Longevity Species

Chapter 992 Are you sure you want to surround and kill Lei? (third change)

"Lei...Lei dominates."

The three top questioners said cautiously. Their expressions were very embarrassing. Who would have thought that they would meet this famous and peerless murderer Lei Dao?

Although Lei Dao's reputation in the ancient continent is not extremely vicious, it is famous and fierce. Especially for the cultivators of the camp of gods and demons in the ancient continent, Lei Dao is a strong man that no one wants to face.

In the shattered space, they met Lei Dao, how unlucky are they?

"Three top aspirants, don't say you don't have the Godly Stone of Destruction. Hand over your Godly Stone of Destruction, and Lei can not kill you."

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly.

During this time, he got almost nothing.

It's just that five practitioners were suppressed, and as for the God of Destruction Stone, they didn't get a single one. After all, not everyone is so lucky to get the Divine Stone of Destruction.

Unexpectedly, he met three top aspirants now, and Lei Dao felt that this was his luck. The three top aspirants, with such strength, it is impossible not to get the God of Destruction Stone.

One of the top aspirants wept, and said cautiously: "If I say that there is no shattering god stone, will Master Lei believe it or not?"

Lei Dao stared blankly, and said lightly: "Do you think Lei will believe it?"

Of course Lei Dao would not believe it.

The three top aspirants don't have a single God of Destruction Stone, so who are they fooling? Don't talk about Lei Dao, no one will believe it.

"But we really haven't destroyed the Divine Stone..."

The three top aspirants casually told everything that happened to them just now.

They were really out of luck. They had just escaped from the semi-holy Emperor Yuan, but now they encountered Lei Dao again. They had no other choice but to tell the truth.

As for hands?

They have never thought that Lei Dao can kill the incarnation of a saint, even more than one, is that a good match? If you really want to do it, they may really die!

"Half-holy emperor Yuan and the four emperors are fighting?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

Half holy!

Lei Dao was still muttering, why he hadn't met the half-sage all this time, he didn't expect that there would be news of the half-sage now, and he still met five of them all at once.

Emperor Yuan, Lei Dao has naturally heard of it, he is the best among the semi-sages.

As for the Four Emperors, Lei Dao has also heard about them.

It's just that Lei Dao was not worried or afraid when he met the five semi-sages all at once, but excited.

Five and a half saints!

How many Divine Destruction Stones do you have to harvest?

Anyway, Lei Dao wants to suppress the 109 practitioners in the shattered space, so even if he is a semi-saint, Lei Dao will have to match sooner or later, isn't this a chance?

You can directly suppress the five semi-saints!

There are not many such opportunities.

Lei Dao looked at the three top aspirants in front of him, and said in a calm tone: "If you haven't shattered the sacred stone, then you will be wronged for a while, stay in the inner realm, and you will naturally be let out at that time."

Therefore, Lei Dao also directly suppressed the three top aspirants in the inner body realm.


The next moment, Lei Dao's figure flew forward quickly, and at the same time, his divine sense was still rapidly exploring the distant void.



Emperor Yuan and the Four Emperors fought, and they still fought hard, completely head-to-head.

Both sides even manifested the way of saints.

Moreover, the semi-sage is different from the aspirant, the semi-sage can also sense the ancient continent and mobilize some power of the ancient continent. From this point of view, there is not much difference between a semi-saint and a saint.

Or maybe it's just that there aren't that many incarnations.

"As expected of the Four Emperors, the reputation is well-deserved."

"Emperor Yuan, you are worthy of being a top half-sage, and our four emperors joined forces, and even we can't suppress you."

"Then fight again, today, we must decide the winner!"

Emperor Yuan and the Four Emperors are fighting crazily, and the semi-sage can mobilize the power of the ancient continent. Therefore, the battle between the two sides is extremely fierce, and the void collapses piece by piece, showing terrifying destructive power.

This level of power, even the top aspirants can't reach it. Even top aspirants are at best cannon fodder in front of such a battle.

This is half holy!

"Half-holy, really powerful!"

Suddenly, a sound came into the ears of Four Emperors and Emperor Yuan.


Emperor Yuan and the Four Emperors stopped fighting almost immediately, and both looked towards the void.

When he looked at it, he saw a figure.

And this figure, although they have not come into contact with it, is extremely familiar.

Thunder Road!

That Lord of Thunder who killed the incarnation of the saint and was famous in the Ancient Desolate Continent!


Emperor Yuan's gaze was like a knife's edge, staring straight at Lei Dao.

"Lei Dao, you came just in time, so I don't have to look for you."

Emperor Yuan said lightly.

"Find me?"

Lei Dao narrowed his eyes slightly, and he heard something in Emperor Yuan's words.

"Which saint entrusted you?"

Lei Dao suddenly thought of something and asked calmly.

"You understand? It's okay to tell you, anyway, you won't be able to get out of the shattered space alive. This seat is entrusted by the sage Yuan to keep you in the shattered space forever."

"Sage Yuan? It really is him..."

Lei Dao shook his head. In fact, after thinking about it carefully, the saint who hated him the most was still Yuan Yuan.

At the beginning, Saint Yuan was killed by Lei Dao for the first time, and the incarnation of Saint was killed, and it even spread throughout the entire ancient continent, making Saint Yuan the laughing stock of ancient continent.

In this matter, although the ancestor of the master came forward, how could the saint Yuan really let it go?

Totally impossible!

Sage Yuan is just looking for opportunities.

And this shattered space, Saint Yuan felt that it was an opportunity.

Therefore, at all costs, the semi-sacred Emperor Yuan was invited to deal with Lei Dao.

"Sage Yuan, why is this necessary? I'm just an ordinary practitioner of the Ming Realm. It was a complete misunderstanding and accident to kill Saint Yuan's incarnation back then. At worst, I'll just apologize to Saint Yuan. How can you be a saint?" , have always been brooding? This mind is too small."

Lei Dao was speechless.

In his opinion, what is it for a saint to stare at an ordinary practitioner?

Also too narrow-minded.

Moreover, it was clearly a misunderstanding when he killed the incarnation of Saint Yuan at the beginning, but Saint Yuan held a grudge, and he kept it on his mind all the time, and even invited Emperor Yuan to deal with Lei Dao at all costs.

"Shut up, I am a great saint in the ancient continent, how can I allow you to be slandered by an extraterrestrial demon? Four Emperors, I hold the life of Saint Yuan. As long as you cooperate to kill Lei Dao, Saint Yuan is willing to agree to one condition."

"Accept any conditions?"

"At least it's much easier than obtaining the Destruction Stone."

This is also a promise made by Saint Yuan himself, and it is also in order to be able to kill Lei Dao without fail, that Saint Yuan will make such a promise and pay a huge price.

The four emperors looked at each other, obviously a little moved.

That is a promise of Saint Yuan!

They fought life and death in the shattered space, for the sake of shattering the god stone? And what is the God of Destruction Stone used for? Of course, it is for the saint, in exchange for other treasures of the saint, and even the evolution of the saint's path.

Now that they have the promise of Saint Yuan, they only need to cooperate with Emperor Yuan to kill Lei Dao, and then they can get the promise of Saint Yuan, which is much easier than searching for the God of Destruction Stone.

The only risk is Lei Dao's strength.

After all, Lei Dao killed the incarnation of a saint, how powerful is it?

The top aspirants are far inferior.

Perhaps, Lei Dao is already comparable to the semi-holy, and even surpasses the general semi-holy.

But Lei Dao is only a practitioner of the Ming Realm, and he has never heard of the birth of a semi-saint in the Ming Realm.

What's more, with the addition of Emperor Yuan, they have five semi-sages, so they can't deal with a Thunder Dao?


Immediately, the four emperors also looked at Lei Dao, and their figures began to spread out gradually, surrounding Lei Dao in the middle. They have made a choice directly with action.

"Yes, this is the right choice."

A smile appeared on the corner of Emperor Yuan's mouth.

"Are you going to surround and kill me?"

Lei Dao felt very surprised.

"Are you sure you want to surround and kill Lei?"

"That's right, haven't you seen it all just now?"

"Are you sure you know that Lei once killed the incarnation of a saint?"

"How do you know? What if you don't know? Since we dare to do it, we all know."

Lei Dao understood, completely understood.

These five semi-sages are sure!

Suddenly, Lei Dao became nervous deep inside.

These five semi-sages still wanted to attack him even though they knew he could kill the incarnation of the saint. What does this mean?

This shows that they know Lei Dao very well, and they are confident enough to deal with Lei Dao.

They are fully prepared!

With enough confidence!

So it was Raidou who should be worried.

"Okay, now there is no need to find excuses and reasons. However, I seem to be exaggerating..."

Lei Dao felt a little regretful.

Half holy!

He has never been in contact with the semi-saint, and if he wants to besiege and kill him now, he must be absolutely sure. And what about Raidou? He even rushed forward foolishly.

This is the mind blinded by greed.

In order to destroy the sacred stone, Lei Dao came here on his own initiative. Thinking about it now, he was really too greedy. Facing the five half-sages who were bound to win, Lei Dao was too reckless.

However, the matter has come to this point, even if Lei Dao wants to hide, he can't hide.

In this case, you can only work hard!

"Do it!"

The next moment, Emperor Yuan made a move.

He immediately mobilized the power of the ancient continent and blessed him. At the same time, the Four Emperors did the same thing, mobilizing the power of the ancient continent to bless themselves.

Suddenly, Lei Dao felt as if he was facing a saint.

These five semi-saints mobilized the power of the ancient continent. At this moment, they are no different from real saints.

"Half-holy...sometimes, he is a real saint!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth, and roared in a low voice: "No, I will never let you succeed! Want to mobilize the power of the ancient continent? Isolate me, the realm is coming!"


The next moment, Lei Dao let out a low growl, and the realm in his body erupted, a total of 115 times the power of the realm, descending instantly!

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