Longevity Species

Chapter 988 Destroy the space! (Second more)

"He is Lord Lei?"

The half-saint behind Saint Yuan opened his eyes and spoke slowly.

"Yes, he is Lei Dao. Emperor Yuan, don't be careless. Lei Dao is the best at disguising. He specially disguises himself as a weak person, even to the bone. If you are not careful, you will fall into his way. Even This saint, all his incarnations were beheaded by him because of his carelessness, which made me laugh out loud."

This demi-saint is called Emperor Yuan.

Generally speaking, saints are titled with one word, which is a title of respect in the ancient continent, and only powerful beings who are high above can enjoy the title of one word.

The semi-saint in front of him, although he was not sanctified, was superior to the aspirant, and he was also given the title of one word, called Emperor Yuan!

Of course, there are exceptions, such as the Lingzu saint.

However, most of them are one-word titles.

Emperor Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression was firm, and he said in a deep voice: "Saint, don't worry, I will not let down my vigilance. Although the other party is not a semi-saint, he can kill the incarnation of the saint again and again. He has already fought with the semi-saint Almost, even more powerful than the average half-saint, what qualifications do I have to take it lightly?"

"I have confidence in your strength. As long as you don't take it lightly, there will be no problem. Besides, I have communicated with other saints. In addition to snatching the God of Destruction Stone, the semi-saints under the command of other saints will meet Lei Dao again. When the time comes, you can all join forces. Be sure to kill Lei Dao without fail!"

Saint Yuan's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Obviously, he has made up his mind this time, no matter what, he will kill Lei Dao. After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In the shattered space, there are strong people like clouds, and the ancestors cannot interfere.

"Whether it's destroying the god stone or destroying the thunder, I will complete it. I hope His Majesty the Saint will not forget the promise."

Emperor Yuan also took a deep look at Saint Yuan. Obviously, Saint Yuan also promised him a generous reward, which Emperor Yuan could not refuse.

Even, this kind of reward directly involves whether Emperor Yuan can become a saint.

"What I promised will naturally be fulfilled. Once you kill Lei Dao and get enough God Stones of Destruction, even at the end of this era, you have a great chance of becoming a saint. At that time, the time spent in this era In the great calamity of the Era, longevity and happiness, immortality is just around the corner!"

The tone of the sage Yuan seems to be full of "bewitching".

No one can resist such a temptation.

Live forever!


How tempting is this for practitioners?

Whether it is gods and demons or masters, isn't the ultimate pursuit of longevity and happiness, immortality?

Even if one becomes a saint or the first ancestor, it is not a true sense of immortality and immortality, but at least one era can be lived forever, and one era can also be lived happily.

Even, after becoming a saint, there is a great possibility that he will live happily for many epochs.

Who would not wish to be holy?

Emperor Yuan looked at Lei Dao again, as if he wanted to remember Lei Dao deeply.

Lei Dao didn't care much.

In fact, as soon as he appeared, countless eyes fell on him. Lei Dao also knew that most of them were malicious eyes.

He had offended the five saints and had a good reputation. It was not a surprise that he was stared at by many great emperors and aspirants on the side of the saints, as he had expected it.

Lei Dao's mentality was very calm, but he was really calm. He didn't observe other people, but observed the entire shattered space.

This shattered space seems to be a world of its own. It can't be said that it is a self-contained world, but an area. A large amount of destructive force flowing out of the shattered space covers a large area and turns it into nothingness.

This is equivalent to the scope of the shattered space.

"It's actually the power of destruction..."

Lei Dao's heart moved.

The power of destruction is indeed very domineering, and it must not be touched, otherwise, even the top aspirants cannot bear it. However, Lei Dao is quite familiar with the power of destruction. In order to absorb the seeds of life, Lei Dao's divine body was annihilated by the power of destruction time and time again.

It made Lei Dao miserable.

But don't think that you can resist the power of destruction after trying the power of destruction. In fact, it has no effect at all. If Lei Dao's ancestor god body encounters the power of destruction again, there will be no change in the result, and it will still be annihilated.

This is also the characteristic of the power of destruction.

Nothing can stop it!

Otherwise, the power of destruction will not make the dignified saints and ancestors helpless. Many saints and ancestors also died under the power of destruction in the catastrophe of the era. How terrible the power is.

"It's almost all here. Now all the saints and below, regardless of gods and demons or masters, can enter the shattered space. Remember, the shattered space may collapse at any time. Before the collapse, you must leave the shattered space, otherwise, no one will be able to enter the shattered space." I can't save you."

Everyone's heart trembled.

The collapse of the shattered space has actually been mentioned by many saints and ancestors.

Under normal circumstances, the broken space will not collapse. But there is a possibility, that is, too many Divine Stones of Destruction in the Destruction Space have been taken away, and the Destruction Space can only be supported by the Divine Destruction Stone.

Once there are not enough Destruction God Stones, the Destruction Space will collapse immediately.

However, as long as this situation is discovered, it is still possible to leave the shattered space in time.

In other words, once everyone enters the shattered space, they must always pay attention to the possible collapse of the shattered space. After all, no one knows when the shattered divine stone in the shattered space will be emptied.

"Okay, let's go."

The ancestor waved his hand, and many powerful men under the command of the ancestors and saints had already flew towards the entrance of the shattered space.

There is no need for everyone to compete, the entrance is too big, let alone such a small number of people, even thousands of people can enter together.

Lei Dao and the Bull Demon Master flew towards the entrance of the cave together.


The next moment, Lei Dao felt a twist all over his body, and his whole body had disappeared into the hole.

"I don't know how many God Stones of Destruction are there in the Destruction Space this time?"

"Perhaps there are dozens of them?"

"Maybe there are hundreds of them."

"How many God of Destruction Stones can be brought back depends on the performance of these aspirants."

Many saints and ancestors looked at each other, and the two sides were in tacit understanding without any conflict.

Obviously, no matter which saint or ancestor they are, they attach great importance to the shattered space. Before getting the Godly Stone of Destruction, no one would attack, lest the other party go crazy and destroy the Destruction Space.

Now, the waters of the two sides do not interfere with the waters of the river, and the two camps are clearly divided.

However, not doing it now does not mean not doing it in the future.

Once those masters and great emperors come out, who will have a huge harvest, and who will be empty-handed, when the time comes, those empty-handed saints or ancestors, who will do something, no one knows.

As for now, they can only wait!



Lei Dao staggered and flew out from the passage of the shattered space.

"Huh? Where's the Bull Demon Lord?"

Lei Dao looked around, not only the bull demon master was gone, but also other masters or great emperors were gone, and the surrounding area was empty, which looked very empty.

"The shattered space channel just now is a space teleportation? It's a bit like it, and it seems to be a random teleportation. Even the bull demon master doesn't know where it went..."

Lei Dao's heart sank.

If it was teleported randomly, it would be even more difficult to obtain the Divine Stone of Destruction. Because, that depends on luck!

This time, there are so many strong people, even the aspirants are nothing.

Even if it is an aspirant, it is even more difficult to get a share of the destruction space and obtain the God Stone of destruction. However, if it is sent randomly, it depends entirely on luck, so that is not necessarily the case.

Many top masters or top emperors dare to enter the space of destruction, just to try their luck.

Once someone obtains the Godly Stone of Destruction and leaves the Dimension of Destruction directly, they will be lucky enough to keep the Divine Stone of Destruction.

"By the way, how do you leave the space of destruction?"

Lei Dao was slightly taken aback.

He remembered that when he entered the void of destruction, it was a huge portal that could accommodate thousands of people entering at the same time. But now, what about the portal?

Lei Dao didn't see any portals.

The surroundings are empty and dark, where is there any portal?

"I was randomly sent to the depths of the shattered space. I don't know how far I am from the portal of the shattered space. Only by finding the portal of the shattered space can I leave the shattered space."

Lei Dao's heart trembled.

It seems that those practitioners who want to try their luck are not so easy.

The very simple way is to block the gate, and whoever gets close to the gate will have to hand over the God of Destruction Stone.

Of course, this approach also has disadvantages.

First of all, you must have the strength to suppress everyone. There are top masters, inquirers, top inquirers and even half saints here. Even Lei Dao didn't dare to say that he could block the door, let alone other people?

Therefore, the possibility of this is extremely small.

What's more, once you get the Divine Stone of Destruction, even the Great Master can hide it in various ways. No one can sense the Divine Stone of Destruction. How will you search for it then?

Of course, there are still some masters who are unlucky and have been discovered after obtaining the God Stone of Destruction.

When the time comes, you must leave. Once you arrive at the portal of the Destroyed Dimension, you may be robbed of the Destroyed God Stone.

This kind of thing cannot be avoided.

Lei Dao knew that someone would do this.

However, this has nothing to do with Lei Dao, as long as he doesn't come to snatch his Destruction Stone.

"Finding the portal of the shattered space is the most important thing! Otherwise, once the shattered space collapses, it may be too late to find the portal."

Lei Dao was still awake.

The God of Destruction Stone is important, but life-saving seems to be more important.

It is the safest way to find the portal of the shattered space first, and then leave a mark, so that the location of the portal can be sensed no matter where in the shattered space.

Therefore, Lei Dao began to use his divine sense to investigate, but the surrounding area was empty, and it was not easy to detect the portal of the shattered space, so he had to search slowly bit by bit.

"Huh? That's..."

Lei Dao's heart moved, and his divine sense suddenly detected something.

It seems that something extraordinary was detected by Lei Dao.

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