Longevity Species

Chapter 989: The corpse in the black coffin changes! (third change)

Lei Dao flew over. In fact, there is darkness everywhere, and the void has collapsed and become fragmented. It seems that it will collapse completely anytime, anywhere.

And Lei Dao just saw a special place. In this void, one after another, the force of destruction completely collapsed a void.

And from the place where the void collapsed, a lot of destructive power appeared.

In fact, many people have a question, what will become of the void when it collapses?

When the void collapses, it will become nothingness, unable to travel through space, unable to fly, in short, it is nothing. But it can be sensed, and now, this void has collapsed, and a lot of destructive power is unexpectedly emerging from it.

Could it be that the power of destruction in the Great Tribulation of the Era appeared in this way?

This almost overturned Lei Dao's cognition.

No one knows the origin of the Great Tribulation of the Era, even the oldest ancestors or saints, no one knows the origin of the Great Tribulation of the Era.

I just know that once the Great Tribulation of the Era breaks out, there will be a lot of destructive power, and these destructive power will be surging and annihilate everything.

Even the ancestors and saints could not resist.

There is also a rumor that if a sage or ancestor can survive the tenth catastrophe of the era, he will be able to completely escape from the catastrophe of the era, not be annihilated by the power of destruction, and live happily ever after, immortal!

Of course, this is just a rumor, no one knows whether it is true or not. After all, it is too difficult, too difficult to survive the ten era calamities. There is not even the ancestor or saint of the nine calamities, let alone survive the ten era catastrophes.

The ancestor Kong is already quite powerful. He has survived seven eras and is the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations. But in the face of this era of catastrophe, which is the eighth era of catastrophe, I also feel that the chance of passing it is not high.

It shows how terrifying the Great Tribulation of the Era is.

And the most terrifying part of the Great Tribulation of the Era is the power of destruction.

Once the power of destruction surges, no matter how strong the power is, no matter how many methods there are, it will be useless and will be completely destroyed by the power of destruction.

But now, a large amount of destructive power emerges from the collapsed void.

"Wait, why didn't these destructive forces spread?"

Lei Dao's eyes narrowed slightly.

He is far away from this area, and he doesn't dare to approach easily, what if those destructive forces suddenly erupt? Once it hit Lei Dao's body, even if Lei Dao had the body of the ancestor god, he probably wouldn't be able to hold it.

Lei Dao saw that these destructive powers not only did not spread, but gradually condensed, vaguely, as if a stone had taken shape.

"This...is this the God of Destruction Stone?"

Lei Dao was overjoyed, he didn't expect to encounter the God of Destruction Stone so soon. Moreover, this God Stone of Destruction should have just been born, so it absorbed so much power of Destruction.

However, with so much power of destruction, how Lei Dao obtained the God Stone of Destruction became a troublesome matter.

Either wait quietly, until the power of destruction gradually spreads and disappears, and then go to get the God of Destruction Stone. But, who knows when those destructive forces will collapse and disappear?

What if it takes a few months?

Maybe the space of destruction has collapsed, and the power of destruction has not collapsed.

Or Lei Dao made a move to put away the God of Destruction Stone.

It's just that there is a certain danger in this.

Lei Dao thought about it, and simply used the power of the domain in his body.


The next moment, Lei Dao's domain power formed a domain, instantly covering all the destructive power in this area.


However, just as Lei Dao's domain power touched the God Stone of Destruction, the domain power was like a flame, burning blazingly, and was instantly crushed by the power of destruction.

Even, with the power of the domain, it is going to extend towards Lei Dao's internal body domain.

Lei Dao was startled, and immediately cut off the power of the domain, so as not to let the power of destruction extend into the body, otherwise, once the power of destruction extends into the body, the consequences would be disastrous.

At least, Lei Dao's ancestral god body and the inner domain are absolutely irresistible to these destructive forces.

In the past, a trace of destructive force caused Lei Dao's divine body to collapse, but where is it now? It is clearly a thousand times that of a trace, and I don't know how much shattering power it has.

It is true that you will die if you rub it, and you will die if you touch it. You must be careful not to be contaminated by these destructive forces.

"The power of the domain can't resist the power of destruction, so how do you get this god stone of destruction?"

Lei Dao was a little worried.

If he was asked to give up the Godly Stone of Destruction, Lei Dao would not be reconciled, after all, this was the first Godly Stone of Destruction he had encountered. Moreover, no one knows how many Godly Destroyer Stones are in the Destruction Space. What if there are only a few Godly Destroyer Stones?

If you miss this one, it will be very difficult to get the next God of Destruction Stone.

But besides the power of the domain, what else can Lei Dao think of?

"Master, try using the black coffin."

Suddenly, a voice rang in Lei Dao's mind, it was Xiao Hei's voice.

"Black coffin?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

Yes, black coffin.

Then the black coffin is very mysterious and almost impossible to destroy, and Lei Dao has confirmed that the black coffin is a treasure from another world.

But Lei Dao couldn't guarantee whether the power of destruction could destroy the black coffin.

If the black coffin is damaged, it will be a big loss.

And once the black coffin is damaged, Xiao Hei will also be severely injured.

"The black coffin has existed for a long time. It may have come to the Ming Realm in the last era, or even the last era. It must have experienced the catastrophe of the era, and the power of destruction may not be able to deal with the black coffin, let alone the black coffin. The corpse in it is tempered with the power of destruction."

Lei Dao felt that the black coffin should not be afraid of the power of destruction.

But whether it is the same as what he speculated, we have to try it out to know.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao directly moved the black coffin out of the inner realm.


Lei Dao can also control the black coffin now, not to mention the cooperation of Xiao Hei, it is even easier to control the black coffin.

The black coffin turned into a stream of light, and rushed towards the group of destructive forces.


The black coffin flew into the power of destruction. Immediately, the power of destruction seemed to be provoked, and it surged instantly, directly wrapping the black coffin inside.

Lei Dao was startled, but he didn't act rashly.

Lei Dao has personally experienced these destructive powers, and it destroys everything and annihilates everything. Now the black coffin is wrapped by the power of destruction, and a lot of power of destruction is trying to destroy the black coffin, but the black coffin is still standing still, despite the erosion of the power of destruction, there is no slight damage.

"Awesome! It's just a treasure from another world, and it's not even afraid of the power of destruction."

Lei Dao breathed a sigh of relief.

It's great that the black coffin is not afraid of the power of destruction, then Lei Dao can also obtain the God Stone of Destruction.

The next moment, Lei Dao directly opened the black coffin.


At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Just as Lei Dao had just opened the black coffin, a suction force suddenly appeared in the black coffin, sucking all the power of destruction into the black coffin.

"Make it to me!"

Fortunately, Lei Dao manipulated the black coffin to "fix" the Divine Destroyer Stone immediately, otherwise, the Divine Destroyer Stone might have been sucked in.


Lei Dao hurriedly recalled the black coffin, and immediately took out the God of Destruction Stone from the black coffin.

This Divine Stone of Destruction is a bit small, but it is the Divine Stone of Destruction after all, and it contains the power of destruction, and it is the crystallization of the power of destruction, containing terrifying power. Once released, the power is unimaginable.

Of course, under normal circumstances, even top aspirants would never be able to release the power of the Godly Destroyer Stone. Perhaps only saints and ancestors could release the power of the Godly Destroyer Stone.

Or, to feel the power of destruction in the God of Destruction Stone, of course, this is meaningless to top aspirants. Anyway, top aspirants can't comprehend it.

There is nothing interesting about the Destroyer God Stone, they are almost the same. Lei Dao focused on checking the black coffin, especially the change of the black coffin, which actually sucked all the power of destruction into the black coffin.

"What about the power of destruction?"

Lei Dao discovered that there was no power of destruction in the black coffin.

Just now he saw with his own eyes that the black coffin sucked away all the power of destruction, even almost sucked away the god stone of destruction, so Lei Dao couldn't be mistaken.

But now, there is no power of destruction in the black coffin, Lei Dao is very sure of this. After all, he is the master of the black coffin no matter what, and he has initially refined the black coffin, how could he not know?

"Huh? Could it be..."

Lei Dao's heart moved, and he thought of a possibility.

He immediately concentrated his mind and looked at the corpse in the black coffin.

That alien corpse!

Originally, the corpse of another world, which seemed to be in another space, was still "vibrating" slightly, and Lei Dao could see it clearly.

Of course, a corpse is a corpse after all, and there will be no breath of life.

The reason why the corpse trembled was because of the power of destruction.

Lei Dao could see clearly that the large amount of destructive power absorbed by the black coffin just now was entangled on the corpse, as if it was tempering the corpse from another world.

Under the power of destruction, the corpses from other worlds just trembled, but they were not annihilated by the power of destruction.

This scene shocked Lei Dao greatly, he knew how terrifying the power of destruction was.

The power of destruction, annihilating everything, destroying everything.

In Ming Realm and Desolate Ancient Continent, there is no power or powerhouse that can contend with the power of destruction. As soon as the great calamity of the era came, the power of destruction was surging, even the saints and ancestors had to retreat, not daring to confront the power of destruction head-on.

Even, many saints and ancestors could not survive the catastrophe of the era, were annihilated by the power of destruction, and fell completely.

But now, this alien corpse without any breath of life is actually tempered with the power of destruction, and even the power of destruction can't hurt it in the slightest.

Lei Dao was very shocked.

"Will this alien corpse be tempered to perfection by the power of destruction, and then resurrected?"

Lei Dao had such concerns in his heart.

After all, the black coffin was originally used to hold corpses, and corpses were specially used to temper the power of destruction.

Once it is tempered to the extreme, it will probably be a matter of time before the "resurrection" of corpses from other worlds.

Once this alien corpse is "resurrected", Lei Dao's situation will be in danger.

But he was very reluctant to let Lei Dao give up this black coffin. This black coffin is indeed a treasure and is very useful.

"It seems that the black coffin cannot be exposed to the power of destruction in the future. Even if you must contact the power of destruction, you must be careful. You must not open the black coffin, otherwise, you will be sucked into the power of destruction by the black coffin, and then be killed Tempering corpses from other worlds, maybe when corpses from other worlds will be 'resurrected'."

Lei Dao made up his mind.

Unless it is a last resort, the corpses from other worlds cannot be exposed to the power of destruction. After all, corpses from other worlds are uncontrollable factors and are very dangerous. Lei Dao must not allow corpses from other worlds to have a chance to be resurrected.

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