Longevity Species

Chapter 973: Three Bloodlines! (Second more)

Lei Dao returned to the cave, and asked Tunling Patriarch about some matters one after another. During his absence, Pancheng was also very peaceful, and there was no major incident.

Lei Dao immediately entered the secret room, and he had to count the gains of this trip.

In the secret room, Lei Dao took a deep breath, sorting out some memories in his mind.

"Sage Yi, Saint Lingzu, if you add Saint Yuan, well, there is Saint Gu, this is already four saints, I have offended four saints..."

Lei Dao was not ignorant, but he was taken aback.

How did he offend the four saints?

Didn't everyone say that the saints are so high that it is difficult to even see each other for thousands of years? How long has it been since Lei Dao came to the ancient continent? How did you offend the four saints?

If it wasn't for Lei Dao who could clearly remember everything and every saint, he might think that those were fake saints.

For other questioners, it has been difficult for him to see a saint for tens of millions of years. Fortunately, he offended four saints in a short period of time. Will it be difficult for him to move an inch in the ancient continent in the future?

"Fortunately, the Ancient Desolate Continent is big enough, and the saints are busy with everything. I shouldn't take such small things too seriously. Maybe after a while, the saints will forget about me."

Lei Dao could only comfort himself.

There is still a little pressure to offend the four saints.

However, thinking about this trip to Julei Mountain, the harvest is second. What really made Lei Dao feel very important was the battle between him and the two saint incarnations.

That is the incarnation of a saint!

In fact, Lei Dao has already made sufficient preparations. He still has the rare treasure of the lost world, and he is even prepared to use the black coffin to fight for his life as a last resort.

However, to Lei Dao's surprise, none of the hole cards he prepared were used.

The magical treasure of the lost world is useless.

The black coffin was also useless.

It seems a little too easy to crush the two incarnations of saints into fine powder after only using the realm within the body, seventy-five times the realm.

Even now, Lei Dao felt a little unbelievable that he actually crushed the incarnation of the saint, and only by relying on the power of the realm in his body.

Even if Lei Dao's inner body realm has reached seventy-five times, but it has not reached hundreds of times, how can it be so strong?

Or, why is the saint so weak?

"No, it shouldn't be that the saints are weak, but that the saints didn't use their real power, they were careless!"

There was a flash of light in Lei Dao's eyes.

He also vaguely understood that the reason why he was able to kill the saint's incarnation should be because of the saint's carelessness. Moreover, his internal body domain has another advantage, that is isolation!

Lei Dao's inner body realm cuts off the connection between the incarnation of the saint and the ancient continent. The incarnation of the saint cannot be blessed by the power of the ancient continent, so he was killed by Lei Dao.

Otherwise, even if Lei Dao is ten times and a hundred times stronger, it is impossible to kill the saint incarnation.

"It seems that I have been right to insist on expanding the internal realm. The internal realm is a means of protecting the way, and we must always maintain a strong means of protecting the way. Therefore, the internal realm must continue to expand."

Lei Dao's heart became more determined to continue to expand the internal domain.

Of course, whether it is the realm in the body or the blood of the ancestors, it must be strengthened, so a lot of lifespan is required.

Therefore, Lei Dao took out all the life-prolonging treasures obtained from Julei Mountain this time.

There are many treasures, and there is a thunder pool.

Although this thunder pond cannot provide vitality to Lei Dao, it can nourish many life treasures, and it can be regarded as a very rare treasure.

Of course, Lei Dao is inclined to sell Lei Chi, but he has to take his time, he has too many treasures, and there are quite a few trading quotas for Hualongchi alone.

If Lei Chi is added, Lei Dao is really afraid that he will not be able to sell it. After all, the life-extending treasures collected by the masters of the Ming Realm are limited, and Lei Dao has too many treasures to buy.

Therefore, Lei Dao can only wait.

The most direct ones are life-extending treasures, as long as they are refined, they can increase their lifespan.

Therefore, Lei Dao began to refine these treasures.

The three top aspirants of Julei Mountain are innate gods and demons. They were born from the beginning of the era, and they were already aspirants at the beginning of the era. Therefore, the time of existence is very long.

How huge are the treasures accumulated over such a long period of time?

Even if it's just a life-extending treasure, it's terrifying.

Now Lei Dao feels hearty. He is refining a large number of life-extending treasures, and his lifespan is also increasing crazily.

One billion years, five billion years, 10 billion years, 15 billion years, 20 billion years...

Lei Dao felt that he underestimated Julei Mountain and the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain. These three innate gods and demons have such a deep background that even Lei Dao feels that they are no worse than saints.

Even if he just refined all the life-extending treasures, it took him a few days.

You know, with the absorption speed of the ancestor of Lei Dao's divine body, it is very terrifying. It takes a few days to refine life-extending treasures, and the harvest is definitely not small!

"108 billion years!"

Lei Dao was extremely amazed.

This is the increased lifespan after he refined all the life-extending treasures in Julei Mountain.

If you add the previous hundreds of years of lifespan, Lei Dao's lifespan now reaches 142 billion years!

This is an extremely terrifying number!

With a lifespan of more than 140 billion years, Lei Dao suddenly became rich again.

With so many lifespans, Lei Dao's first thought was naturally to strengthen the blood of the ancestors.

In order to increase the blood of the ancestors, then Lei Dao needs top blood or powerful blood. As for the ordinary blood, Lei Dao has already tried it once, unless it is a last resort and the blood cannot be found.

Otherwise, Lei Dao would no longer use ordinary blood, that would be a waste of life.

Even though Lei Dao seems to have a long lifespan now, his lifespan is not caused by strong winds. Every time he gains his lifespan, he has gone through untold hardships.

This time, he directly fought against the saint, and only then did he gain such a lifespan, which must not be wasted.

Only top bloodlines or powerful bloodlines, in that way, can be integrated into the ancestor bloodlines, which can also save a lot of lifespan.

But, where can I find the top bloodline or powerful bloodline?

"Wait, those three corpses..."

Lei Dao's heart moved, and he thought that there were three corpses in the inner realm, which were the corpses of the three top aspirants obtained from Julei Mountain.

That is an innate god and demon!

At the beginning of the Era, the demon who had become an aspirant had a bloodline of the thunder attribute in his body, and it must be a very powerful bloodline.

If the blood of the three innate gods and demons can be obtained, then maybe the top blood or powerful blood that Lei Dao wants will be done.

Therefore, Lei Dao immediately took the three corpses out of the inner realm.

The three corpses still looked intact on the outside, but they didn't have any vitality.

As for blood, Lei Dao didn't know if they still had blood in their bodies.


Without any hesitation, Lei Dao immediately began to refine the blood in the three corpses. Although they are corpses, they are three innate gods and demons, and they are top aspirants. Their corpses are well preserved. Their vitality has just disappeared, but their physical bodies are still very strong, and they have not rotted for hundreds of millions of years.

Even if ordinary aspirants attack, I am afraid that it will have no effect on the corpse.

Although this also increases the difficulty for Lei Dao to refine the blood veins, it is enough to prove that they have blood veins in their bodies, and it just takes a little time.

As time passed, gradually, Lei Dao really felt the blood in the three corpses.

There is indeed a bloodline, and there are three kinds of bloodlines!

Although the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain are often together, even from the beginning of their birth, and they all have innate divine thunder, in fact, the three are also very different.

At least, their bloodlines are different.

Not only are their bloodlines different, but their paths to sainthood are also different.

This is good news for Lei Dao, at least, he can get three kinds of blood, but Lei Dao is not sure whether these three kinds of blood are top blood or powerful blood.

The only way to know is to actually try it.

It took Lei Dao several days to finally obtain three bloodlines from the three corpses.

Even if there is only a little bit of blood, it is enough for Lei Dao. After all, Lei Dao can use supernatural powers to directly enhance these three bloods until they are perfect, and then merge into the blood of the ancestor.

"Try with one bloodline first."

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he chose one of the bloodlines, and began to integrate into the divine body.

Lei Dao's divine body is already familiar with absorbing these bloodlines, so it quickly refined this bloodline.

Afterwards, Lei Dao directly began to consume the lifespan increase.


A lot of lifespan began to be consumed, and Lei Dao felt a lot of life force passing away, but the bloodline he chose grew rapidly, from entry to small success, and finally to perfection!

Lei Dao could clearly feel that this bloodline was actually very strong, and even vaguely gave Lei Dao a prediction.

He felt that maybe this kind of blood was really important.

It is very likely to be the top bloodline!

The continuous consumption of lifespan, in the end, a full 29 billion years of lifespan was consumed, and this bloodline was raised to perfection. This made Lei Dao happy.

With a lifespan of less than 30 billion years, it has been promoted to the state of perfection.

This is definitely not a powerful bloodline.

If it is a powerful bloodline, it is impossible to spend so much lifespan.

Therefore, it is very likely to be the top bloodline!

However, whether it is the top bloodline or not depends on the situation after merging into the ancestor bloodline.


The next moment, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and immediately integrated the blood of the perfect state into the blood of the ancestor.


Lei Dao was shocked, and then, a familiar feeling filled his heart.


His ancestor blood is boiling!

This feeling couldn't be more familiar. This is a characteristic that only appears when the ancestor's bloodline transforms. Once it starts to transform, it means that the ancestor's bloodline has improved again.

Seven percent!

At this moment, the blood of the ancestor reached 7%!

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