Longevity Species

Chapter 978: Taking Saints as Stepping Stones! (first update)

"Holy phrase?"

"The saint has come again. Is this to take away Luming Valley?"

"Fountain of life, the saint also likes it?"

An incarnation of a sage came to Luming Valley, and it was the incarnation of the sage sentence.

With the arrival of the saint, there was a lot of discussion among the people. However, some aspirants and top aspirants looked at the incarnation of the saint, although they were still very respectful, but they seemed to have no fear of the past.

Sheng Renju glanced at him, and he also couldn't see through Lei Dao's maze, so he didn't discover Lei Dao's true identity. The purpose of Shengren Habitat is obviously Luming Valley.

Therefore, the sage said calmly: "The Luming Valley is owned by the sage. From now on, everyone, whether it is the ruler, the emperor, or the aspirant, leave immediately. Otherwise, the sage will clean up the entire Luming It's gone!"

"What? Shengrenju really wants to dominate the entire Luming Valley."

"That's the manifestation of the Dao of Life, what a rare opportunity, how could the saints do this?"

"The saints don't have much effect on the avenue of manifestation, why must they dominate?"

"I waited so hard for such an opportunity to take a step further on my path to becoming a saint, but now the sage sentence wants to stop us from going any further."

Some aspirants were already a little angry.

The manifestation of the Dao actually has no effect on the saint. But for those great emperors or aspirants, it has a huge effect, and it even matters whether they can become saints in the future.

The sage sentence is too overbearing!

If it was before, no matter how domineering the sage sentence was, he was a sage after all, a sage with a lofty status, no one would question him, even if he was dissatisfied, no one would dare to show it.

But it's different now.

The last time Lei Dao killed the incarnation of the saint, the impact was too great.

Especially the impact on many top aspirants is even greater.

Lei Dao is also a top aspirant, he can kill the incarnation of a saint, so can other top aspirants!

Therefore, some top aspirants are very dissatisfied with the sage sentence, and even feel a little ready to move.

Facing the saints, they are no longer lambs to be slaughtered.

They can also resist!

Also have the ability to say "no".

Lei Dao frowned, he was also hesitating in his heart, should he make a move?

However, the incarnation of the saint in front of him seemed to be stronger than the incarnation of the saint Yi last time. It was not an ordinary incarnation, at least it could maintain the average level of the ordinary incarnation of the saint.

But Lei Dao has already offended the four saints, if he makes another move this time, wouldn't he offend the five saints?

Lei Dao is also under a lot of pressure!

But if he ignored it, he would have to leave Luming Valley. So many fountains of life can no longer be obtained, and it is simply a waste to fall into the hands of sages.

How many fountains of life did Lei Dao get?

too little!

There is not even a lifespan of 100 billion years, and the harvest is too little.

Just when Lei Dao was in a dilemma and hesitated, suddenly, a figure stood up.

"Your Majesty Shengrenju, are you being too overbearing to take Luming Valley away?"


Following the sound of this strange voice, countless eyes all focused on this figure.

This is a top inquirer, even a famous top inquirer.

This is Emperor Kuntian!

Emperor Kuntian is a very old top aspirant, and has defeated several other top aspirants, and belongs to the best among the top aspirants!

As soon as he appeared, there was an uproar.

After all, what Emperor Kuntian was facing directly was a sage sentence, even if it was just an incarnation, it was still a real sage!

Moreover, this is questioning the saint!

The saint is supreme, the saint is supreme, the saint is great!

Who dares to question the saint?

Not even top aspirants can.

Once upon a time, no one dared to question the saint.

But now?

Emperor Kuntian actually questioned the words of the saint, and even faced the saint directly. For a moment, many people's eyes flickered, and many thoughts flashed in their minds.

"Emperor Kuntian is going to face the anger of Saint Ju?"

"Emperor Kuntian wants to challenge the saint."

"The Thunder Dao of the Ming Realm can kill the incarnation of a saint, so can't Emperor Kuntian?"

"Yes, Lei Dao can kill the incarnation of the saint, which means that the incarnation of the saint is nothing more than that. The reason why the saint is powerful is that there are many incarnations. If there is only one incarnation, the top aspirant can also kill it. What's more, Kuntian The emperor is one of the oldest top aspirants, and his strength is very powerful."

"What practitioners in the Ming Realm can do, our Great Emperor of the Ancient Continent can do the same!"

"If a sage wants to monopolize Luming Valley, then we naturally cannot sit still. Luming Valley belongs to all our gods and demons!"

For a moment, many great emperors and aspirants were full of momentum, looking at Emperor Kuntian, even with a hint of anticipation.

They expected that Emperor Kuntian would also create miracles like Lei Dao, destroy the incarnation of the saint, and break the myth of the invincibility of the saint.

In fact, Emperor Kuntian did think so.

When he heard that Lei Dao killed the incarnation of the saint, he was very shocked. He is one of the oldest top aspirants in the ancient continent. He has defeated several top aspirants, and his strength is so strong that he has even reached the point where he cannot advance.

It's just that you can't become a saint for a long time.

Since Lei Dao can kill the incarnation of the saint, why can't he do it?

Therefore, when Shengrenju wanted to dominate Luming Valley, and was arrogant and unreasonable, Emperor Kuntian was completely angry. He even did not hesitate to face Shengrenju, wanting to kill the incarnation of Shengrenju, and achieve his supreme reputation as Emperor Kuntian!

As for the saint's revenge, Emperor Kuntian actually didn't care.

Although Emperor Kuntian is not a saint, he still has the backing of a saint. When the time comes, the saint will really insist on sending more avatars to hunt him down, and Emperor Kuntian will return to his hometown in the worst case.

At that time, the saint behind him will naturally negotiate with the saint.

Therefore, Emperor Kuntian is not afraid of sage sentences.

"Are you provoking the majesty of the saint?"

Sheng Renju swept his gaze, and he also saw the subtle changes in the expressions of the other great emperors.

Obviously, Shengrenju knew what Emperor Kuntian was thinking immediately.

This is provocation!

A provocation to a dignified saint.

"If His Majesty Shengrenju insists on dominating Luming Valley, then consider me a provocation."

Emperor Kuntian straightened his body, and said neither humble nor overbearing, his tone seemed very calm.

"Okay, okay, what a great Emperor Kuntian! Do you really think it's all thunder, and you can ignore the majesty of the saint?"

The saint laughed out of anger.

These great emperors are crazy, even the top aspirants are crazy.

How dare they provoke the majesty of the saint?

At this time, the sage sentences were a little "blaming" the sage Yi and the Lingzu sage.

How could the two majestic saints be killed by Lei Dao?

Up to now, many top aspirants in the ancient continent are ready to move. It seems that the majesty of the saints has been challenged. Those top aspirants have far less respect for the saints than before.

"We are only fighting for our own rights! Even saints cannot deprive us of the right to practice, we also want to be holy!"

Emperor Kuntian said firmly.

At this moment, he seemed to be blessed with countless powers. He seems to have felt the respect of countless gods and demons and great emperors, and now he represents all gods and demons, all top aspirants.

He wants to fight for a right from the saint!

The right to practice!

The right to sanctification!

They also want to be holy, Lu Minggu, they must not just give the saint a monopoly, so he has to resist!

"Okay, I will give you the right to be holy, as long as you can resist!"

Sheng Renju's eyes were cold, and there was even a trace of killing intent emanating from his body. He has now completely launched a murderous plan against Emperor Kuntian. If Emperor Kuntian wants to be the first bird, then he must resolutely destroy him!

The majesty of the saint cannot be violated!

"Today, I will kill the incarnation of the saint, and use my supreme faith to attack my path of saint!"

Emperor Kuntian was full of fighting spirit.

Even his belief has been solidified quickly, and the path of sainthood above his head is suddenly wide open, and it seems to be vaguely expanding. This is his faith inspired to the extreme.

It is determined that he kills the saint, and then he can completely broaden the path of the saint, and even become a saint!

Therefore, this battle is not only for Luming Valley, but also for being able to become a saint!

Emperor Kuntian wants to use the sage sentence as a stepping stone to become a sage. Don't say whether you can succeed or not, this courage is admirable.

"Awesome, amazing, worthy of being one of the oldest top aspirants. Is this to use the sage as a stepping stone to become a sage with supreme courage and determination?"

Lei Dao was also filled with emotion.

He admires this kind of person very much. It is really amazing to have such great perseverance and determination to use saints as stepping stones. Lei Dao asked himself, he would never be able to do this step by himself.

Anyway, he couldn't use the ancestor as a stepping stone.

What are you kidding?

Taking the ancestors as stepping stones?

Lei Dao didn't even dare to think about it.

Even if he is a saint, Lei Dao is still careful and careful, usually it is too late to hide, how dare he take the initiative to provoke? And still use the saint as a stepping stone, such courage, Lei Dao is far behind.

Not only Lei Dao, but also the other top aspirants in Luming Valley were stunned and even very excited.

They seemed to see their shadows on the body of Emperor Kuntian.

They are also top aspirants. If Emperor Kuntian can succeed, it will be an unimaginable gospel for them.

Perhaps, there is hope for their sanctification!

Taking a saint as a stepping stone, only a strong man like Emperor Kuntian would have such courage.

"Emperor Kuntian may start an era!"

"If Emperor Kuntian can succeed, he is destined to become a legend!"

"Emperor Kuntian has been the benchmark for us aspirants since then. To use a sage as a stepping stone, to become a sage, this is supreme courage..."

Everyone stared at Emperor Kuntian closely.

At this moment, there may still be countless beliefs that are pinned on Emperor Kuntian.

At this moment, the Great Emperor Kuntian was standing in the void, his whole body was boiling with fighting spirit, as if he was exuding an unbelievable light!

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