

Seeing this scene, everyone was in an uproar.

"The sage can't bear it anymore?"

"Aren't saints invincible? How could they not be able to stop the methods of an aspirant?"

"It's unbelievable, this is really unbelievable. Being able to persecute a saint to such an extent, even if it's just an incarnation of a saint, still represents a saint."

"Master Lei can really destroy this incarnation of a saint?"

Many people couldn't believe the scene in front of them, and even those who were ridiculed before, now felt a little excited and hot in their hearts.

Deep in their hearts, there was also a hint of expectation.

Maybe Lei Dao can really kill an incarnation of a saint?

What does that mean?

I'm afraid that the situation of the whole ancient barren continent, no, even the Ming world will change drastically.

This means that the gap between the aspirant and the saint may still be difficult to bridge, but it is no longer a natural barrier.

That would change the entire ancient continent!

"Desolate Ancient Continent, bless me!"

Suddenly, the sage Yi let out a low shout, and he had already begun to mobilize the power of the ancient continent, intending to bless the power of the ancient continent into his avatar.

This is also the means of the saint.

Although this method does not seem to have much effect in a battle against a saint, it is a trump card for saints below, and it is difficult to crack the trump card.

No matter how strong you are, try your best to consume the power of the saint incarnation, but so what?

In the ancient continent, the incarnation of a saint can be restored in an instant.

Now Saint Yi is trying to use the power of the ancient continent to bless against Lei Dao's inner realm power, and for Saint Yi, it doesn't even consume much.

"The primordial spirit entrusts the void..."

Lei Dao murmured in a low voice, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

This is the saint!

The primordial spirit resides in the void, and in the barren ancient continent, it has a steady stream of power, and no one can compare with the saint.

This is the most difficult part of the saint.

However, didn't the saint rely on the ancient continent?

Then isolate the ancient continent from the incarnation of the saint!

"Seventy-five times the realm has come!"

The next moment, without any hesitation, Lei Dao exploded with seventy-five times the power of the domain, and directly descended with the domain.


Lei Dao's inner body realm immediately enveloped Saint Yi.

Even not only Saint Yi, but also Saint Lingzu, Lei Dao didn't seem to be afraid of Saint Spiritual Ancestor, and shrouded the incarnation of Saint Spiritual Ancestor in the inner realm.

Moreover, seventy-five times the power of the domain was activated, instantly isolating the ancient continent and the incarnation of the saint.

"Huh? This is..."

Both Saint Yi and Lingzu Saint's expressions changed drastically.

They could clearly feel the power of the ancient continent just now, and they seemed to have cut off contact with them all of a sudden.

No, it can't be said that the connection is cut off, they can still sense it, but the key is that they can't mobilize the power of the ancient continent. Even if they can barely move it, they cannot let the power be blessed in their avatars.

In other words, they now have only one saint incarnation left.

"You can actually isolate the connection between the saint's incarnation and the ancient continent?"

Saint Yi and Lingzu Saint were very shocked. They even ignored their identities, and immediately prepared to send down other incarnations.

In any case, Lei Dao cannot be allowed to escape.

It's just that Lei Dao seems to be more decisive than them!

"Farewell, two saints!"

There was a smile on the corner of Lei Dao's mouth.

The next moment, the power of the domain in the body exploded, instantly crushing the two saint incarnations into powder.

And Lei Dao even took the bull demon master in an instant, shuttled into the space, and disappeared without a trace.

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