Longevity Species

Chapter 983 Am I an Aspirant or an Ancestor? (third change)

"Phew...he's finally back."

In Pancheng, Lei Dao appeared, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief.


He is sure that Shengrenju must hate him so much that he even used the main battle avatar, otherwise, Lei Dao has always had a strong sense of threat lingering in his heart, and it must be the threat of Shengrenju.

Fortunately, it's back now.

Lei Dao felt safe only after returning to Pancheng.

Thinking about facing Saint Ju in Luming Valley, it is really terrible. If it is a little later, when Saint Ju lowers the main battle incarnation, then Lei Dao will die, and no one can save him.

Fortunately, Lei Dao was lucky this time.

"Uh... this time I planned to keep a low profile and stop offending the saint. I didn't expect to offend the saint in the end, and the offense was severe... so I have offended five saints?"

Lei Dao thought about it, why did he offend the five saints, but he didn't look anxious? Or is he already in debt?

Five saints or ten saints are meaningless to Lei Dao.

"Forget it, just offend if you offend. Anyway, there are not many saints."

Lei Dao returned to the cave and immediately entered the secret room.

The harvest this time is really huge.

First of all, Lei Dao's ancestor's blood has reached 10%, and his ancestor's body has also reached 10%. The Ancestral Divine Body is considered a small achievement, and Xiaocheng's Ancestral Divine Body has brought Lei Dao a qualitative leap.

He has the characteristics of the ancestor!

That is, certain characteristics of the ancestors, which made Lei Dao very special now.

Is he still the questioner now?

In terms of realm, Lei Dao is an aspirant. But according to his ancestor's divine body, Lei Dao is now superior to the inquirer, and already possesses some of the characteristics of the ancestor, can he still be regarded as an inquirer?

However, if you don't count as an aspirant, then Lei Dao is not the ancestor. At least Lei Dao is far worse than the ancestor. How could the real ancestor care about the incarnation of the saint?

Therefore, now Lei Dao is still far away from the ancestor.

"I have achieved the ancestor's divine body, and my divine body's endurance has also increased a lot, but the internal domain has fallen a bit too much. Next, I have to expand the internal domain."

Lei Dao had a decision in his mind.

The inner body realm is an indispensable means of protection.

Moreover, Lei Dao also now understands the importance of the realm in the body, especially when facing saints in the ancient continent, the realm in the body is really important.

It's not because of the strength. Lei Dao's internal realm is certainly very powerful, much stronger than many top aspirants, but compared to the incarnation of a saint, the power of Lei Dao's internal realm is actually not outrageous. , is still within the normal range.

But Lei Dao's inner body realm has a special effect, almost completely restraining the saint!

That is the "isolation" method of the inner body domain.

Once isolated by Lei Dao's inner body, the ordinary incarnation of the saint would no longer be able to sense the barren continent.

In that way, the saint will lose his greatest advantage, so Lei Dao can kill the incarnation of the saint again and again. On the other hand, Emperor Kuntian, isn't he strong?

No, Emperor Kuntian is actually very strong! He is the best among the top aspirants, but he lost so badly against the incarnation of the saint sentence, which was just an ordinary incarnation.

The reason is that Emperor Kuntian couldn't isolate the connection between the incarnation of the saint and the ancient continent, so he lost so badly. If the connection between the incarnation of the saint and the ancient continent cannot be cut off, then the battle with the incarnation of the saint is meaningless at all.

Unless the power can reach the level of the ancestor, it has the strength to crush the incarnation of ordinary saints.

But is it possible?

Lei Dao's internal body boundary can isolate the connection between the barren ancient continent and the incarnation of the saint. Lei Dao explored the root cause, and vaguely knew the reason.

Maybe it's Lei Dao's inner body realm, which is the reason for a world.

Although in terms of strength, size, etc., Lei Dao's inner body realm cannot be compared with the bright world, dark world, and barren ancient continent at all, and the two are completely two levels.

But in essence, Lei Dao's inner body realm is similar to the Ming Realm, the Dark Realm, and the Ancient Continent, and it is an independent world!

That's why Lei Dao's internal body boundary can isolate the connection between the saint and the ancient continent.

Of course, this is also limited.

For example, if there are too many saint incarnations, Lei Dao's inner body realm can't be suppressed, nor can it be completely isolated.

If it is the incarnation of the main battle, Lei Dao's inner body realm may not be effective.

Therefore, Lei Dao has to continue to increase the power of the realm in the body. If the realm in the body is not enough dozens of times, it will be hundreds of times!

"First refine all the fountain of life harvested this time."

Lei Dao began to refine the fountain of life in the inner realm, this time he brought back a lot of fountain of life, even moved back the entire Luming Valley.

Therefore, there are also many springs left in Luming Valley.

Lei Dao is refining rapidly.

One billion years, five billion years, ten billion years...

In a blink of an eye, Lei Dao's life span has increased by another 23 billion years.

This is the increased life span of all fountains of life after refining.

Lei Dao had increased his lifespan by tens of billions of years before, but he spent more than 30 billion years of lifespan to increase the bloodline of the ancestors to 10%, leaving 25 billion years of lifespan left.

Now another 23 billion years of lifespan have been added, and together, Lei Dao has another 48 billion years of lifespan!

A lifespan of 48 billion years may seem like a lot, but in fact, it can't even expand the ten-fold in vivo realm. Now Lei Dao's internal body boundary can be fully expanded to a hundred and fifteen times.

It just doesn't have enough lifespan.

Although there is no fountain of life, Lei Dao still has a more precious treasure, which is the treasure found in Luming Valley that can make the fountain of life gush.

The reason why the fountain of life gushes out is because of that treasure.

Lei Dao's consciousness was immersed in the inner realm, and he also came to Luming Valley. The fountain of life here has dried up, but there are still springs of life springing out.

In Luming Valley, Lei Dao did not dare to let go of refining, so the fountain of life can form a river.

But in Lei Dao's internal body, Lei Dao didn't have the slightest scruples, and directly let go of refining. As a result, the fountain of life in Luming Valley also dried up.

"What exactly is this treasure?"

Lei Dao's heart moved.

He thought before, take out the treasure first.

But now it seems, why take it out?

Now that the treasure is buried in the ground, the fountain of life can still gushes out one after another. What if the treasure is touched and the fountain of life no longer gushes out?

Or, once the treasure is moved, wouldn't it be a waste of effort if the treasure cannot be refined or converted into lifespan?

It would be great to be able to refine the fountain of life and transform the fountain of life into lifespan now. Let's be on the safe side first, refine the fountain of life and see how many days the fountain of life can gush out?

Therefore, Lei Dao quietly waited for the fountain of life to spew out slowly, and then he quickly refined it.

Lei Dao waited for another day, saw that the fountain of life was almost ready, so he refined it, and finally gained a lifespan of eight billion years.

This is the first day, but it is the second day and the third day.

The increased lifespan fluctuates, but it's generally between 8 billion and 10 billion years.

The fourth day, the fifth day, the sixth day...

As time goes by, the fountain of life seems to be endless, which is a good thing for Lei Dao, he hopes that the fountain of life can keep gushing.

It's best to spray it for a year or so, so that he doesn't have to worry about his lifespan, he can reach the sky in one step and become the first ancestor directly!

Of course, Lei Dao was just thinking about it.

In fact, he knew it was impossible.

Although the fountain of life has been gushing, after ten days, the speed of the fountain slowed down, and the amount of the fountain of life was also less.

Thirty days, thirty-one days, thirty-two days, thirty-three days...

In the end, the fountain of life gushed out for thirty-five days before it gradually disappeared, and finally disappeared without a trace, not a single drop of the fountain of life flowed out.

"there is none left?"

Lei Dao opened his eyes, still a little dazed.

Thirty-five days!

If the fountain of life with a lifespan of more than 20 billion years is not counted, then in the following thirty-five days, there are countless fountains of life refined by Lei Dao.

And in thirty-five days, his increased lifespan reached 212 billion!

That is a lifespan of more than 210 billion years, which is far greater than any harvest of Lei Dao.

Even Lei Dao, when he saw this number, his heart was full of excitement and excitement.

If you add the previous 48 billion years of lifespan, Lei Dao's current lifespan has reached a full 260 billion years!

"260 billion years of lifespan?"

Lei Dao was extremely amazed.

"There are so many springs of life, what kind of treasure is it?"

Lei Dao is even more curious now, what kind of treasure is buried under the ground of Luming Valley? It can actually increase the lifespan of more than 200 billion years, even far more than the lifespan increased by the seeds of life.

Previously, Lei Dao was afraid that taking out the treasure would be self-defeating and some unpredictable changes would occur.

But now, Luming Valley has no fountain of life. Even if he takes out the treasure, it can't be refined and lifespan can't be increased, but it won't affect Lei Dao much.

After all, he has gained a lifespan of more than 200 billion years, and the harvest is huge!

"Open it for me!"

Lei Dao let out a low drink.

Immediately, the power of the domain in the body gathered, as if there were two big hands, forcibly dividing Luming Valley and even the entire mountain range into two.

This is the real earth-shattering, earth-shattering.

As the entire mountain range was separated, a huge gap opened on the ground. Lei Dao reached into the crack in the ground with his big hand, and instantly grabbed the treasure in the ground, and then grabbed it hard.


The next moment, Lei Dao's hand was withdrawn, and a black stone appeared in his hand.

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