Longevity Species

Chapter 990 Lei Dao is a very simple person! (first update)

"A stone of destruction has been obtained!"

Lei Dao held a Godly Stone of Destruction in his hand. He was lucky this time. He was able to get a Divine Stone of Destruction so quickly. Although there were some twists and turns during the period, he finally obtained the Godly Stone of Destruction smoothly.

"Continue to search for the portal of the broken space."

Lei Dao began to continue searching.

As a top aspirant, Lei Dao's spiritual thoughts cover a wide range. Even though the shattered space is huge, and even the space here is broken, many spaces are broken, which is not conducive to the coverage of spiritual thoughts, but Lei Dao quickly found the shattered space. portal.


Lei Dao flew directly to the door in one step.

"Finally found!"

Lei Dao immediately engraved a mark of divine sense near the portal, and this mark can be sensed no matter where he is. At that time, Lei Dao will be able to look for the God Stone of Destruction with confidence.

Moreover, Lei Dao found that there was no one near the portal of the shattered space.

In other words, no one was guarding the door, and they all entered the depths of the Destruction Space to find the Destruction God Stone.

"It's too difficult to find the Godly Stone of Destruction, and it's even more difficult to obtain the Godly Stone of Destruction from other people. No, I have to find a way. It's best to ensure that I can get all or most of the Godly Stones of Destruction."

Lei Dao came with a "mission" this time.

He had to obtain at least fifty Godly Stones of Destruction. If possible, Lei Dao even wanted to obtain more than one hundred Godstones of Destruction in exchange for the blood of the two ancestors.

But if the current method is followed, then Lei Dao is doomed to be lucky. How many God of Destruction Stones can he get?

One or two?

Even if you are lucky, ten will be the best.

Therefore, Lei Dao felt that he could not continue like this, he had to find a way.

"What if I'm the only one in the Shattered Dimension?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up, and he thought of a way.

If he is the only one in the Destruction Space, then Lei Dao doesn't need to worry about time, he can slowly find the Destruction Stone without worrying about the Destruction Stone being obtained by other practitioners.

There is no need to be afraid of the collapse of the shattered space.

What a great way!

Moreover, there is another point, Lei Dao knows how many people have entered the shattered space.

Before that, he had carefully looked outside the space of destruction. A total of 109 emperors and masters from ancestors and saints came, and all of them entered the space of destruction.

"One hundred and nine practitioners, it seems that it is not too difficult?"

Lei Dao felt that this number was not too large.

Of course, Lei Dao didn't think about beheading all these practitioners. He hasn't been so mad. After all, Lei Dao is a very simple person. He just wants to practice and become the first ancestor. Extremely beheaded so many practitioners for no reason.

At most, it is just a period of suppression.

Anyway, Lei Dao has the inner body realm, and there is also a maze world in the inner body realm, so it doesn't matter how many people it can accommodate. Even though it will consume some of the power of the Mysterious World Treasure, it will not have any impact on the Mystery World's Rare Treasure if it will be suppressed for a long time.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao became more determined in his heart.

"While searching for the God of Destruction Stone, we are also looking for practitioners."

This is Raidou's plan.

This plan is very simple and not complicated. Lei Dao simply wants to suppress these practitioners for a period of time, so that he can be quiet and look for the God of Destruction Stone without any worries.

Therefore, Lei Dao cast his divine sense and began to search for the God of Destruction Stone and practitioners on a large scale.

The space of destruction is not too big, not to mention that Lei Dao's divine sense can cover such a large area.

However, Lei Dao hadn't found the second God of Destruction Stone for a long time, but it was a practitioner, and Lei Dao soon found the first practitioner.

The south wind dominates!

It is an aspirant who was summoned by the ancestor to enter the space of destruction, looking for the god stone of destruction.

Moreover, Master Nanfeng was very lucky, and he had found two Divine Stones of Destruction so far.

"There are two Godly Destruction Stones, do you want to leave the Destruction Space now? After all, one Destruction Godstone is actually enough, and the reward given by the ancestors is very generous..."

Master Nanfeng hesitated.

In fact, he is very satisfied with one God of Destruction Stone, not to mention that he is lucky and has already obtained two?

However, Master Nanfeng is still a bit greedy. Since he can get two, he might be able to get three or four. Anyway, he has just entered the Destruction Space not long ago, and no one knows that he has obtained the Destruction Stone, so continue to search After a while, there seems to be no problem.

Thinking of this, Master Nanfeng calmed down a bit, so he continued to search for the Divine Stone of Destruction.


Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Master Nanfeng.

"You are the master of thunder?"

Master Nanfeng's expression changed.

Entering the Destroyed Dimension this time, there are some people who should never be provoked. Among them, Lei Dao is the one who must not be provoked. Unexpectedly, he could meet Lei Dao.

It is not a good thing to meet other practitioners in the shattered space.

Even if they are all practitioners of the Ming Realm.

"Do you know Lei?"

"Master Lei is joking, is there any master who doesn't know Master Lei?"

Master Nanfeng smiled awkwardly on his face. Lei Dao is a top aspirant who can kill the incarnation of a saint. There is no one before, and there may even be no one to come after. Among the aspirants in the bright world, he has almost become a peak and a benchmark. Who doesn't know?

"Since we know each other, it's good. Can Master Nanfeng get the Divine Stone of Destruction?"

"No, I was very unlucky and failed to find the God of Destruction Stone."

Lei Dao just asked casually, but Master Nanfeng immediately became nervous. If Lei Dao wanted to take his Destruction Stone, he would have no resistance at all.

He could only deny it with all his strength, anyway, he put it among the treasures, and no one knew that he had obtained two God Stones of Destruction.

"Didn't you get the Godly Stone of Destruction? Forget it, it's time for the south wind to rule for a while."

The next moment, Lei Dao didn't say much, and came directly to the inner realm.


The arrival of the inner body realm, only dozens of times the power of the inner body realm, instantly suppressed Nanfeng Juggernaut, making Nanfeng Juggernaut unable to move.

Especially the secret threat, even made Master Nanfeng feel the breath of death.

Master Nanfeng didn't expect that Lei Dao would be so ruthless that he would directly attack him. Was he going to kill him?

"No, Master Lei, don't kill me. I'll give you both, and I'll give you both the Destroyer Stone. I have two Destroyer Stones..."

Master Nanfeng panicked immediately, and even took out the Divine Stone of Destruction.

No matter how good the Destroying God Stone is, it cannot save one's life.

Only by saving your life can you hope to become the first ancestor.

Therefore, under the threat of life and death, Master Nanfeng immediately made a choice and took out two God Stones of Destruction.

"You have the God of Destruction Stone, and there are still two?"

Lei Dao let go of the suppression of Nanfeng Master a little bit.

So, Master Nanfeng immediately took out two Destruction God Stones and handed them to Lei Dao.

Lei Dao took it over, and after a closer look, it really was the God of Destruction Stone.

At this time, Lei Dao's expression became a little strange.

"Actually, I didn't think about beheading Master Nanfeng, I just wanted to invite Master Nanfeng to stay in my body for a while."

"What? Didn't you want to kill me just now?"

Master Nanfeng was dumbfounded. He suddenly felt that he seemed to have done something stupid, and it was a very stupid thing.

After all, Lei Dao's internal domain was rolled, and the Nanfeng Master was directly drawn into the internal domain, and he used the magic treasure to cover him in the confusion.

"There are three Divine Destroyer Stones, and the behavior of Master Nanfeng can be used as a reference. Although I did not intend to kill these practitioners, it is always right to scare them. In order to destroy the Divine Stone, I can only wrong these practitioners. "

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and made up his mind instantly.

As long as one can get the Godly Stone of Destruction, it doesn't seem to be a big deal to frighten other practitioners a little bit.

Therefore, Lei Dao continued to search for the God of Destruction Stone and practitioners.

One, two, three, four, five...

As Lei Dao found more and more practitioners in the shattered space, no matter if it was the ruler, the emperor, or the aspirant, it was the same. Lei Dao had encountered them before and suppressed them all.

Of course, scaring is inevitable.

In the face of life and death, almost all practitioners have the same choice. They will hand over the Divine Stone of Destruction. Of course, the premise is that there is the Divine Stone of Destruction.

And Raidou's luck seems to have run out.

He suppressed more than a dozen practitioners in a row, but he couldn't even find a single Godly Stone of Destruction. Lei Dao's harvest was still only three Godly Stones of Destruction.


Suddenly, Lei Dao found that there seemed to be many practitioners in front of him, not one or two, but dozens of practitioners.

There are masters and great emperor questioners, and they seem to have gathered together.

This is a big gain!

Lei Dao flew forward without any hesitation.


When Lei Dao came here, the eyes of many practitioners were also on Lei Dao. Many Taoist eyes were very vigilant, and they had clearly recognized Leidao.

After all, Lei Dao is quite recognizable among many practitioners. Almost all practitioners know Lei Dao that kills the incarnation of the saint.

They can underestimate anyone, but they will never underestimate Lei Dao.

"It's the master of thunder."

"The Master of Thunder who killed the incarnation of the saint is here? That's great. He is a cultivator of our Ming Realm. It may be difficult for these great emperors and aspirants of the ancient continent to monopolize those sacred stones of destruction."

"That's right, there are so many God Stones of Destruction, we must never give up!"

After seeing Lei Dao, some practitioners in the Ming Realm breathed a sigh of relief.

It was too much pressure for them to confront those cultivators from the ancient continent before. Although no one can believe it in the face of the God of Destruction Stone, even the same camp will fight and fight in the end.

But there is a top aspirant who can kill the incarnation of a saint, so there is a little security after all.

"The God of Destruction Stone? And there are dozens of them?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up, and he immediately followed everyone's gaze and looked towards the distant space.

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