Longevity Species

Chapter 993 Completed a small goal! (first update)

Half holy!

Lei Dao didn't dare to underestimate any demi-saint!

Even, Lei Dao pays more attention to semi-saints than saint incarnations. After all, saint incarnations are just incarnations after all. The primordial spirits of saints are placed in the void of the ancient continent, which has limitations after all.

But the semi-sage is different. The semi-sage's primordial spirit is still in the body, and it is undoubtedly far stronger than the saint's communication with the ancient continent through the incarnation.

Even if the other party is a saint!

Therefore, Lei Dao didn't dare to take it lightly, and went all out when he made a move.


The next moment, the five semi-sages felt as if the world was spinning, and they seemed to be trapped in a certain world all of a sudden, even if there was no connection with the ancient continent.

"how so?"

"Emperor Yuan, can you sense the Desolate Ancient Continent? Our perception is very blurred, and the power of the Desolate Ancient Continent cannot even bless us."

"As expected of Master Lei who can kill the incarnation of saints. If I guess correctly, this is the world he cultivated! He can completely cut off the connection between the incarnation of saints and the ancient continent, so he can kill the incarnation of saints."

The five half-sages are worthy of being half-sages, especially Emperor Yuan, who immediately saw Lei Dao's methods.

It is precisely because of Lei Dao's inner body boundary that Lei Dao can kill the saint incarnation. After cutting off the connection between the ancient continent and the saint incarnation, the saint incarnation is nothing more than a stronger top aspirant. Dao easily beheaded.

"What, can he isolate the connection between the ancient continent and us?"

"Damn, how did this happen?"

"Tear apart his world quickly, otherwise, we may all die today!"

The four emperors immediately became nervous, they even felt the breath of death, if they continued to stay like this, they might die!

"Everyone, don't forget that we are half saints! To some extent, we have more advantages than saints, because we still have primordial spirits! Lei Dao wants to rely on a world to isolate us from the ancient continent. Contact, is it possible? Those who don’t want to die will have their primordial spirit go out of their bodies, use the primordial spirit to communicate with the ancient continent, bless the power of the ancient continent, and tear his world apart!”

Emperor Yuan shouted loudly.

"Use Yuanshen? This is a desperate effort!"

The four emperors looked at each other.

The primordial spirit is their foundation. All the great emperors of the ancient continent cultivated the primordial gods and demons, and their primordial spirit is the root of the foundation. Whenever the primordial spirit is damaged a little, it damages the foundation, and in the next lifetime, don't even think about the primordial spirit relying on the void to become a saint.

Even if the primordial spirit is a little damaged, their own strength will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, generally, it is not a last resort, and no gods and demons are willing to use the primordial spirit. Once the primordial spirit is used, it is really desperate. It's just that, in this situation, it is impossible to use the primordial spirit. Only by using the primordial spirit can it be possible to sense the barren ancient continent again, thereby mobilizing the power of the barren ancient continent.

Otherwise, without the blessing of the power of the ancient continent, these semi-sages are at best top aspirants comparable to ordinary ones, and they are far from the opponents of Lei Dao.


The next moment, Emperor Yuan and the Four Emperors, a total of five semi-sages, immediately came out of their bodies without hesitation. Immediately, Lei Dao saw five figures appear above their heads. At the same time, once these five figures appeared, Lei Dao could clearly feel that the connection between the other party and the ancient continent seemed to be strengthened several times.


The realm within Lei Dao's body was shaking violently. The five semi-sacred primordial spirits mobilized the power of the Desolate Ancient Continent. Suddenly, the power of the Desolate Ancient Continent came down and blessed them.

The five semi-saints, at this time with the blessing of the power of the ancient continent, became the real semi-saints.


The realm within Lei Dao's body couldn't withstand the bombardment of the five demigods. A hole was torn open in the realm, and the figures of the five demigods were about to fly out of the hole.

Lei Dao's expression changed.

This is the first time his body domain has failed.

"Sure enough, a semi-holy is worthy of being a semi-holy. To some extent, it is indeed stronger than the incarnation of a saint."

Lei Dao looked dignified.

He had expected a long time ago that the half-sage is the real body, and the saint is the incarnation, even the most ordinary incarnation. Lei Dao can kill the saint's incarnation, but it may not be able to defeat the half-sage.

The scene in front of him undoubtedly confirmed Lei Dao's speculation.

The domain in his body is indeed very strong. Even if it is stronger, for example, it reaches the level of two hundred times the domain, even if the five semi-sages use the primordial spirit, they will never be able to sense the ancient continent.

Therefore, it's not that Lei Dao's domain is not strong, but that Lei Dao is not strong enough!

However, no matter how strong the half-sage is, the opponent is already desperate, so Lei Dao dares to hold back?

"Half saint, I'm sorry!"

Raidou took a deep breath.

Bansheng has a hole card, why does Lei Dao have no hole card?

"Masked world, suppress!"

The next moment, Lei Dao used the magical treasure of the maze, and immediately, the power of the maze permeated the realm in the body, completely engulfing the five semi-sages at once.


For a while, the world was spinning, and the five semi-sages seemed to have entered a fully enclosed cage all of a sudden, and they could no longer sense the ancient continent.

Even, there are terrifying forces in all directions, crushing towards them.


One of the four emperors, one of the semi-sages, his primordial spirit screamed, and a crack appeared in the originally transparent and flawless primordial spirit.

Just a single crack made the half-sage let out a shrill scream.

This is Yuanshen!

It is the root of the gods and demons, who has suffered a little damage, the pain is unimaginable, let alone a crack?

"Kacha Kacha".

The next moment, more half saints screamed.

Cracks appeared in each of the five demi-sages and the primordial spirits. Once cracks appeared, it would take thousands of years for the primordial spirits to recover, and they might not even be able to recover.

And even if he recovers, there will be sequelae, and he will never be able to become a saint for the rest of his life.

This is the biggest blow to the half saint!

"how so?"

"We might, really die!"

"Our primordial spirit has been severely injured. Even if we recover, if we want to become saints, it's just a dream."

"But it's better than death. If you die, then there is really no hope."

"Master Lei, we are willing to hand over all the Divine Stones of Destruction, please hold your hand high and spare our lives..."

In the end, the five deities begged for mercy.

They really felt the breath of death.

If this power continues, then they will most likely die.


The next moment, even Lei Dao was relieved.

He glanced at the mysterious treasure in his hand. In this short period of time, the mysterious treasure has shrunk by a circle, and the energy contained in it has also decreased a lot.

This is the price of suppressing the five semi-saints!

After all, this is the five demi-saints! If you want to suppress the five semi-sages, it will consume far more energy than any top aspirant. After all, the strange treasures of the confusing world are not only fighting against the half-sages, but more importantly, they are fighting against the ancients. Continental power.

Otherwise, the Mystery World's Rare Treasure would not consume so much energy.

Lei Dao directly received the strange treasure of the lost world, and he really felt distressed.

The strange treasures of the lost world must not be exhausted, otherwise, what would Lei Dao use to motivate the black coffin?

It also requires a lot of energy to activate the black coffin. So far, only the magic treasure of the maze can activate the black coffin. Moreover, once the treasure of the maze is exhausted, the maze of Lei Dao will completely collapse.

In order to suppress the five semi-sages, Lei Dao also paid a huge price!

"I can no longer easily use the magical treasure of the lost world. After all, it is still not strong enough. My internal body should be expanded again, preferably two hundred times! There is also the ancestor god body, 10% of the ancestor god body is far from enough , get 20% of the ancestor god body..."

Lei Dao murmured in a low voice, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

However, after thinking about it, Lei Dao still has to face the reality, he doesn't have that much lifespan now.

Lei Dao put away the treasures of the maze world, and still used the inner body domain to suppress the five semi-sages.

Now that the five half-sages have been severely injured, they dare not use their souls, so Lei Dao's inner body can easily suppress them.

"Everyone, where's your Destruction Stone?"

Emperor Yuan and the Four Emperors looked at each other. Under this situation, they also had to bow their heads.

So, all five of them took out the God Stone of Destruction.

Lei Dao took a closer look and was immediately elated.

Emperor Yuan alone took out thirty-two Godly Stones of Destruction, and the Fourth Emperor even took out forty-one. The total of five semi-holy Godstones of Destruction was seventy-three!

This is a huge gain.

Lei Dao had harvested forty-two Godly Destroyer Stones before, and with the current seventy-three, there would be a total of 115 Destroyer Godly Stones.

This has almost fulfilled Lei Dao's goal when he came to the Destruction Space, that is, to get a hundred Destruction God Stones, and now it has even exceeded a hundred Destruction God Stones.

And this is far from over.

Lei Dao still has a chance to get more Destruction Stones.

"You five and a half saints, first stay in Lei's inner body for a while, and after leaving the shattered space, Lei will naturally let you go."

Therefore, Lei Dao directly suppressed the five semi-sages into the realm of the body.

With the addition of the five semi-saints, Lei Dao has now suppressed sixty-four practitioners, and he is not far away from suppressing one hundred and nine practitioners.

Looking at the one hundred and fifteen God of Destruction Stones in his hand, Lei Dao hesitated.

"The small goal has been completed. One hundred God of Destruction Stones is enough to trade with the two ancestors to obtain two bloodlines of the ancestors. Next, shall we continue?"

Lei Dao thought about it, this is just a small goal, he still has a big goal!

One hundred and fifteen Divine Destruction Stones are in Lei Dao's hands, but the Destruction Space shows no signs of instability. This shows that there may be many Divine Stones of Destruction in the Destruction Space this time.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

What's more, two kinds of ancestor blood can satisfy Lei Dao?

No, Raidou will not be satisfied.

There are quite a few ancestors in the ancient continent. As long as Lei Dao has enough Destruction Stones, are you afraid that you won't be able to trade the blood of the ancestors?

"That's it, let's continue to search for the God of Destruction Stone."

Lei Dao made up his mind and continued to search in the space of destruction.

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