Longevity Species

Chapter 986: Planting a

"Treasure, what treasure?"

The ancestor Kong was a little strange, but Lei Dao rarely let him see any treasures. What's more, is there any treasure that even Lei Dao doesn't know, and he needs an ancestor to identify it?

"Master, please take a look, this is the treasure..."

Lei Dao flipped his hand and took out the black gem.

"Where did you get this?"

"Didn't the Luming Valley spew out a lot of fountains of life? I moved the Luming Valley back to Pancheng and found this treasure underground. I just don't know what treasure it is, so I ask Master to identify it."

"It turns out that it is a treasure in the underground of Luming Valley. I heard that the sage's sentence is so frustrating."

The ancestor Kong shook his head with a smile, apparently he understood what Lei Dao was doing, but he didn't interfere.

"This treasure is recognized by the teacher. The ancestor plate, you also have a look, do you know what kind of treasure it is?"

The ancestor Kong handed the black gem to the ancestor plate.

The ancestor pan also observed carefully, suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking of something, he said in a low voice: "Could it be, is this the avenue stone of the ancient continent?"

"Avenue stone?"

Lei Dao's eyes widened, he hadn't even heard of it.

"Hahaha, as expected of the Ancestor Plate, I actually recognized it. Yes, this is the Dao Stone, it should be the Dao Stone of Life, and it is unique to the Ancient Continent. We do not have such a treasure in the Ming Realm."

"Master, what is a road stone?"

Reid asked curiously.

"As the name suggests, it is the gemstone formed by the avenue of life condensed into substance. With this avenue stone, those gods, demons and emperors who practiced the avenue of life in the ancient continent can make rapid progress, enter amazing realms, and even directly reach the realm of aspirants! Even if it is an aspirant, as long as it is closed to the Dao of Life, then this Dao Stone can also help the aspirant to practice. In other eras, some aspirants became saints by virtue of the Dao Stone. How much do you think it is? precious?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

It turns out that this avenue stone is so precious.

It's just that it has no effect on the ancestors and masters. In other words, it has no effect on practitioners in the Ming Realm, but to those gods, demons and emperors, it is the top treasure.

It's no wonder that even the saint sentence descended in person.

I'm afraid that the sage would know that there is a road stone under the Luming Valley, otherwise, the holy sage would not pay attention to the mere fountain of life.

"It turned out to be tasteless..."

Raidou shook his head.

What's the use of having a huge effect on gods and demons? He is a cultivator in the Ming Realm, so could it be possible that Gods and Demons and Great Emperors will trade Dao Stones?

It's not impossible, but it's very inconvenient, and you have to risk being targeted by a saint, so the gain outweighs the gain.


The ancestor Kong said with a smile that was not a smile: "I forgot to say, in fact, this avenue of life stone has another function, which is to give birth to life! As long as there is a place with the avenue of life stone, it is possible to give birth to some life over time, just like Like the creation of the void."

"Birth of life? Is it okay in the Ming Realm?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

"The rules of the Ming Realm are perfect, of course it is feasible. Even the life bred by the Dao of Life Stone is innate life, which is very different from the life created by the ancestors in the void. The life bred by the Dao of Life Stone has great potential huge."

"Can give birth to life..."

Lei Dao was really excited, he thought of the role of this life avenue stone.

If it is "planted" in the realm of the body, life may be born. At that time, these lives will be the innate life naturally born in the realm of his body, and can multiply in the realm of the body.

At that time, wouldn't his inner body realm become the real world?

"Thank you, Master!"

After Lei Dao finished speaking, he hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Lei Dao quickly returned to the cave. Three months of preparation was too much time for Lei Dao, and there was nothing to prepare.


The next moment, Lei Dao manifested a part of the realm in the secret room.

At this moment, Lei Dao's domain is almost infinitely vast, with countless small worlds and large worlds, but the domain is empty, without the slightest breath of life.

This is the drawback of the world practice system.

If life cannot be born, then the internal realm will always be incomplete.

Once a life is born, Lei Dao's inner body realm can be said to be complete. Once it is complete, there may be a chance to become the ancestor, which is to achieve the ancestor with the world practice system.

Even Master Kong, the first ancestor, said that the world's practice system is so ambitious that it is unimaginable. It's just that the ancestor's road is cut off. Once the ancestor can be achieved, then the ancestor under the world's practice system, I don't know how tyrannical it will be.

Just, can it succeed?


Lei Dao held the black Life Avenue Stone, feeling the surging and strong vitality in the Life Avenue Stone, Lei Dao felt a little more confident in his heart.

But his inner body realm is an imperfect world after all.

Even the ancestor Kong, the master, is only talking about a perfect world, where life may be born. As for Lei Dao's inner body realm, Lei Dao is not sure whether life can be born by relying on this life avenue stone.

Now Lei Dao can only have a glimmer of hope for it.

Lei Dao chose a very stable big world in the inner body realm, then moved this big world, and arranged this big world to be the most stable place in the inner body realm.

Even if the inner body realm collapses, then this big world must collapse last.

Lei Dao needs to create the best conditions for this life avenue stone!

Only the innate life born from the inner body realm can be regarded as the real life of the inner body realm. Those maze masters who want Lei Dao to be placed in the internal realm are not actually beings in the internal realm.

Lei Dao personally "planted" this life avenue stone in a world in the body realm. He hoped that this life avenue stone would be like a real seed, take root and germinate, and eventually thrive.

After burying the Avenue of Life Stone, Lei Dao withdrew from the inner body realm again.

"Three months can't be wasted. We have to hurry up and sell more places in Hualongchi. There are still some treasures that need to be traded into life-extending treasures."

Lei Dao already has a plan.

During these three months, he has to make good use of it to "realize" all the treasures and turn them into life-span storage. In case a large number of Destruction God Stones are obtained in the Destruction Space, Lei Dao will trade the ancestor's blood with the ancestor!

Perhaps, this is also the first time someone dared to "beat the blood of the ancestor", but the key is that the ancestor plate really agreed.

Of course, in the eyes of other rulers or aspirants, Lei Dao's actions are undoubtedly a waste of the God of Destruction Stone.

Does it make sense to exchange fifty God Destroyer Stones for the blood of the ancestor?

If it is given to other masters or aspirants, it will be fifty chances for the ancestors to evolve the path of the ancestors.

Fifty opportunities to evolve the path of the ancestors, isn't it good?

Anyway, many masters don't understand Lei Dao's behavior, but no matter what, those masters and aspirants also hope that Lei Dao can enter the shattered space.

Even if they will compete with each other, but with Lei Dao as an acquaintance, and a top aspirant who can kill the incarnation of a saint, their safety will undoubtedly be greatly guaranteed.

Time passed little by little.

Master Wanhua, the Taoist companion of Lord Bull Demon, also entered the maze of Lei Dao and practiced in the maze. Anyway, three months is enough time in the Lost Realm.

It is not good to immerse yourself for too long at once.

The bull demon master and Lei Dao also discussed, and the bull demon master is also going to fight this time, after all, he is an aspirant. If he practiced step by step, it would be difficult for him to become a top aspirant, and it would be even more impossible for him to become the ancestor.

And this shattering space is his opportunity.

As long as he can obtain a God of Destruction Stone, he can trade with the Ancestor Pan once, allowing the Ancestor Pan to evolve into the Path of the Ancestor, which is of great help to new aspirants like the Bull Demon Master.

Of course, if the bull demon master wants to obtain the God of Destruction Stone, he still has to rely on his own ability. It is also impossible for Lei Dao to bring the bull demon to dominate everything. After all, Lei Dao also needs the God Stone of Destruction.

With the passage of time, Lei Dao also "realized" some treasures one after another, and traded them into life extension treasures. Moreover, Hualongchi places have also been traded one after another.

It's just that what makes Lei Dao regret is that the Dao of Life Stone has been "planted" in the realm of the body for a month or two, but there is no movement at all.

As for changes?

There is no change, and even the vitality in the Dao of Life Stone is still very strong and surging, but it just can't give birth to life. This can't help but make Lei Dao feel a little worried. Could it be that his life avenue stone still can't give birth to life?

Lei Dao had some worries like that in his heart, but he was helpless.

At present, he can only wait!

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the time agreed with the ancestor plate.


Raidou opened his eyes.

He has gained a lot of lifespan one after another in the past three months, so he mobilized his ability to check his body data.

Name: Lei Dao (35 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 150 billion to 10 million years

Internal world: 115 times domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 10% (29 bloodlines complete)

Lei Dao's lifespan has increased by 40 billion years, reaching almost 150 billion years.

"Fifteen billion years is still too little..."

Raidou shook his head.

Lifespan is too difficult to increase.

For three months, he didn't leave Pancheng, and he was able to increase his lifespan by 40 billion years, which is quite good, and even sold at least 20 places in Hualongchi.

Otherwise, it would not be able to obtain a lifespan of 40 billion years.

"It's almost there, go to destroy the space!"

Lei Dao's heart moved. He had been waiting for this day for three months, and he couldn't wait any longer.

The important thing is not the Destruction Stone, but the blood of the ancestors!

Lei Dao can't wait to get the ancestor plate and the ancestor blood of the master ancestor Kong!

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