Longevity Species

Chapter 976 Master, don't leave, as long as you have a little blood (second update)

"Master, is this important?"

"Very important!"

The atmosphere between the two was a bit dignified, but Lei Dao shook his head and said softly: "It's actually very simple. I just got a strange treasure. With this strange treasure, I was able to deceive the two saints."

After all, Lei Dao flipped his hand, and a mysterious treasure appeared.

"Different treasure?"

The ancestor Kong's eyes flickered, and he stared closely at the mysterious treasure in Lei Dao's hand, but he couldn't see what kind of treasure it was. But as Lei Dao activated the magical treasure of the Maze World, suddenly, the Maze World gradually enveloped the body of the ancestor Kong.

"This kind of power is not too strong, but it's unheard of. It's not the power of the Ming Realm, nor the power of the Ancient Continent, and it doesn't even belong to our world!"

Ancestor Kong's expression changed slightly.

As the ancestor, and also the ancestor who has experienced the catastrophe of the seven epochs, how could he not know the particularity of this power? It is not the power of the Ming Realm at all.

Even with Lei Dao's reminder, knowing the existence of the power of the maze, Ancestor Kong still couldn't see through the power of the maze. If he didn't know in advance, he might ignore this power just like the previous two saints.

"Master, what do you mean by not being the power of this world? Could it be that there are other worlds?"

Lei Dao had some guesses in his heart.

In fact, Lei Dao has always felt that the power of the lost world may belong to the power of another world. The corpse in the black coffin is also a life from another world, but this is only his speculation.

Lei Dao couldn't be sure whether there was a foreign world, or a foreign power.

However, the master's ancestor, Kong, should know that the master who has gone through seven eras of catastrophe must know far more secrets than Lei Dao.

The ancestor Kong's expression was a bit complicated. He pondered for a while, and finally said slowly: "It's okay to tell you, you can kill the incarnation of the saint, and you should know these secrets. In fact, this is just our speculation. Many The sages and ancestors believed that our world, the bright world, the dark world, and the barren ancient continent should be one, which can be called one world. There may be other worlds outside our world, but there is no evidence. No one has ever left this world, or seen life from other worlds, it's just speculation."

"Of course, there must be some other evidence or clues for such a speculation. Your mysterious treasure should be a treasure from another world. Its power is not too strong, but it is very different from the power of our world, so Only then will you hide it from the saints and ancestors. It’s not a big deal, and you don’t have to worry about being robbed by the ancestors. If you have a teacher, no saints or ancestors will dare to fight you.”

First Ancestor Kong said every word and every word firmly.

He is still protecting his weaknesses, and he doesn't really want to snatch the mysterious treasures in Lei Dao's hands. For the ancestors, as long as the treasures have no effect on surviving the great calamity of the era, they will have no effect.

What's more, this is a treasure that Lei Dao obtained by chance, so Ancestor Kong would not try to snatch it.

On the contrary, the first ancestor Kong was very relieved. This shows that Lei Dao does have great luck, and he can even obtain treasures from other worlds. Doesn't this prove Lei Dao's luck?

Luck, that is a mysterious power that even saints and ancestors could not figure out.

"Thank you, Master!"

When Lei Dao heard Master's assurance, he was also relieved.

So what if he offended the four saints?

He is also a practitioner with a background and backing, not a rootless duckweed. He has the backing of his master, the ancestor Kong, who would dare to do anything to him?

After all, the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations, in the entire Ming Realm or the Desolate Ancient Continent, belongs to the peak powerhouse, and no one wants to offend easily.

"Master, are alien treasures important?"

Lei Dao could also feel that the master came so far away specifically for the exotic treasure of the lost world, which must mean that the alien treasure is very strong, and the master must have guessed something, so he came here specially.

The ancestor Kong said with a smile: "Of course it is important. For a saint or ancestor, the most important thing is to survive the catastrophe of the era. But it is difficult to survive the catastrophe of the era. Many saints or ancestors are difficult to survive, and finally turned into flying Ashes, completely fallen. Since the era is difficult to survive, then many saints and ancestors thought of finding another way, using other methods?"

"For example, the Great Tribulation of the Era only wreaked havoc in the Bright Realm, the Dark Realm, and the Ancient Continent. What if you left this world and went to another world? Wouldn't you be able to escape the Great Tribulation of the Era? That's why treasures from other worlds are so important. , Many saints or ancestors wanted to find a way to leave this world and enter another world based on the treasures from the other world."

After hearing Master's explanation, Lei Dao suddenly realized that everything was understood.

And, even he would think so.

Since you can't handle the Great Tribulation of the Era, then dodge it. As long as you leave this world, you can avoid the catastrophe of the era, which may be the best way.

However, it is obviously difficult for saints or ancestors to leave this world, or in other words, they have not yet found a way to leave this world. Otherwise, Master wouldn't be carrying it to the Eighth Epoch Tribulation.

"Master, have you found a way to leave this world now?"

"It's hard to say whether there is another world, who can leave? But there is a way, there is indeed a source point channel, but so far, all the saints or ancestors who entered the source point channel have fallen."


"That's right, the sage Xi entered the source channel and fell, so no one dares to enter the source channel again."

There was a storm in Lei Dao's heart.

He naturally remembered the sage Xi, a phantom of the sage Xi back then, and used Lei Dao's luck to deduce the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era, but he did not expect the sage Xi to enter the source channel and fall.

That's a saint!

As long as the ancient continent is not destroyed, then the saint will not die, and only the great calamity of the era can make the saint fall. But now, the master ancestor Kong said that the sage Xi fell because he entered the source channel.

It's no wonder that no sage or ancestor dared to enter the source channel.

"If you can really find another world and leave this world, it will be a happy thing for the saint and the ancestor."

"Yes, everyone is indeed happy. But, how difficult is it to find the other world? It is too difficult to know the way to the other world."

The ancestor Kong shook his head, he had no hope at all.

Lei Dao's heart moved slightly.

From the sporadic memories in the black coffin, he vaguely knew that there should be another world, after all, even life from another world was still lying in the black coffin. He even knew that the black coffin came from another world, so since he could enter this world, there should be a way to leave it.

It's just not found.

If it can be found, both the saint and the first ancestor will be happy, and no one will hide it, because there is no benefit in hiding it.

Therefore, although the sages and ancestors wanted to obtain this alien treasure, their ultimate goal was to leave this world so as to escape the catastrophe of the era.

Of course, these are matters that the ancestors and saints care about, but Lei Dao doesn't care.

He didn't even achieve the first ancestor, why should he care about the other world?

Anyway, even if the Epoch Tribulation comes, as long as he becomes the first ancestor, Lei Dao will be able to survive at least the first Epoch Tribulation, so Lei Dao doesn't care about things in other worlds.

It's just that he has a treasure from another world, so he can be a little careful.

"Master, I offended the four saints, will it really be all right?"

After a long time, Lei Dao asked cautiously again.

Although Master sincerely invited him, he still took the initiative to speak out about offending the four saints, at least to let Master have a bottom line in his heart, so as not to be caught off guard in the future.

"Four saints..."

The corner of the ancestor Kong's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Lei Dao with complicated feelings in his heart.

He suddenly discovered that Lei Dao could really cause trouble.

Even if he recruited so many disciples, all the disciples added together seemed to be far less capable of causing trouble than Lei Dao.

How did Lei Dao, a master, offend the four saints?

Moreover, the ancestor Kong somewhat "admired" Lei Dao for offending the four saints and being able to live well.

However, the first ancestor Kong just boasted about Haikou, and now he can't be cowardly. Therefore, the ancestor Kong had a calm expression, and said lightly: "Don't worry, disciple, let alone four saints, even forty saints are nothing, I will support you as a teacher."

"Thank you, Master!"

Why does Lei Dao always feel that Master's tone is not so firm?

Maybe it was an illusion, but Lei Dao didn't think too much about it. Anyway, with the words of Master, he felt relieved.

"By the way, the catastrophe of the era may come earlier, so there is not much time left for you."

"The Great Tribulation of the Era is coming early?"

Lei Dao's heart trembled.

What is the purpose of his hard work?

Nature is the ancestor of achievement!

If you don't become the first ancestor, you will never survive the catastrophe of the era.

Originally, I thought that the Great Tribulation of the Era was still early, and there was still a long time to go, but now it seems that the Great Tribulation of the Era may come early at any time, and there is not much time for Lei Dao.

"Master, this disciple needs some powerful bloodlines recently. As the first ancestor, Master, his bloodlines must be very strong. Can you ask Master to give up some bloodlines and let the disciples study it?"

"You want to be the blood of the teacher?"

Ancestor Kong's face darkened.

This is to dig out his old background, he is not dead yet, Lei Dao actually wants to study his blood?

Can bloodlines be researched casually?

This is the root of the ancestors!

Once it is obtained by other ancestors and saints, the consequences will be disastrous.

The ancestor Kong Ke still wanted to give it a try in the Eighth Epoch Tribulation, even if the chance of passing it was not great, he could still give it a try after all.

Now that the bloodline is given to Lei Dao for research, isn't that exposing his old background?

"Before the teacher dies, don't even think about it..."

The ancestor Kong flicked his sleeves, and the whole person disappeared without a trace in an instant. He had obviously left the ancient continent and returned to the dark world.

"Master, don't leave, as long as you have a little blood..."

Raidou was disappointed.

After all, the master is still unwilling. It is almost impossible to obtain the blood of the ancestor.

Could it be that Lei Dao really wants to play the ancestor's idea?

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