Longevity Species

Chapter 979 I feel like I can kill a saint? (Second more)


Seeing the fighting spirit on Emperor Kuntian's body, as well as that expression of looking down on all living beings, as if he was invincible, the eyes of the sages seemed to be looking at the mentally retarded.

He thought it was funny!

Since when can the saint be offended by the questioner?

Even, this aspirant still thinks he can challenge the saint?

Who gave Emperor Kuntian the courage to challenge the saint?

The sage felt that Emperor Kuntian was stupid. But whether Emperor Kuntian is stupid or not is not the concern of the saint. He only has one thought now, and that is to kill Emperor Kuntian and recast the supreme majesty of the saint!


The next moment, the world changed color.

From the void of the ancient continent, endless power suddenly descended. This is the power of the ancient continent, continuously blessed on this incarnation of the sage.

Immediately, the aura of this incarnation continued to rise.

Emperor Kuntian's expression changed.


Unparalleled pressure!

It even made Emperor Kuntian feel suffocated.

Saint, this is the saint!

Even if it's just an incarnation, it possesses irresistible power. Can the aspirant contend with this kind of power? Can it even kill the incarnation of a saint?

At this moment, Emperor Kuntian even felt a little shaken deep in his heart. He felt, how could the inquirer resist this kind of power? How could it be possible to kill the saint incarnation?

However, Emperor Kuntian quickly shook his head and adjusted his mentality.

"No, I can't have such discouraged thoughts. The aura of the saint sentence may be just a bluff, not to mention, so what if it is true? It's just an aura. If I really do it, it shouldn't be a problem for me to kill the incarnation of the saint... "

Emperor Kuntian summoned up his courage again.

He felt that this was the sage sentence putting pressure on him, but the other party was just bluffing.

Lei Dao can kill the incarnation of a saint, let alone Emperor Kuntian?

He didn't think he was worse than Lei Dao.

Moreover, to fight a decisive battle with a saint, one must have supreme courage and faith.

Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, Emperor Kuntian directly opened the road of saints above his head, and mobilized the road of saints to face the attack of saints with mighty power.

Emperor Kuntian mobilized the road of saints and slammed directly towards the incarnation of saint sentences.

This is a desperate effort!


The sage sneered, and his gaze became even colder and indifferent.

Usually, these top questioners are very rational. But why is it so crazy now?

Directly use the saint's path to collide with the saint's incarnation?

Does this mean that you have lived too long?

Or are you particularly confident in yourself?

Anyway, Shengrenju felt that Emperor Kuntian was crazy, but no matter whether the other party was crazy or not, since the other party wanted to die, then Shengrenju would naturally be fulfilled.

Therefore, the saint sentence mobilized the power of the ancient continent, and continuously blessed it on the incarnation. Immediately, the power of his saint incarnation surged again, and then he collided with the road of sainthood of Emperor Kuntian.


The next moment, the smile on Emperor Kuntian's face froze instantly.

Even his body stopped suddenly.

Emperor Kuntian's mighty road of saints, the road of saints exuding infinite momentum, after colliding with the incarnation of saints, it was like a block of tofu, without the slightest resistance, it was directly crushed by the power of saints Torn.


The Saint's Path collapsed completely!

And it collapsed rapidly in an irreversible way.

Emperor Kuntian seemed unable to believe his eyes.


Emperor Kuntian was roaring crazily, he couldn't believe it, and he would never believe it. How could his sage path collapse at the touch of a button? Not to mention killing the saint's incarnation, it didn't even hurt the saint's incarnation.

On the contrary, his path of sage collapsed immediately.

The collapse of the saint's path is almost the most fatal blow to the aspirant. The aura of Emperor Kuntian declined rapidly, and with the collapse of the path of sage, Emperor Kuntian's body also collapsed rapidly.

In almost a few breaths, Emperor Kuntian had disappeared without a trace.


Emperor Kuntian fell just like that!

Before, he was full of fighting spirit and looked down on all living beings, as if he was invincible.

But now, the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and as a result, he didn't even have a few breaths to hold on, and he fell completely.

This is the top questioner!

Today, even the incarnation of the saint is not a single enemy, and one blow cannot be blocked.

Could it be that Emperor Kuntian is a fake top aspirant?

"how so?"

"Emperor Kuntian is definitely the top aspirant. He has defeated several top aspirants, but how could Emperor Kuntian face the incarnation of Saint Judah so badly? beheaded."

"Emperor Kuntian wanted to use the saint as a stepping stone, but in the end he was self-defeating, but he himself fell."

"A saint is still a saint, and a questioner is still a questioner."

"Maybe, we were all wrong. It was Lei Dao who killed the incarnation of the saint, not all the top aspirants can kill the incarnation of the saint. Lei Dao is the only one who can kill the incarnation of the saint!"

Many rulers and great emperors were dumbfounded.

They saw that Emperor Kuntian's aura was like a rainbow, as if he could really kill the incarnation of a saint, and they even felt that Emperor Kuntian was expected to use the sentence of a saint as a stepping stone to become a saint.

But now?

The mighty Emperor Kuntian couldn't bear even a single blow.

For a moment, many people were dumbfounded, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

Only then did they understand that a saint is still a saint, still aloof, still supreme, supreme, and supreme, far beyond what the aspirant can compare.

Perhaps, beheading the incarnation of the saint can only be Lei Dao.


In fact, Lei Dao was also a little stunned when he saw this scene.

Emperor Kuntian died and turned into dust, leaving no trace of breath.

Lei Dao suddenly felt a little "guilty".

It seems that the death of Emperor Kuntian had a little something to do with him.

If it weren't for the uproar about his beheading of the saint's incarnation, would Emperor Kuntian dare to provoke the saint? He even wants to use saints as stepping stones to become saints.

It was Lei Dao who killed the incarnation of the saint and gave Emperor Kuntian courage.

"Hey, Emperor Kuntian is still not lucky enough. The incarnation of Saint Ju is very strong, much stronger than the incarnations of Saint Yi and Lingzu Saint. Emperor Kuntian, he died very unjustly!"

Lei Dao let out a long sigh.

He felt that Emperor Kuntian was really wronged.

This incarnation of Saint Ju is obviously very strong, and Emperor Kuntian wants to kill the incarnation of Saint Ju when he cannot isolate the connection between the ancient continent and the incarnation of Saint Ju?

too difficult!

almost impossible!

After all, the sage sentence can continuously mobilize the power of the ancient continent and bless the incarnation of the sage.

Facing such an incarnation of the sage, even Lei Dao was under a lot of pressure.

Lei Dao felt that even if he made a move, he might not be able to kill the incarnation of Saint Ju.

"Who else objects to Ben Sheng taking Luming Valley?"

With his hands behind his back, the sage stared coldly at the many masters, emperors, and those who asked.

Especially those top questioners!

All of them were inspired by Lei Dao before, and they didn't have much awe of the saint.

Now, with the fall of Emperor Kuntian, the sage wanted to see if anyone would dare to provoke the sage again?

The majesty of the saint, how can he be offended?

But those who offend will be killed without mercy!

This is the true majesty of a saint!

Lei Dao wanted to stand up, but he felt that his strength was still a bit weak.

However, Lei Dao also felt that it was a pity to give up so many fountains of life.

"Strength, I still need stronger strength to face this incarnation of Saint Ju."

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he already had a decision in his mind.


Lei Dao wants to upgrade the blood of the ancestors.

Lei Dao has always had a feeling that once the ancestor's bloodline increases to 10%, it will be 10%. At that time, some unexpected changes may occur in the ancestor's bloodline.

Before, Lei Dao's lifespan was not enough.

But now, Lei Dao has a lifespan of tens of billions of years, which is enough to improve the blood of the ancestors. What's more, he has collected three powerful bloods, which have already been prepared.

Name: Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 57 billion 10 million years

Inner world: eighty-five times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 9% (26 bloodlines complete)

Lei Dao mobilized his ability to check his current physical data, especially his lifespan.

His lifespan has increased to more than 50 billion years, an increase of 50 billion years.

It is enough to improve the blood of the ancestors.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and immediately began to cultivate three powerful bloodlines.

The first kind of blood, Lei Dao spent 10 billion years of life to cultivate it to perfection.

The second bloodline, Lei Dao, consumed 11 billion years of lifespan and cultivated it to perfection.

The third bloodline, Lei Dao, also consumed 11 billion years of lifespan to cultivate it to perfection.

The three powerful bloodlines consumed a total of 32 billion years of lifespan.

Lei Dao integrated these three bloodlines into the ancestor's bloodline.


The next moment, Lei Dao was shaken all over, and even his ancestor god body manifested involuntarily.


Lei Dao felt that his ancestral god body was reorganizing and then transforming.

And his ancestral bloodline finally increased from nine percent to ten percent.

This is 100% of the ancestor's blood!

Lei Dao's ancestor god body is rapidly transforming in a very peculiar way, and the ancestor blood in the body, after reaching 10%, seems to have completely "frozen".

Lei Dao had a faint feeling of "small success".

It seems that this ancestral bloodline can already exist "independently".


I don't know how long it took, Lei Dao's ancestor god body was also reorganized.

Lei Dao could feel that the body of his ancestor god had undergone earth-shaking changes. This reorganization was almost greater than the changes in his previous ten reorganizations.

He even felt that his ancestor's divine body really had the characteristics of the ancestor?

"I feel... as if I can kill a saint?"

Lei Dao shook hands, feeling the terrifying power in the body of the ancestor god, and muttered in a low voice.

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