Long Xuan nodded and threw a storage ring to the fat steward of Qian's family.

The fat steward hurriedly took it, his right eye flashed with golden light, and he scanned the storage ring with his golden pupil. With the powerful computing power of the golden pupil, he almost instantly calculated the total value of the vast amount of various spiritual medicines in the storage bag.

To be honest, Long Xuan could not calculate the total value of the spiritual medicines in the storage bag in a short time. He had no idea how much these spiritual medicines would sell for. It all depended on the price calculated by Qian's Chamber of Commerce.

He was not worried that the merchants of Qian's Chamber of Commerce would make false reports. For ordinary transactions, he still believed in the binding force of the Integrity Gu.

"It's more than 300 million spirit stones in total. This is the first transaction. I'll round it up to 400 million spirit stones."

"I hope you Black Dragon Pirates will come to me next time you sell the Dead Sea Spirit Medicine. I'm the Third Young Master's man, and my backing is absolutely guaranteed! Financial resources are also guaranteed."

"This is my permanent communication talisman. You can use this communication talisman to contact me at any time!"

The fat steward handed a golden communication talisman to Long Xuan with a smile.

"Permanent communication talisman?"

Long Xuan took it curiously. The communication talismans he had seen before were all disposable. This kind of permanent communication talisman was the first time he had seen it.

It must be very expensive. Even a thousand disposable communication talismans are not as good as a permanent communication talisman. Otherwise, everyone would use the more practical permanent communication talisman.

He looked up at the fat man. He didn't expect that the fat steward was actually the Third Young Master's man. No wonder his body size was comparable to that of the Third Young Master.

"No problem. If I still plan to sell the spiritual medicine in the Death Sea, I will trade with you first." Long Xuan put away the communication talisman and directly agreed to his request.

Hearing this, the fat steward's face suddenly smiled.

After pouring all the spiritual medicine in the storage ring into his own storage ring, he filled the storage ring with spiritual stones and returned it to Long Xuan.

After Long Xuan took the storage ring, he was too lazy to waste time counting the number of spiritual stones. He believed in the credit of the Qian family merchant, so he turned around and left after taking the storage ring, without any intention of talking any more.

After all, he was not a real pirate of the Black Dragon Pirates, and he would lose more if he spoke too much.

To be honest, 400 million spiritual stones were still a bit too little. The Black Dragon Pirates had been attacking the Death Sea for many years, so how could they only bring out spiritual medicines of such value.

Without considering the spiritual medicines that had been consumed, the Black Dragon Pirates obviously knew that a large number of spiritual medicines crowded in one place would depreciate, and they would definitely sell the spiritual medicines to different places.

Long Xuan didn't have time to go everywhere, and the money he earned from the Dead Sea Spiritual Medicine could only be earned here.

Next, he let the crew move freely, and he took the spiritual stones he had just earned and walked around this prosperous city, taking this opportunity to collect the remaining 50,000 materials of the Toad Gu Fang in the Swallowing World.

The Sea God Island is very prosperous, with a wide variety of treasures, and the resources in the city are far more than those in the Great Lonely Island.

So Long Xuan quickly collected more than 40,000 missing materials here, and the materials that have not been collected can basically be ignored.

This is also the convenience of his identity. He is now the first mate of the Black Dragon Pirates, so it is extremely convenient to collect materials in the city. No one dares to give him face, otherwise it would be impossible for him to collect nearly 50,000 materials so quickly.

However, this transaction once again squandered the spiritual stones he got from selling the Dead Sea Spiritual Medicine, and also lost a lot of treasures that he had collected for many years. He was really angry.

Thinking that he still had 100,000 materials to collect, and these 100,000 materials were still unknown, he was even more angry.

This kind of Gu recipe is simply a big spender. Apart from Duobao merchants, no one can really make it, not to mention that the one he made is an enhanced version.

Long Xuan quickly walked around the island, collected all the materials he could collect, and finally gathered a group of crew members to prepare for departure.

After he brought a group of crew members to the seaside, he waited for the Heart of the Ocean to turn blue, and then quickly took out the Shenlong from the Heart of the Ocean and placed it on the sea, and then rushed onto the ship excitedly with a group of crew members.

As the sails were raised, the Shenlong started and slowly moved away from the shore. Long Xuan and others once again embarked on a voyage to the endless sea, and they didn't know what dangers and opportunities were waiting for them on the road ahead.

On the boat, Long Xuan breathed the sea breeze blowing in his face, feeling refreshed. This was a familiar taste. After a month and a half, he finally returned to the sea.

All the crew members on the boat were in a good mood at this time. They still liked life on the sea. It was not until they came to the sea that they felt unprecedented security.

It seemed that as long as they were here, they didn't have to worry about any danger. At this moment, all the crew members' tense nerves were truly relaxed.

Only Leng Yan looked worried. She was worried about the safety of the Leng family on Dagu Island.

She didn't know if the next time she left, she would hear the news that Dagu Island had been massacred by the Black Dragon Pirates.

Emperor Xin came over, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the preparations of the Leng Island Master are too sufficient. He used everything he could."

"With the help of my formation and Long Xuan's King Breaking Pill, Dagu Island has a 90% chance of defeating the Black Dragon Pirates. The Black Dragon Pirates will definitely suffer a heavy blow in this battle."

"But it is certain that the Leng family will suffer heavy losses. This cannot be avoided."

Leng Yan glanced at her with a worried look on his face. He secretly sighed that where did this second-grade formation master get the confidence to claim that the formation he arranged could threaten the Black Dragon Pirates. Was she a little too confident?

But out of politeness, she didn't say this after all.

Because she was not confident in Emperor Xin's formation, she didn't believe what Emperor Xin said.

But after hearing this, Long Xuan's eyes lit up. Is there a 90% chance that the Black Dragon Pirates will be crippled in this battle? That's really wonderful.

Since he has already made a feud with the Black Dragon Pirates, the Black Dragon Pirates will always threaten his personal safety if they are not destroyed. He hopes that the Black Dragon Pirates will be destroyed as soon as possible. He will not be able to sleep well if the Black Dragon Pirates are not destroyed.

He is still quite convinced of Emperor Xin's attainments in formation. Not to mention anything else, just because she has more hands, she can carve more formation patterns. Even if the quality is not enough, she can make up for it with quantity. She said that her formation can severely damage the Black Dragon Pirates. It may not be a lie.

After hearing what Emperor Xin said, Long Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Leng Yan and comforted her:

"The Leng Island Master is very insidious. I believe that under his leadership, the Leng family can survive this crisis."

"Even if they are defeated, he can evacuate the important members of the family through the teleportation array in time."

"At that time, he only needs to blow up the teleportation array on the side of the Sea God City, and the Black Dragon Pirates on the side of the Great Lonely Island will not be able to catch up."

"So even if the worst happens, you don't have to worry at all."

His comfort is much more effective than Emperor Xin, and the worry on Leng Yan's face is relieved a lot.

At this time, Wu Yaoyao's little head suddenly squeezed over and said: "Big sister, let me tell you a fortune. Maybe the future picture I predicted can see the Leng family on the Great Lonely Island, which can let you know whether the Leng family will be destroyed in the future."

"I'm giving you a fortune for free?" Wu Yaoyao said sweetly.

Seeing this figure, Long Xuan's face turned black. Who can tell me how she got on the ship?

Hearing this, Leng Yan showed an interested look, and wanted to do a divination.

Long Xuan showed a strange look at this time. This mysterious fortune teller was so shameless to get on the ship. Could it be that she wanted to do a divination for all his crew members?

Good guy, she came in to eat buffet.

What a big appetite!

The future of his crew must be extraordinary. Although there are many mediocre people here, he will use a large amount of realm-breaking pills to smash them into Gu Kings.

After his next trip to Tiandao, he did not plan to disband the fleet.

He wasted so much time researching the recipe of the spiritual medicine in the Death Sea, not to do this one-time business.

Less than 1 billion wealth is not worth his time to liver a few useless recipes.

Since he spent time researching the recipe for the spiritual medicine in the Death Sea, he must be planning to do this business for a long time.

This is a huge profit. Just go out to sea and you can easily get hundreds of millions or even billions of wealth.

Since he has the ability to enter the Sea of ​​Death, why should he give up the wealth of the Forbidden Sea?

Exploiting the resources of the Forbidden Sea is more profitable than doing any business, and he is really tempted.

So he has already planned to train a group of completely trustworthy crew members to collect resources from the Forbidden Sea for him for a long time. This Forbidden Sea is by no means limited to the Sea of ​​Death.

If conditions permit, he certainly wants to travel all the Forbidden Seas in the world.

So it is imperative to train a fleet of his own. He can use the coir to remotely control the fleet at that time. Even if he develops inland, the fleet will never be out of his control.

And his requirements for the crew are not high. They don’t need to have extraordinary qualifications. They just need to be 100% loyal to him.

Realm can be accumulated with resources, but loyalty cannot be accumulated with more resources.

And now his Shenlong is full of good people, and the possibility of betrayal is extremely low.

Good people are rare in the Gu world, and he will definitely focus on training these rare species.

In the future, he will help them break through the Gu King, and then let them be the captains of various squadrons, and let them lead large fleets to travel all over the forbidden seas.

As the fleet size becomes larger and larger, and more and more forbidden seas are conquered, he, as a captain, will be rich enough to have endless wealth.

These are all the assets he wants to save for the Heaven-Swallowing World Toad.

Since the strength of the Heaven-Swallowing World Toad is positively correlated with the wealth of its owner, Long Xuan will plunder the resources of this world at all costs.

So he must build this fleet. Once this plan comes out, the crew members on his ship will definitely be top-level strongmen in the future. This Wu Yaoyao is really right to get on board.

Long Xuan couldn't help but sigh that this little girl's vision is really poisonous. She can see through the future of each of his crew members at a glance, and then shamelessly get on board.

She really made the right move.

Zhan Gu followed her and was right to follow her master. This witch Yaoyao was really good at judging people.

"You have been with my crew for so long, you must have read fortunes for many people, right? Have you read fortunes for this shipwright beside me?"

Long Xuan asked curiously.

He was really curious about the future of Emperor Xin... (End of this chapter)

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