Longevity Species

Chapter 995 Lei Dao is too ruthless, he won't keep a single one! (third change)

"What did you say, they were all caught by you?"

Sage Yuan couldn't believe it.

Lei Dao said "they", not only Emperor Yuan. You must know that there are hundreds of practitioners who have entered the shattered space this time, and each of them is a powerhouse above the top emperor.

There are countless inquirers and top inquirers, and there are even nine semi-saints.

Can Lei Dao wipe out these powerhouses?

I don't know if other people believe it or not, but Saint Yuan doesn't believe it anyway.

"Teacher, is that really the case?"

The ancestor Kong's expression also became serious. Even though he had confidence in Lei Dao, he could hardly believe it. If it was true, then Lei Dao really caused him great trouble.

But, why do you still feel a little bit excited and excited when you think about it?

After all, this is his disciple!

Lei Dao nodded solemnly and said: "Master, what this disciple said is true. I don't want Master to be blamed. If it was done by the disciple, then the disciple must admit it. All practitioners who enter the shattered space will be punished." The disciples have been wiped out, and they are all suppressed!"

Lei Dao's expression was serious.

He had to tell the truth, and he couldn't let Master take the blame. Although the master is the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations, he is not afraid of such a little "black pot", but Lei Dao always feels that it is a bit dishonest to "pit" the master in this way.

Lei Dao has always been a simple person and an upright person, and he doesn't bother to lie. If he did it, he did it, and there was nothing he dared to admit.

Anyway, he had already offended the five saints before, so what if he offended a little more now?

"What about that person?"

"In my internal realm, I'm going to let them all out."

Lei Dao immediately extended his spiritual thoughts into the realm of the body, and the one hundred and three practitioners who were suppressed by him are now immersed in the maze.

Of course, these practitioners also knew that they were being suppressed, and even secretly tried to break through the maze, but they all failed, so they could only stay obediently.

However, they don't know how long Lei Dao will suppress them? It is impossible to suppress them for a lifetime, until the end of the era, and the catastrophe of the era, right?


The next moment, Lei Dao condensed a phantom in the maze.

"Master Lei, how long are you going to suppress us?"

Some of them couldn't help but ask.

Lei Dao said lightly: "Before in the Destruction Space, we were all fighting for the Destruction Stone. There was no deep hatred. Lei will naturally let you go."

After a pause, Lei Dao actually had some thoughts in his mind.

He saw some great emperors, these great emperors of the ancient continent actually possessed some powerful bloodlines. Lei Dao is worried about where to find the blood, isn't there a ready-made one here?

Of course, the number of powerful bloodlines is definitely not many, but if they are innate gods and demons, at least they are all powerful bloodlines.

Even, those semi-saints may all be top-notch bloodlines!

Thinking of this, Lei Dao continued: "If you want to leave, you all have to leave a blood."

Lei Dao simply asked all the emperors and masters to leave a bloodline.

With his current 10% ancestor god body, he can directly absorb and refine it. Of course, if he wants to upgrade the ancestor bloodlines, he must first raise these bloodlines to perfection.

"Leave blood?"

The faces of many masters and emperors changed slightly.

Bloodlines are actually very secretive. Once one obtains a certain kind of bloodline, it is possible to know some of its mysteries and carry out some targeted actions.

This is a potential risk for the Great Emperor and the Great Master.

But, do they still have a choice now?

Even if they don't want to, but in order to save their lives and to be able to leave, they can only grit their teeth and leave blood.

"Okay, we are willing to leave blood."

So, someone immediately agreed to keep the blood.

Lei Dao immediately removed those who left blood.


The next moment, the first practitioner was directly moved out of the realm within the body by Lei Dao.

This is an aspirant from the ancient continent.

It's just that the asker is still a little dazed now.

"I'm back?"

The aspirant was at a loss. He glanced at the many saints and ancestors in the void, and he seemed to wake up all of a sudden.

"Your Majesty Saint, I... I am back, I am ashamed of Your Majesty Saint."

The asker looked ashamed.

"Say, what's going on? Did you get the God of Destruction Stone?"

The saint asked with a livid face.

"Your Majesty the Saint, I did get some of the Divine Destruction Stones, but I met Master Lei and was snatched away by him. Moreover, almost all the practitioners in the entire space of destruction were suppressed by Master Lei. Master Lei must have I searched for the Godly Destroyer Stones in the entire Destroyed Dimension, probably... maybe there are hundreds of Godly Destroyer Stones?"


Immediately, as the aspirant's voice fell, the eyes of all saints and ancestors focused on Lei Dao.

Hundreds of Destruction Stones?

This is going against the sky!

Even in the legends, there are basically a few or dozens of Destruction Dimensions that have appeared, and hundreds of Destruction God Stones are considered very rare.

What's more, are there really only hundreds of them?

After all, Lei Dao monopolizes the entire Destruction Space. No one knows how many Destruction God Stones he has searched in the Destruction Space. It may be hundreds or hundreds.

Thinking of Lei Dao's "huge money", for a while, all the saints stared at Lei Dao with covetous eyes, and even some ancestors couldn't help but look a little strange.

After all, the God of Destruction Stone is related to whether the saint or the ancestor can survive the catastrophe of the era. This is fundamental, and no saint or ancestor will just give up.


The saint scolded coldly.

He asked the aspirant to compete for the God of Destruction Stone in the Destruction Space. He thought he could get a few of them, which was actually not bad, but who would have thought that if he got it, he would get it, but in the end he would be robbed by others.

How can this be tolerated?

"Ancestor Kong, this is your good disciple!"

The saint's eyes were cold, staring straight at Lei Dao.

"Skills are not as good as human beings, are you ashamed to say? In the shattering space, each of you has to use his own means to compete for the shattering god stone. This is agreed by you saints. Why, don't you remember now?"

Ancestor Kong also sneered.

Although he was also shocked in his heart, there were hundreds of Destruction Stones, Lei Dao actually got hundreds of Destruction Stones. So, the previous "deal" between Lei Dao and the ancestor plate was considered a success?

No, not only the ancestor disk, but also the ancestor Kong himself, who also had a deal with Lei Dao.

Fifty God Destruction Stones!

Even the ancestor Kong felt his heart throbbing, even if it was the ancestor's blood, he felt it was worth it! After all, if he misses this time, it will be difficult for him to get the God Stone of Destruction. Moreover, facing the almost mortal catastrophe of the eighth era, the ancestor Kong felt that there was no hope before.

But now, with these fifty God of Destruction Stones, it will be different.

Maybe he will realize something, and it is not impossible to survive the catastrophe of the eighth era.

"Uh... all saints, don't worry, and..."

After all, Lei Dao released many great emperors, masters, and aspirants in the realm of the body one after another.

These rulers, great emperors, aspirants, and even half saints are all in a trance. After seeing the saints and ancestors, each of them looked embarrassed and felt ashamed.

Especially the Nine and Half Saints, they didn't even want to say anything.

Under the eyes of everyone, the majestic Nine and Half Saints were actually suppressed by Lei Dao.

How embarrassing is that? How aggrieved?

He didn't even dare to face the saints who invited them here at a huge price.

"Emperor Yuan, is this your promise that you will definitely solve Lei Dao?"

The sage Yuan looked at Emperor Yuan with a bad expression.

Emperor Yuan took a deep look at Lei Dao, and then said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty Yuan, I am not good at doing things this time. I think I am inferior to others. I am not Lei Dao's opponent. All the treasures given by His Majesty Yuan, I Give it back in full."

"Huh, I'll give you all back. Does this saint need those treasures? Let me tell you, did Lei Dao get hundreds of God Stones of Destruction?"

"There should be hundreds of them. Many people have gained a lot in the space of destruction this time. I alone have harvested thirty-two god stones of destruction. It's a pity that they were all snatched away by Lei Dao. There are also four emperors who have gained a lot. It must be expensive, but they all fell into the hands of Lei Dao, so there are at least hundreds of Destruction Stones, or even more!"

After finishing speaking, Emperor Yuan pushed aside, he knew that the sage Yuan could no longer use him.

The conversation between the sage Yuan and Emperor Yuan was heard clearly by everyone.

In addition, there are more than a hundred other practitioners, and they have basically confirmed one thing from their mouths. This time, the shattered space is actually a big harvest.

There are at least hundreds of Destruction Stones.

It's just that Lei Dao snatched many of the God's Destruction Stones they harvested, and now they don't even have a single Destroyer's God's Stone, and they all belong to Lei Dao alone.


Immediately, everyone's eyes focused on Lei Dao again.

Especially those saints and even ancestors, their eyes are extremely fiery.

At this time, the ancestor took an empty step forward and stood in front of Lei Dao.

"Do you want to tear up the agreement?"

The ancestor Kong's eyes were sharp, and his aura was extremely powerful, forcibly suppressing several saints.

But this time, these saints are not afraid of the ancestor Kong.

After all, with hundreds of Divine Destroyer Stones involved, even the Ancestor camp is actually somewhat divided. Some of the Ancestors who are not so familiar with Ancestor Kong have already begun to shake in their hearts.

"Ancestor Kong, you can't swallow so many Godly Stones of Destruction, right? You just saw that your disciple Lei Dao is too greedy. He scoured all the Godly Stones of Destruction, not even leaving one for us. None of them are left behind, we have so many saints and ancestors, will we get nothing this time?"

The sage Yuan stared at the ancestor Kong and Lei Dao quietly.

The same is true for many saints, also staring at Lei Dao and Ancestor Kong.

They came all the way from thousands of miles just to destroy the divine stone.

Now that Lei Dao doesn't even give one, how can they give up if they don't get the God of Destruction Stone?

The corner of the ancestor Kong's mouth twitched slightly.

He had confidence in Lei Dao, but he didn't expect that Lei Dao was so ruthless that he didn't leave any of them to others, and they all caught them all in one go, and took them all into their pockets.

This is too cruel!

It was like a geese passing by and plucking their feathers, like locusts passing through, not a single God of Destruction Stone was left behind.

The point is, when Lei Dao is so "ruthless", the ancestor Kong has to face all the saints and even the ancestor, even if he is the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations, he can't handle it faintly!

For the first time, Ancestor Kong felt that the disaster caused by his disciple was getting bigger and bigger, and now it was so big that even he couldn't handle it.

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