Longevity Species

Chapter 994 I admit, I have wiped them all out! (Second more)

Outside the shattered space, many saints and ancestors were closing their eyes and resting their minds. They didn't seem to be in a hurry. Although a whole month has passed now, they haven't seen anyone come out.

Under normal circumstances, after entering the Destruction Dimension for a few days, someone should come out. Even if you are unlucky, or there are very few Destruction God Stones, within a month, someone should come out.

And now?

No, not a single practitioner came out, no matter whether it was a god, a demon or a master, no one left the space of destruction.

"It seems something is wrong. After such a long time, no matter how you say it, someone should have come out. Could it be that something happened in the shattered space?"

The ancestor pan frowned.

His gaze swept over many saints. After all, the shattered space is in the ancient continent. Who knows if these saints have any backhands.

No one can tell.

It's weird in itself that no one has come out for such a long time now.

"Maybe it's because there are too few Godly Destroyer Stones? There aren't even ten Godly Destroyer Stones. Now our top masters and aspirants are trying to get one Godly Destroyer Stone, so they didn't come out."

Other ancestors spoke slowly.

Of course, this possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, no one knows how many Destruction God Stones are in the Destruction Space. What if there are only a dozen or even a few?

It's all possible!

Now the ancestors and saints can only wait patiently.

"Don't worry, Ancestor Pan, you must have confidence in Lei Dao."

On the contrary, Ancestor Kong seemed very calm.

"Lei Dao?"

Ancestor Pan smiled slightly and said, "Indeed, Lei Dao is a great miracle for our Ming Realm camp to be able to kill the incarnation of a saint. It may not have been fanciful when he said that he wanted fifty Destruction Stones in exchange for our blood. "

The ancestor Kong has great confidence in Lei Dao.

It's only been a month, and no one has come out, which proves that at least there is no danger inside, and there is no sign of collapse in the shattered space.

"As soon as Lei Dao came out, he immediately protected Lei Dao. Those saints in the ancient continent were staring at Lei Dao."

The first ancestor Kong looked at the saints with cold eyes, especially the saint Yuan, who obviously had murderous intentions towards Lei Dao.

"Ancestor Kong, don't worry, with you as the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations and so many ancestors of us, what can those saints do to Lei Dao?"

The ancestor pan said lightly, looking very confident.

They have confronted the saint so many times, which time did they lose the wind?

Saints really dare to go to war to destroy the sacred stone, and they are not afraid.

"Huh? The shattered space seems to be collapsing?"

Suddenly, the ancestor plate found that the shattered space was shaking.

"The space began to vibrate, which means that the shattered space can't last long. Someone is coming out soon, so get ready."

The ancestor Kong said solemnly.

At this moment, no matter whether it is the ancestor or the saint, they all immediately became nervous, staring at the channel of the shattered space.


"Another half-sacred... But, this half-sacred is too miserable, right? Just got a God of Destruction Stone?"

Lei Dao suppressed another demi-saint.

It's been a whole month, and this is the ninth half-saint that Lei Dao has encountered.

In fact, the number of half-sages is almost the same. There are only nine half-sages who entered the shattered space this time, and they are all suppressed by Lei Dao now.

And this half-holy in front of him is the worst half-holy that Lei Dao has seen in the Destruction Space, and he only got a Destruction Stone. If it wasn't for the other party who was really about to be killed by Lei Dao and wouldn't let go, Lei Dao really thought that the other party wanted to destroy the god stone instead of his life.

However, in fact, the other party really only harvested one God-breaking Stone.

Lei Dao counted it. Up to now, he has obtained 161 Destroyer God Stones. As for the practitioners, Lei Dao has suppressed 103 practitioners.

However, these one hundred and three practitioners are actually all practitioners.

There are also six practitioners, all of whom have fallen.

Several semi-saints suppressed by Lei Dao have killed some practitioners, adding up to six.

Therefore, Lei Dao has now suppressed all the practitioners who have entered the shattered space and are still alive, and now only Lei Dao is left in the entire shattered space.

But Lei Dao has searched most of the shattered space.

Lei Dao didn't know whether he could still find the God of Destruction Stone in the end.

However, Lei Dao still had to continue searching for the God of Destruction Stone.

After spending a few more hours, Lei Dao's eyes lit up, and he saw a large amount of power of destruction in the void in front of him, which contained thirteen god stones of destruction.

Lei Dao used the black coffin to directly bring out the thirteen God of Destruction Stones.

The total number of Lei Dao's God of Destruction Stones reached one hundred and seventy-four.


Lei Dao was just about to continue searching, but after he put the thirteen God Stones of Destruction into the realm of his body, the entire void was violently turbulent, large areas of the void completely collapsed, and the power of destruction was still there. wreaked havoc.

"This is... the space of destruction is about to collapse?"

Lei Dao was shocked, and immediately thought of a certain possibility, that is, the collapse of the shattered space!

Only when the shattered space collapsed could there be such a big movement.

Thinking that the shattered space was about to collapse, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and immediately flew towards the gate of the shattered space.

It will take some time for the collapse of the shattered space, so Lei Dao is not too anxious. Soon, he had arrived at the portal of the shattered space.

"It's time to leave..."

In the next moment, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and took a fierce step towards the portal, directly stepping into the portal of the shattered space.


Outside the shattered space, many saints and ancestors are staring at the portal of the shattered space.

Now the shattered space is shaking more and more violently, and it is obvious that it is about to collapse. And once the shattered space collapses, no matter whether the practitioners inside have obtained the shattered divine stone or not, they will definitely hurry up and leave the shattered space.

Therefore, there will definitely be practitioners appearing in the channel of the shattered space soon. When the time comes, you will naturally know the actual situation in the shattered space. Let's see how much everyone has gained this time?

It's just that, waiting left and right, there is still no movement in the passage of the shattered space.

For a while, many saints and ancestors looked very ugly. Obviously, they also faintly sensed that something might have happened in the shattered space.

Otherwise, after such a long time, even the shattered space is about to collapse, and no one will leave the shattered space. But that's the way it is, and no one leaves dashspace.

Could it be that all the people inside were wiped out?

Or, what major changes happened in the space of destruction?

The faces of the ancestors and saints were very ugly. They don't want any accidents to happen in the Destruction Space, because once an accident happens and no one comes out, where will they get the Destruction Stone?


Just when many saints and ancestors were uneasy, suddenly, there was movement in the passage in the shattered space. Immediately afterwards, a figure staggered and flew out of the shattered space.

"Huh? It's him, he's not dead?"

Saint Yuan's expression changed.

He saw that figure, and it was Lei Dao that he hated to the bone, and wanted to kill him with all his might.

Lei Dao is not dead?

Moreover, he was the first practitioner to leave the shattered space. At this moment, Shengren Yuan already had a very bad premonition in his heart. He specially invited the Half-Saint Emperor Yuan to kill Lei Dao, what happened?

Lei Dao is alive and well, but Emperor Yuan is nowhere to be seen. I'm afraid it's more ominous than good.

However, Emperor Yuan is a dignified top semi-saint, and he can even unite with other semi-saints or aspirants, why did he still fail?

"Lei Dao! Where are the other people in the shattered space? Also, where is the semi-holy Emperor Yuan?"

The sage Yuan stepped forward, annoyed, he even wanted to grab Lei Dao directly.


Ancestor Kong took a step forward and had already arrived in front of the sage Yuan.

"Sage Yuan, what do you want to do to this old man's disciple?"


The sage Yuan gritted his teeth, and finally said in a deep voice: "I just asked Lei Dao. After all, he is the only one coming out now, and the shattered space is about to collapse. We need to know what happened in the shattered space?"


Lei Dao was slightly taken aback and said: "Nothing happened, everything in the Destroyed Space is fine."

"There is no accident, why are you the only one coming out so far?"


Originally, Lei Dao wanted to directly say that these people were all taken into the body realm by him.

But he did "snatch" the Destruction Stone from the hands of these practitioners. This is a disgraceful thing after all, and Lei Dao is also very ashamed.

There are so many saints and ancestors here, if they take the opportunity to make trouble, Lei Dao wonders if Master can hold on.

For unnecessary trouble, Lei Dao could only tell a small lie.

"I don't know either, maybe they are in trouble in the Shattered Dimension."

"Trouble, hmph, Lei Dao, if you don't make it clear today, you won't be allowed to leave. Even the ancestor Kong can't protect you!"

Saint Yuan's eyes were cold.

The next moment, Shengren Gu, Shengren Ju and other saints also surrounded him.

They are not for the sage yuan, but for destroying the god stone.

Now only Lei Dao came out of the shattered space, so there must be a problem.

Perhaps, the God of Destruction Stone is all on Lei Dao's body.

"Why, do you want to persecute the old man's disciple? Or do you want to kill the old man?"

At this time, the ancestor Kong let out a cold snort, and suddenly, the huge momentum on his body emanated.

The aura of the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations crushed everything and swept towards the surroundings mightily. Although there were so many saints, the ancestor Kong did not show the slightest fear.

"Hahaha, yes, the rules are set, but you saints want to break the rules, do you really think that there is no one in the Ming Realm?"

The ancestor pan also laughed out loud, exuding the same aura.

The other ancestors hesitated a little, but at this time they also exuded momentum and stood up.

For a while, the saint and the ancestor confronted each other, and the atmosphere was very tense.

"Stop, let me tell the truth, none of those people had any accidents, I admit, they... they were all caught by me!"

Lei Dao gritted his teeth and told the truth.

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