Longevity Species

Chapter 987 See

"Three months are up, let's go!"

The ancestor plate and even the ancestor space have arrived, and the two ancestors led dozens of aspirants and masters, traveling through the space together, heading towards the space of destruction.

Along the way, many people's expressions were very dignified.

Even Lei Dao is no exception.

This time, the entire Ming Realm and the entire Desolate Ancient Continent were shocked. After all, it is related to whether the ancestors and saints can survive the catastrophe of the era, and it is related to the vital interests of the ancestors and saints.

Every saint and ancestor will do their best to fight for it. Therefore, it is conceivable how many powerful opponents Lei Dao and others will encounter in this trip to destroy the space.


Suddenly, the sound transmission of the master's ancestor Kong came from Lei Dao's mind.

"You must not take it lightly. Although you are already a top aspirant who can kill the incarnation of the saint, in fact, not to mention killing the incarnation of the saint, there are not a few top aspirants who can compete with the incarnation of the saint. They There is also a special title, called Half Saint!"

"Half saint?"

Lei Dao was very surprised, he had never heard of any half saints.

"Yes, half-holy! In fact, this is unique to the ancient continent. It is above the aspirant, and under the saint and ancestor. It is called half-holy! The reason why it is half-holy is not half-step ancestor. , there is a reason for that, among the practitioners of the Ming Realm, there is no semi-sacred existence, and the top aspirants are the limit."

"what happened?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

There are only semi-saints in the ancient continent, but there are no semi-saints in the Ming Realm?

"The reason why a half-sage is a half-sage is related to the unique practice system of the ancient continent. In the ancient continent, if the top aspirants can go one step further, and even comprehend certain avenues, even if the primordial spirit does not entrust the void, it will actually be impossible. Can use some of the power of the ancient continent to achieve the point where the words follow the law. It is no different from a saint, but because the primordial spirit has no sustenance to the void, and there is no incarnation, even if the words follow the law, the mobilized ancient continent His strength is far less than that of a saint, so he can only be called a half saint!"

"Even if it is an ordinary semi-saint, it is still above the aspirant. And we practitioners in the Ming Realm, because of the practice system, cannot give birth to a semi-saint, so the top aspirant is the limit. But , you seem to be an exception, you are a practitioner of the Ming Realm, but your strength is above that of the aspirant, it seems that there is no difference between you and a semi-saint."

Speaking of this, the ancestor Kong also felt very strange.

He knows Lei Dao best. Originally, Lei Dao's world practice system, in fact, the path of the ancestor has been cut off, and it is impossible to become the ancestor.

But Lei Dao walked out of another ancestor road.

The key is that this path to the ancestors is still very strong!

Of course, it is not Lei Dao's ancestor's road that kills the saint's incarnation, but the world practice system that cut off Lei Dao's ancestor's road.

Therefore, although Lei Dao is comparable to the semi-sage, it relies on the world's practice system. This kind of practice system with the severance of the ancestor's path does not know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

"So, this time in the shattered space, I may encounter the half-holy of the ancient continent?"

Lei Dao's heart trembled.

He has long known that the ancient continent is not that simple, and there must be some powerful existences above the top aspirants. He can kill the incarnation of a saint, and some other top powerhouses should be able to do the same.

Now it seems that it is so.

It's just because those half-saints don't know how to fight with saints, so they didn't kill the incarnation of saints. If you really want to do it, Lei Dao estimates that those half saints can easily kill ordinary incarnations of saints.

"That's right, it's not that you may meet a half-saint, but you will definitely meet a half-saint! The Destroyer Stone is also very important to a saint. It is related to their vital interests. They will also do everything possible to ensure that they can get it. Enough Destruction God Stone. Therefore, it is very important to persuade the Bansheng to enter the Destruction Space to compete for the Destruction God Stone. With the prestige and means of a saint, it is not difficult to persuade the Half Saint."

Raidou nodded.

He also knows that the trip to the shattered space is not that simple.

"However, apprentice, you also have an advantage. Those half-saints are indeed very strong. If you go head-to-head, maybe you can win, but can you win one half-sage or two half-sages? Besides, there must be more than one half-sage in the shattered space. Two semi-saints. Your advantage is the inner body realm, and since your inner body realm can isolate the induction of the saint incarnation from the ancient continent, then there should be no problem in isolating the induction of the semi-saint and the ancient continent."

"Half-saints don't have the induction of the ancient continent, and can't get the blessing of the power of the ancient continent. What is the difference between them and the top aspirants? So, you naturally restrain these semi-saints!"

As the ancestor Kong said, his eyes became strange.

This heaven-defying ability of Lei Dao's internal domain is more than restraining the semi-saint? Even restrained saints!

After all, the saints mainly rely on their incarnations to fight, and the strength of the saints' incarnations lies in the connection with the ancient continent. If they lose the connection with the ancient continent, the strength of the saints will be greatly reduced.

Of course, if the saint's main battle incarnation or even the real body is dispatched, it may be very difficult for Lei Dao to isolate the connection between the ancient continent and the saint.

But it shouldn't be a problem to isolate ordinary incarnations and semi-holy ones.


Soon, everyone stepped out of the space, and they had already arrived outside the shattered space.

Many masters are traveling through space for the first time in the ancient continent, so they are still a little uncomfortable, and they are quite embarrassed when leaving the space passage. But Lei Dao is obviously not the first time to travel through space. Even he himself can travel through space in the ancient continent, but the distance traveled is far less than that of the ancestor.


Lei Dao looked up and found some "acquaintances".

For example, Sage Yuan, Sage Yi, Sage Gu, and Sage Ju, these four saints belong to the saints whom Lei Dao has offended.


The gazes of many sages and ancestors also focused on the ancestors Kong and Pan, but the next moment, four eyes fell on Lei Dao.

They are the four saints that Lei Dao has seen.

The faces of the four saints changed slightly, looking very ugly.

They had all been beheaded by Lei Dao in the incarnation of saints, and they were all reduced to laughing stocks in the circle of saints. Therefore, the so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. Although the saints are not "jealous", it is inevitable that their eyes are not good, which puts a lot of pressure on Lei Dao.

After all, these are the four saints!

"Oh? All saints are so interested in my disciples?"

At this time, the ancestor Kong spoke.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he shattered the dignified atmosphere and gave Lei Dao a chance to breathe. The pressure on the four saints was too great, and even Lei Dao couldn't bear to manifest the body of the ancestor.

Only the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations like Zukong can resolve the crisis of Lei Dao with a single sentence.

"Ancestor Kong, you are really a good disciple! However, it is difficult to say whether your disciple will survive in the space of destruction this time."

Saint Yuan said lightly.

The last time Saint Yuan lost all face, he has been inactive.

Now that he has come to the shattered space, he is obviously well prepared. He is not so "forgetful", and he has not forgotten how he lost face.

Obviously, he wasn't going to let Lei Dao go.

Moreover, he also knew that the ancestor Kong would definitely let Lei Dao go to the space of destruction. After all, with Lei Dao's strength, it is very possible to obtain the Divine Stone of Destruction in the Destruction Space, so how could Ancestor Kong be willing to give up the Divine Stone of Destruction?


The ancestor took a look.

He saw behind the sage Yuan, a great emperor wearing white clothes, sitting cross-legged in the void, motionless, exuding a faint aura.

That is a questioner!

He wasn't even an ordinary aspirant, and there was a faint sense of naturalness in him.

Half holy!

Must be half holy!

Otherwise, Shengren Yuan wouldn't be so sure, and moreover, he wouldn't be so calm.

"Sage Yuan, it turns out that you invited the half saints out of the mountain, and you also took great pains to deal with my disciples."

Ancestor Kong narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice.

Half holy!

Even if the first ancestor Kong felt that Lei Dao's inner body realm could isolate the induction between the semi-holy and the ancient continent, but what if it couldn't?

Who said that the connection between the incarnation of a saint and the ancient continent must be stronger than that of a half saint?

Not always!

In particular, semi-saints are not inferior to saints to a certain extent, and are even no different from saints. In this way, there are too many unpredictable factors. Even if Lei Dao killed the incarnation of the saint and his power reached its peak, no one is sure how the contest with the semi-saint will be.

"Ancestor Kong, why, you only allow your disciples to be above the top aspirants, and we are not allowed to find half saints to take action? Hahaha, if you are afraid, you can prevent Lei Dao from entering the shattered space."

Sage Yuan laughed.

He knew that Ancestor Kong would never give up the Destroying God Stone no matter what. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, Ancestor Kong will not give up. After all, once he gives up, Ancestor Kong may really not be able to survive the eighth epoch catastrophe.

This is about the life and death of the ancestor Kong himself, how could he give up so easily?

"Half saint!"

Ancestor Pan, and even the ancestors, all of them looked very unsightly.

There is a clear difference between the camp of the Ming Realm and the camp of the ancient mainland. Although at the level of ancestors and saints, the two sides are not afraid, and there is even a small difference in strength.

But in the category of semi-sage, the camp of the Ming Realm was completely defeated.

The reason is simple, there are no semi-saint powerhouses in the Ming Realm camp.

This is determined by the practice system. There are no half-saints, and there are no so-called half-step ancestors, and some are only top aspirants. In normal times, when the half-sages do not come out, there is not much problem in the camp of the Ming Realm, and even at the level of top aspirants, there are many strong ones.

But once the semi-sage makes a move, it will be different. For the Ming Realm camp, the Semi-Saint is almost an invincible existence, enough to crush any practitioner under the ancestor of the Ming Realm camp.

The method of the Ming Realm camp is nothing more than forming a magic circle to compete with it.

Or, they can only hope that the place in the space of destruction is big enough, and they are lucky enough to get the God Stone of Destruction and leave. In this way, the camp of the Ming Realm can also obtain the God Stone of Destruction.

But after all, it is at a disadvantage.

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