Longevity Species

Chapter 984: Call of the Ancestor! (first update)

"This stone..."

Lei Dao carefully observed this stone, it seemed that it contained the power of life, and it was very rich, but unlike the seeds of life, Lei Dao could not refine it, let alone increase its lifespan.

It looked like a chicken rib in Lei Dao's hands.

However, thinking that this black stone can spew out the fountain of life, it is obviously extraordinary, but Lei Dao can't recognize this treasure.

"Maybe Master should know."

Lei Dao thought about finding some time to show Master Zukong, maybe he could recognize this treasure.

Lei Dao put the black stone away again.

This trip to Luming Valley is basically such a harvest.

Lei Dao's lifespan is more than 260 billion years, it's time to expand the internal domain.

"let's start."

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and began to mobilize his abilities to expand the realm in his body.



How strong is the void of the ancient continent?

But now, there are cracks in the void, and there are more and more cracks, and faint traces of shattering power are emitted.

Wherever the power of destruction swept past, they were all reduced to dust, forming an absolute vacuum area.

If the power of destruction continues, it will cause a catastrophe!

It's not even so inconceivable that the Epoch Tribulation came ahead of schedule.

It's just that these destructive powers seem to be insufficient, and can only spread within a radius of ten thousand miles, but within this ten thousand li range, it is full of destructive power. Moreover, the space was fragmented, but not completely broken, and it became a special space indistinctly.


I don't know how long it took, there were circles of ripples in the void, and then a figure suddenly appeared outside this area.

This is a saint!

"The power of shattering explodes? No, this is not the catastrophe of the era. If it is the catastrophe of the era, it will not only cover a mere area of ​​thousands of miles. This is the space of destruction!"

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the saint.

Destroy space!

In an era, things can be encountered but never sought. Under normal circumstances, before the catastrophe of the era is approaching, there may be a shattered space, but it is not guaranteed.

For many epochs there has not been a void space.


At this time, several figures appeared again, both saints and ancestors.

Both sides seem to have sensed the situation here, and one after another came through the air.

"Destruction space, this is a treasure land."

"Hahaha, the Destruction Dimension has finally appeared, and the Destruction God Stone is bred in it, which will be of great help to us in understanding the Tribulation Power and passing through the Great Tribulation of the Era."

"The space of destruction, it's a pity that we can't get in, not even the incarnations of ordinary saints. Once we enter, the space of destruction may be under too much pressure, and it will collapse in an instant."

"That's right, neither ancestors nor saints can enter the Destruction Dimension. However, according to the previous rules, once the Destruction Dimension appears, we can use our own means to let the emperors and masters under our command compete for the Destruction God Stone."

"It's the same this time. Let's set a time. Three months later, all saints and ancestors who want to enter the shattered space will bring their own emperors and masters to enter the shattered space to compete for the god stone. I can't wait to intervene."

"Yes, according to this rule, three months is enough for us to prepare."

The saints and the ancestors quickly came to an agreement.

The shattered space can be encountered but cannot be sought. No saint or ancestor is willing to destroy the shattered space. After all, the shattered sacred stone in the shattered space, for the ancestors or saints, can comprehend the power of catastrophe, and it is very helpful for them to survive the catastrophe of the era. some help.

This kind of treasure can be encountered but not sought after. There is no saint or ancestor who does not want to destroy the sacred stone.

As a result, all the saints and ancestors left one after another, and began to prepare in advance, and they were not given much time, only one month.


"One hundred and fifteen times the domain!"

In the secret room of the cave mansion, Lei Dao suddenly opened his eyes.

The next moment, a magnificent and huge world appeared above his head. Although it was only a phantom, the phantom alone exuded a terrifying pressure.

Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities to check his body data.

Name: Lei Dao (35 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 110 billion and 10 million years

Internal world: 115 times domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 10% (29 bloodlines complete)

Lei Dao's lifespan is only more than 110 billion years left, which is reduced by 150 billion years at once.

These 150 billion years have been used by Lei Dao to expand the realm within the body.

Lei Dao's internal body realm has now reached a terrifying one hundred and fifteen times, which is thirty times higher than the previous eighty-five times realm.

The 30 times domain has also brought a qualitative improvement to Lei Dao, and the domain in the body has exceeded a hundred times, which has greatly improved Lei Dao's strength.

How strong Lei Dao's inner body realm is now, even Lei Dao himself doesn't know.

However, now the 115-fold domain has almost reached its limit, and has re-established a balance with Lei Dao's ancestor god body, and can no longer continue to expand the internal domain, otherwise it will lose balance and the gain will outweigh the loss.

"The lifespan of more than 110 billion years can increase the ancestor's bloodline by one percent again, and even expand the domain by ten times again. The lifespan is almost enough."

Lei Dao knew that a lifespan of more than 110 billion years was considered a lot, and it could make his ancestral bloodline and the realm in his body to a higher level.

However, the problem now is that Lei Dao doesn't have a suitable and powerful bloodline.

If it's just ordinary blood, it will consume a lot of life, and Lei Dao will not practice ordinary blood unless it is a last resort. What's more, Lei Dao is not in a hurry now.

"A powerful bloodline or even a top-notch bloodline is imminent..."

Lei Dao hesitated.

However, after all, he still didn't use ordinary blood. The issue of blood is easier to solve than life-extending treasures. Lei Dao decided to wait.

Perhaps, other powerful or top bloodlines will be found soon.

Lei Dao left the secret room, saw Tunling Patriarch, and asked Tunling Patriarch to report on the situation in Pancheng.

At present, there is nothing in Pancheng, and it is very calm.

After Lei Dao killed the incarnation of the sage sentence, his reputation was greatly improved. However, Lei Dao didn't care about these things. What's the use of having a great reputation?

Could it be possible to exchange for some life-extending treasures?

It's simply impossible!

"Teacher, come to the palace of the ancestor pan."

Suddenly, Lei Dao heard a familiar voice.


Lei Dao was a little surprised.

The master seldom appeared, and last time, when Lei Dao killed the saint Yi incarnation, the master appeared in front of Lei Dao once, and the rest of the time, the master's ancestor Kong would not contact Lei Dao at all.

But now, the master unexpectedly appeared again, and let Lei Dao go to the palace of the ancestor pan.

However, Lei Dao didn't ask what was going on, anyway, he went to the palace of the ancestor pan, so he naturally knew.

"Tunling, you stay in the cave, I'll go to the palace of the ancestor pan."

Afterwards, Lei Dao left the cave directly and flew towards the palace of the ancestor pan.

Soon, Lei Dao came to the palace, but found some acquaintances.

"Lord Bull Demon, Senior Sister Qinglian, are you all here?"

Lei Dao found out that even the Bull Demon Lord and Qinglian Lord had arrived.

The bull devil master smiled and said: "I was summoned by the ancestor pan."

"We were called by Master."

The three of them glanced at each other. This time, the two ancestors Pan and Kong seem to have acted, probably something big happened.

So, the three of them also entered the palace together.


As soon as the three of them entered the palace, they saw many eyes.

They are all questioners and top masters.

Moreover, many of the aspirants were the best in Pancheng, and Lei Dao knew almost all of them.

"Master Lei, you are indeed here."

"That's natural. Master Lei is now the number one master of our Pancheng, why doesn't he come?"

"It's not just the number one ruler of Pancheng? Even if it's the number one ruler of the Ming Realm, Lord Lei can also be worthy of it!"

When these top masters or aspirants saw Lei Dao, their eyes became blazing. Now Lei Dao is the hottest "top" powerhouse in Pancheng, and even in the entire ancient continent.

Even in terms of reputation, the first ancestor Shang, who had not yet become the first ancestor, was far less famous than Lei Dao.

Lei Dao is in this era, the first powerful aspirant who can kill the incarnation of a saint throughout the ages, not even one incarnation of a saint, but three incarnations of a saint.

Even not long ago, Lei Dao had just killed the incarnation of the sage sentence.

Which master would dare to underestimate such a top powerhouse?

Therefore, even if these people are the top masters or aspirants in Pancheng, they all show great enthusiasm for Lei Dao.

"Do you know why the Ancestral Plate was summoned?"

Raidou asked.

"What's the matter? We don't know either."

"That's right, we just came here immediately after receiving the call from the ancestral plate."

"Don't even Master Lei know? It must be a big deal."

The Overminds also don't know why they were summoned.

Since he didn't know, Lei Dao didn't bother to guess. When the master and the ancestor came, he would naturally know.

Therefore, Lei Dao exchanged some cultivation experience with these top masters or aspirants. Not long after, two figures appeared in the palace.

It is the ancestor plate and the ancestor space!

"Meet the two ancestors!"

Everyone saluted respectfully to show their respect for their ancestors!

The first ancestor glanced at the people in the palace, and slowly said: "Masters, this time I and the first ancestor Kong summoned you together to ask for something!"

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

The dignified ancestors, what else do they need to be masters or questioners?

"The ancestor has something to do, but please order!"

Everyone doesn't think that the ancestors are really begging them, there must be something, the ancestors are inconvenient, so they can only let them do it.

But what is it that makes it inconvenient for the ancestors to do it?

For a while, everyone was also very curious.

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