Longevity Species

Chapter 975 You are all deceived, the saint incarnation is really weak! (first update)

"Paper tiger?"

The soul-swallowing patriarch's gaze was very strange.

However, the ancestor Tunling who knew Lei Dao wisely didn't speak, but lowered his head silently. Anyway, just listen to Lei Dao's words, he won't take it seriously.

"Master, Lord Qinglian and Lord Bull Demon are here to visit."

"Senior sister is here? Please hurry up."

Lei Dao immediately asked Patriarch Tunling to invite Lord Qinglian and Lord Bull Demon to come in.

Master Qinglian was in a hurry, and the first time she came to the cave, she looked Lei Dao up and down, her eyes were full of inconceivable amazement.

"Didn't you become the ancestor? Although it has changed a lot, it is indeed not the ancestor. How can you defeat the saint?"

Master Qinglian murmured in a low voice.

Lei Dao glanced at the Bull Demon Master, who shrugged his shoulders with a helpless expression. Apparently, Master Qinglian had already approached Master Bull Demon to understand the situation.

Know the "details" of Lei Dao.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he felt that he still underestimated the impact of this incident, Master Qinglian was in retreat, but they all came out, just to "take a look" at Lei Dao, which shows how huge this incident is Influence.

Lei Dao felt that he had to correct this idea.

Others' perceptions must be reversed, and the truth about the "sage" must be revealed!

"Senior Sister, you have all been deceived!"

Lei Dao said with a solemn expression.

"Have we been lied to?"

The master of Qinglian doesn't know why.

"Yes, you have all been deceived by the saint, and so is the bull demon master. I did kill two saint incarnations, but in fact, I can tell you clearly that the two saint incarnations are really weak, even powerful That is the level of a top aspirant. If there are other top aspirants who dare to make a move, then the incarnation of the saint can also be killed."

"The reason why I haven't heard that the top aspirant kills the incarnation of the saint is because the saint is high above, who would dare to provoke the saint? One incarnation is not enough, then ten or a hundred incarnations, no matter how strong the aspirant is. There is only one dead end. What's more, the saint incarnation is divided into ordinary incarnation, main battle incarnation and saint real body."

"I only killed ordinary incarnations, even the weakest ordinary incarnations. Believe me, if you also have the strength of top aspirants, as long as you have the courage to attack the saint, then you can also kill the saint incarnation!"

Lei Dao swears, with a very firm look.

However, Master Bull Demon, Master Qinglian, and even Patriarch Tunling all had "indifferent" expressions.

Lei Dao felt very strange.

Don't they believe his explanation so hard?

"You don't believe it?"

"Believe it, of course we believe it!"

"That's right, we believe Brother Lei's words. However, we are not top aspirants, and we cannot confirm Brother Lei's words."

"No matter what, the younger brother killed the incarnation of the saint. This is the first time in the history of the entire ancient continent."

Lei Dao looked at the three people in front of him, even the ancestor Tunling, don't look at a humble and respectful look, but in fact, Lei Dao can also see that the ancestor Tunling doesn't believe his words.

Lei Dao couldn't help feeling very tired.

What happened to this world?

What he said is really true, why no one believes it?

Anyway, in his opinion, the incarnations of Saint Yi and Lingzu Saint are indeed vulnerable, at most they are at the level of top aspirants, and they are not much stronger.

Any top aspirant can probably be killed.

Of course, maybe Lei Dao also forgot.

Saints entrust the void with their primordial spirits, and can mobilize the power of the ancient continent.

With the support of such a steady stream of power, how to kill the incarnation of the saint?

Therefore, no matter whether it is Master Qinglian, Master Bull Demon, or even Patriarch Tunling, they just listen to it. If they really believe in Lei Dao's words and challenge the authority of the saint, they will really seek their own death.

"Brother Lei, now Pancheng, no, the entire Desolate Ancient Continent is shaking. You became famous in the first battle. Now everyone knows that you are the Lord of Thunder. You are more famous than the ancestors and saints."

The Bull Demon Lord said with a smile.

"Being more famous than the saint and the ancestor?"

Raidou shook his head.

He has always wanted to keep a low profile, so it doesn't matter if he has such a reputation.

With such a great reputation, it would be very difficult for Lei Dao to go out and "earn some money". However, there is not much that Lei Dao can do. The matter of Julei Mountain is currently in the fermentation stage, and it is really inappropriate for Lei Dao to show up.

I heard that even many saints are very interested in Lei Dao.

Especially in Julei Mountain, Lei Dao's "illusion technique", incarnate as the king of demons, even the two saints can't see it, it's even more miraculous. There is no guarantee that no saint will be tempted.

Although Lei Dao killed the two incarnations of the saints, they were just very ordinary incarnations. If the saints were prepared, or paid a little more attention, it would be impossible for Lei Dao to handle it.

Lei Dao is not arrogant enough to think that he can really fight against the saint.


Suddenly, the entire cave seemed to be imprisoned, and a huge pressure came.

Whether it was the Bull Demon Master, Qinglian Master, or even Lei Dao, their expressions changed slightly.

Soon, a figure appeared in the cave.

Seeing this figure, Master Qinglian and Lei Dao were very surprised, and hurriedly saluted: "Master, why are you here?"

"Meet the ancestor!"

The bull demon master's heart shuddered, the figure in front of him was the ancestor Kong!

In Pancheng, even the ancestor Pan seldom showed up, let alone the ancestor Kong who sat in the dark world, and the master who could see the ancestor Kong was even rarer.

But now, the ancestor Kong appeared, and came directly from the dark world to the ancient continent, and came to Lei Dao's cave.

The ancestor Kong nodded and said: "Leidao, I heard about you as a teacher, so I came here specially for you."

"Come here for your disciples?"

Lei Dao thought for a while, and it seemed that only the matter of Julei Mountain would alarm Master Zukong, but, in Lei Dao's view, this was just a trivial matter, how could it alarm Master?

However, Lei Dao immediately welcomed the master into the secret room, and let Master Qinglian and Bull Demon Master wait outside. After all, the ancestor Kong came to Lei Dao, there must be something important.

In the secret room, Lei Dao sat upright with a solemn expression.

Ancestor Kong looked deeply at Lei Dao, and finally, Ancestor Kong slowly said: "Disciple, you are very good! You can kill the saint's clone, even as a teacher, I didn't expect it. If I didn't guess Wrong, it should be the credit of the domain in your body, right?"

"It's still the master who knows clearly."

Lei Dao nodded without denying it.

Master is worthy of being the first ancestor, and he saw the key at a glance.

Lei Dao killed the saint's clone, but the outside world didn't know the inside story. Even the master of the bull demon didn't know, but the ancestor Kong explained the key point in one word, which shows that he has a very good understanding of Lei Dao.

"It can only be like this. You didn't pay much attention to your world practice system before as a teacher. Now it seems that you have to re-evaluate your world practice system."

The ancestor Kong's eyes flickered with brilliance.

Ancestor Kong knew the world's practice system, and he even knew that the world's practice system was not perfect. In the eyes of the ancestor Kong, it is already very good to be able to cultivate to the level of the Great Master.

Achievement ancestor?

Don't even think about it.

Not to mention an imperfect practice system, even if it is a perfect practice system, no one dares to say that he can achieve the ancestor.

But Lei Dao's world practice system is so strong in combat power that it can kill the saint's clone, which is extraordinary.

"Master, in fact, the saint avatar seems to be very weak, and ordinary top aspirants can be killed. But senior sister and others don't seem to believe it."

Lei Dao is also a little "sorrowful".

He really felt that the saint incarnation was not as strong as the rumors said.

The ancestor Kong nodded and said: "You are right, the power of the incarnation of an ordinary saint is indeed not much different from that of a top aspirant."

"Master trusts me?"


Lei Dao felt very "moved". Finally, someone believed his words. He had been telling the truth, telling the truth, but no one believed him.

It wasn't until the appearance of the master ancestor Kong that Lei Dao felt that someone believed him.

The ancestor Kong said with a smile that was not a smile: "Of course I believe in you as a teacher, but you killed the incarnation of the saint not only because of the top aspirant. If it is other top aspirants, it is impossible to kill the incarnation of the saint. After you So being able to kill the incarnation of the saint should be related to the fact that your internal body has cut off the connection between the incarnation of the saint and the ancient continent."

"Isolated the connection between the saint's incarnation and the ancient continent?"

Lei Dao was thoughtful.

He also vaguely understood that the true strength of a saint lies in his ability to draw on the continuous power of the ancient continent. So even if it is just the most common incarnation of a saint, its power level is not much stronger than that of a top aspirant, but it can easily kill a top aspirant.

Lei Dao's success is based on the "isolation" of the inner body domain.

"However, your world practice system can't be promoted. Think about it, how many opportunities have you experienced to expand the inner body domain to this point? Everything about you cannot be copied."

Raidou nodded.

It is too difficult for him to practice!

Being able to reach the current eighty-five times the realm, Lei Dao even did not hesitate to face the incarnation of the saint head-on, which shows how difficult his practice is.

And what about the other questioners?

At least so far, Lei Dao is the only inquirer of the world's practice system.

As for the internal body realm of the Great Master, it is very good to be able to reach ten times, and no one has even been able to achieve it. Who can replicate the miracle of Lei Dao?

Therefore, only Lei Dao can do this.

"Then Master, why are you here this time?"

Lei Dao was a little puzzled.

Master is not for his world practice system, so what is the purpose of descending from the dark world this time?

The dignified ancestor, Lei Dao doesn't think it is necessary for the master to come in person.

"The reason why I am a teacher is for you to deceive Saint Yi and Lingzu Saint's illusion in Julei Mountain! Disciple, what method did you use to transform into the king of demons and even deceive two saints?"

The ancestor Kong stared at Lei Dao closely with sharp eyes, and the atmosphere in the whole secret room suddenly became solemn.

ps: Lao Yue participated in the starting point campaign, please click on the event page, go to like and support Lao Yue, thank you Lao Yue!

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