Longevity Species

Chapter 972 The incarnation falls, the saint is angry! (first update)

The void was completely calm, and even the magic tide of Julei Mountain had begun to recede.

However, no one cared about the demon tide, cared about those demon spirits, and many people seemed to be unable to believe the scene in front of them. what did they see

The incarnation of the two saints turned into powder!

Yes, turned into powder, and was instantly crushed into powder by the power of Lei Dao's domain, and it was not an incarnation, but the incarnation of two saints, Saint Yi and Lingzu Saint, all of which were crushed into powder.

This time, it seemed as if a certain "law" or "balance" had been broken, and a mark was deeply imprinted in the hearts of all the masters and emperors.

Can a saint be defeated by an aspirant?

Even if it's just an avatar!

"The incarnation of the saint, is it really shattered?"

"Totally shattered, even annihilated, at least this incarnation is useless."

"This is really a master, a top aspirant did it?"

"It turns out that the aspirant can also kill the incarnation of the saint..."

Many rulers and questioners are now greatly touched in their hearts. They never even thought about it before, the aspirant could fight against the incarnation of the saint, let alone defeat the incarnation of the saint, that is almost impossible to complete the myth!

But now, the fact is right in front of our eyes, the incarnation of the saint was crushed by Lei Dao, and there were still two incarnations of the saint. This is of great significance to masters and questioners.

At least, let them understand in their hearts that the saint may be invincible, but the incarnation of the saint is not necessarily.

The incarnation of a saint can also be killed by the aspirant!

It is conceivable that this news will spread throughout the entire ancient continent in an instant like a hurricane.


The next moment, the sky and the earth changed color, and the void seemed to be distorted.

An incomparably tyrannical incarnation, condensed again, this is the incarnation of the sage Yi!

At the same time, the ancestor saint also condensed an incarnation, and the two saints lowered their avatars again, and this time the avatar was obviously more than ten times stronger than before.

"Lei Dao!"

Saint Yi let out a roar, and his anger seemed to condense into substance. Even a dignified saint can't restrain his inner anger now.

The same is true for the Lingzu Saint, he also descended a powerful saint incarnation, obviously attaching great importance to this matter.

What are you kidding?

Now it is still in the period of the demon tide, the demon country and the demon spirit should be the "protagonists", but what about now? He was robbed of the limelight by an aspirant from the Ming Realm.

Moreover, it cannot be suppressed no matter what.

Even the incarnation of the saint was killed by Lei Dao, what kind of earth-shattering event is this?

The ancestor sage and sage Yi are also saints who have gone through several eras of catastrophe. What kind of situation have they not encountered? What kind of genius has not been seen?

But like Lei Dao, as an aspirant, kill the incarnation of saints, even their most common and weakest incarnation. Neither have they.

The questioner beheaded the saint?

Unheard of!

Therefore, even the two saints are now angry and shocked in their hearts.

It's just that two saints came incarnate, and they saw the situation of Julei Mountain, where is there any trace of Lei Dao? It has long since disappeared without a trace.

With Lei Dao's speed, where did he escape? What's more, Lei Dao can also travel through space, even if the distance traveled is not long, but such a short time is enough for Lei Dao to escape.

Saint Yi and Lingzu Saint looked at each other, and Lingzu Saint said in a deep voice: "Sage Yi, the ancient continent seems to be changing again, don't you think there are too many changes in the ancient continent now? Even the questioner They can kill the incarnations of saints like me."

"Too many changes? Could it be..."

A gleam flashed in Saint Yi's eyes.

He knew what the Lingzu saint meant.

Era catastrophe!

This is a sign of the early outbreak of the Great Tribulation of the Era.

In fact, an era is about twelve trillion years, but it may be less than twelve trillion years. As long as the end of the era is reached, the catastrophe of the era may break out at any time.

However, under normal circumstances, the Great Tribulation of the Era would not erupt too early.

But it’s not impossible, once it erupts ahead of time, all kinds of very abnormal things will appear at the end of the era, or some strange treasures will appear.

In short, it is all kinds of abnormalities.

Now there are already signs of this in the ancient continent, but the saints didn't think much about it. But the problem now is that there has been a Thunder Dao, which can kill the incarnation of the saint as an aspirant.

One or two ordinary incarnations, in fact, the saints don't care, they can be reunited at will.

But the key was killed by an aspirant from Lei Dao, which is extraordinary, and even the impact is very serious. This means that the supreme majesty of the saints has been challenged!

After this, will there be more askers who challenge the saint?

Maybe the sage can forcefully suppress everything, maybe Lei Dao is just an exception, but this is a bad sign after all. Moreover, Saint Yi and Spirit Ancestor Saint will also become the laughing stock among the Saints of the Ancient Continent.

"Leidao is the ruler of Pancheng."

The ancestor sage continued to say with a half-smile, "If Saint Yi is willing, I will accompany Saint Yi to Pancheng."

"Go to Pancheng?"

Saint Yi took a deep look at Saint Lingzu, who was obviously uneasy and kind.

Everyone knows that there were some unwritten agreements between the sages of the ancient continent and the ancestors of the Ming world. In general, the strongholds of the Ming Realm, saints will not attack.

Because once it hits, a battle between the saint and the ancestor will definitely break out.

At that time, the matter will explode.

As a saint of the Demon Kingdom, the Holy Spirit Ancestor would naturally wish for a battle between the Saint Yi and the ancestor of the Ming Realm, which would be of great benefit to the Demon Kingdom.

"Sage Ancestor, let's take care of your demons. After today, there will be more demon aspirants on my site. I don't mind helping Sage Ling to clean it up."

Saint Yi's tone was very rude, even quite tough.

After all, Shengren Yi directly traveled through the space and left.

Saint Lingzu also knew that Saint Yi was angry now, so he couldn't provoke Saint Yi at this time. So, with a big hand, he also took away all the demon spirits near Julei Mountain.

This is the end of the Julei Mountain Demonic Tide.

The demon is gone, the saint has left, and the entire Julei Mountain has returned to calm.

However, there are still many masters and emperors left looking at each other.

This time, for them, the impact was too great, they were simply dazzled, and they are still a little shocked even now.

First there was the tide of demons, then the king of demon spirits, and then there was a battle between the top aspirants.

Then came the saint again, and then the identity of the king of demons was exposed. In the end, the king of demons turned out to be Lei Dao, the top aspirant in the Ming world, and finally Lei Dao beheaded two incarnations of saints.

It was just astonishing.

They just came to Julei Mountain to try their luck, and wanted to get the three eras of divine thunder.

It never occurred to me that things would develop to such an extent.

As soon as Emperor Lei Zhi gritted his teeth, he still wanted to enter Julei Mountain to have a look. Anyway, Julei Mountain has been breached, to see if there is still the Thunder of the Three Era inside?


Therefore, when the Great Emperor of Thunder made his start, many aspirants rushed to enter Julei Mountain.

However, when they arrived at Julei Mountain, everyone was dumbfounded.

The Julei Mountain in front of him has long been in a mess, it is like locusts passing through, where are there any treasures?

Moreover, it seems that the treasures in many places are not made by demons.

Thunder Road!

It must be Lei Dao!

Lei Dao must have entered Julei Mountain before, this is three feet away, and swept Julei Mountain completely.

Many aspirants were also very helpless, so they could only leave Julei Mountain quickly.



Outside Pancheng, circles of ripples appeared in the void.

Two figures suddenly emerged from the void.

"Finally home……"

When Lei Dao saw Pancheng in front of him, he finally felt a little relieved.

It's not easy!

Finally, he returned to Pancheng. He traveled through the space desperately along the way, and even 6% of the ancestor god body was on the verge of collapse. He didn't dare to stop, for fear of being caught up by Saint Yi.

But he knew that this time he had offended two saints again. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that Lei Dao had offended many saints. Lei Dao didn't seem to feel much about the so-called debts that did not weigh him down.

The bull demon master also saw Pancheng, and he was relieved. To the bull demon master, he felt like he was alive after a catastrophe.

It was really scary before, and he was a top aspirant at every turn.

And top aspirants seem to be nothing, what kind of opponents are they facing?


And there are two saints!

It's scary just thinking about it.

Fortunately, although the process was tortuous, the result seemed to be quite good. At least, they all escaped the pursuit of the saint and returned to Pancheng.

"Brother Lei, you really played too big this time..."

The bull demon master glanced at Lei Dao, and said with a wry smile.

He looked at Lei Dao now, feeling very complicated. Originally, I thought that I was just following Lei Dao to pick up bargains, get some benefits, and get the Era God Thunder.

But who would have thought that it would be so exciting?

Not only killed the top aspirant, even Lei Dao fought with the saint, and what's even more amazing is that he also killed the incarnation of the saint!

This is nothing short of legendary!

The bull demon master felt that he had stayed in the ancient continent for so many years, and none of his experiences could compare to this one ten thousandth, which was really exciting.

Even the bull demon master was a little envious.

Before he knew it, Lei Dao had grown enough to kill the incarnation of a saint, but what about him? Still just an ordinary questioner.

Lei Dao smiled and said: "Didn't I just offend two saints? Actually, it's nothing. I have offended few saints? Not to mention, I offended the saint Yuan near Pancheng. Now it's just It’s nothing more than two more saints.”

Lei Dao thought very openly.

"By the way, there is an era god thunder here, you deserve it, Lao Niu!"

After all, Lei Dao directly took out a thunder of the Era God, which can be regarded as making up for the "frightened" mind of the Bull Demon Lord this time.

"Haha, then I won't be polite."

The bull demon master generously took over the divine thunder of the era, and this time he made a contribution to the trip to Julei Mountain.

Afterwards, the two returned directly to Pancheng, and each returned to the cave.

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