Longevity: Start with your own wine-making technique

Chapter 276 Wu Yaoyao's Divination

Wu Yaoyao glanced at Emperor Xin and said with a strange expression: "In my opinion, she is the second most important person after you. How can I let her go? But her future is a little special, even stranger than yours."

"The first scene I predicted was that she was hunted by hundreds of Gu Kings."

"The second scene I predicted was that she was hunted by thousands of Gu Kings."

"The third scene I predicted was that she was hunted by tens of thousands of Gu Kings."

"You almost scared me to death. Gu Kings are such a rare group. I'm afraid she has gathered all the Gu Kings in the world together, right?"

"How hateful is she that she can attract the hunt of Gu Kings from all over the world?"

"It's a miracle that she didn't die. You know, there are demons who practice forbidden Gu and massacre the city, but only hundreds of Gu Kings in the surrounding area participated in the siege."

"Her situation is much more dangerous than those who practice forbidden Gu. Of course, it may also be that my prediction is inaccurate, so I predicted such an outrageous scene."

Wu Yaoyao said hesitantly, with an uncertain expression.

Hearing this, Long Xuan couldn't help but twitch a few times at the corner of his mouth.

Good guy, Di Xin's future is actually being hunted by tens of thousands of Gu Kings. What on earth did she do to anger the heavens and the people? Why do others hate her so much!

Her future is still the same as always.

Long Xuan was convinced, and he admired her very much.

But at the same time, he also got a message from this picture, that is, this Di Xin, with a mortal body, will really become a Gu King in the future, which is simply against the will of heaven!

Long Xuan looked at her with emotion, then patted Wu Yaoyao's shoulder and sighed: "You don't have to be unconfident, your prediction is very accurate, her future will definitely develop like this, I believe it."

Long Xuan looked at Di Xin again and said: "Hey! Don't mention me when you are constantly being hunted in the future. I don't know you and I'm not familiar with you!"

Di Xin rolled his eyes at him.

At this time, Wu Yaoyao had already closed her eyes to tell Leng Yan's divination. The boat was instantly quiet, and everyone was watching quietly. Long Xuan stopped talking, for fear of disturbing her divination.

After an unknown amount of time, Wu Yaoyao slowly opened her eyes. Seeing that her expression did not change, Long Xuan knew that she had not predicted anything bad, and that it should all be a good sign.

"What is the result?" Leng Yan asked nervously.

"I made three predictions for you at once and saw three pictures."

"One of the pictures is that you become the head of the Leng family of Dagu Island. This prediction means that the Leng family of Dagu Island will still exist in the future, which means that Dagu Island will definitely win this battle."

"As for whether the Black Dragon Pirates will be destroyed or crippled and escape in this battle, it is not for me to know."

Hearing this, Leng Yan breathed a sigh of relief, with a happy look on his face, and the worries of many days were finally put down.

"What about the second prophecy?" Leng Yan asked impatiently.

All the other crew members also showed curiosity.

"The second prophecy is a picture of you fighting at sea. The time period should be a thousand years later, and your appearance at that time is exactly the same as you are now."

As soon as this was said, everyone on the ship showed a strange glow and looked at Leng Yan together.

Although this sentence is not long, it reveals a lot of information.

First of all, she can live for more than a thousand years, which means that she is not in danger of life within a thousand years, and it must be safe to follow her.

And since her life span is so long, she will basically be a Gu King in the future.

And her appearance after a thousand years is exactly the same as now, which means that she found the anti-aging fruit during this trip to Tiandao, and thus she will be forever young.

This is really a big fortune.

Leng Yan smiled immediately. You should know that her personality is cold and she rarely smiles.

It was also the first time that Long Xuan saw her smile, and he couldn't help but look at her more. Not to mention, she looked pretty when she smiled, worthy of being the first beauty in Xinghai City.

"What is the third prophecy?" Leng Yan couldn't wait to ask again.

"The third prophecy is not so good, that is, you have a crush on someone, but you are not destined to be together, and you will end up alone in the end." Wu Yaoyao looked at her cautiously.

The other crew members also looked at her with strange expressions, revealing a teasing look.

Hearing this, Leng Yan's face suddenly darkened, and she hurriedly said: "This prophecy must be wrong. I have no interest in men, so how could I have a crush on other men? Men will only affect the speed of my cultivation!"

Wu Yaoyao had long been accustomed to other people's doubts, and said: "Maybe, who can say for sure what will happen in the future?"

The rest of the crew members were very interested in divination at this time, so after Leng Yan's divination, they all rushed to go up for divination.

Wu Yaoyao, of course, accepted everyone and smiled.

Long Xuan was also watching curiously.

The second person to go up for the prediction was the festive-looking Mo Da Shao, who clamored to squeeze forward for divination, and no one rushed over to him.

And the first prediction about him was that he wrote a novel that sold well all over the world and became famous.

And his second prediction was that he became the head of the Mo family in Xinghai City, and he looked sad in the picture.

The third divination was a scene of him fighting a sea monster at sea, and the ship he was riding was the Shenlong.

These three predictions were just ordinary predictions to Long Xuan, nothing worth noting.

Since Wu Yaoyao was limited to nine divinations per day, she had already done six.

Therefore, in order to take care of more people, Wu Yaoyao decided that each person would only have one divination next, and three others would have the chance to do divination.

The third person who went up to do the divination was Ye Qingluan, who had the most cheerful temperament. Her divination was to raise a huge island-like whale and sail aimlessly on the sea with the Shenlong.

A very ordinary prophecy, nothing noteworthy.

The fourth person who went up to do the fortune-telling was Miao Peipei, the cutest girl on the ship. Her fortune-telling was that after she returned home, she was beaten by her parents and her buttocks were spread open by her mother.

Miao Peipei turned red on the spot, covered her face and ran away.

Another ordinary prophecy, nothing noteworthy.

The last one to go up for divination was Qiu Tiandao, and his divination was very noteworthy.

Because one of his future scenes was actually a duel with a sea dragon on the sea, and finally succeeded in killing the sea dragon.

This is enough to show that his future combat power will be very terrifying. He is at the peak of Gu King, and is a rare existence with the same level of combat power.

You must know that it is difficult for ten Gu Kings to defeat a sea dragon even if they are at their peak level.

At this time, all the crew members on the ship looked at him differently, and Qiu Tiandao also looked proud.

At this point, Wu Yaoyao's divination quota for today has been completely used up. If the rest of the crew still wants to divination, they can only wait until tomorrow.

Everyone on the boat could only retreat in disappointment.

Only Long Xuan still stood there thoughtfully. For some reason, he always felt that all Wu Yaoyao's divination was true and her prediction was 100%?

In the next voyage, Long Xuan once again returned to the homebody life. He went to the bedroom to make liver gu prescriptions and rarely came out.

Only when the ship encounters danger, he will come out for air and direct the crew to fight.

However, the sea area they are currently traveling in is not a forbidden sea, but a common sea area with high security, so the frequency of danger they encounter is not high.

It's nothing more than something getting on the ship and being chased by it. Many times, as soon as he came out of the door, the sea beast was easily dealt with by a group of crew members, and then the mess hall added food to give him free time. Satisfied the appetite.

So far, the large vegetable garden that Miao Peipei has carefully tended in the Heart of the Ocean has begun to take shape. Any fruits and vegetables can be supplied to the crew in unlimited quantities, and there is no need to save as before.

Time flew by like this for five months.

In these five months, Long Xuan finally deduced the recipe for the Heaven-Swallowing World Toad from 80% to 100%. At the same time, there were 100,000 more materials that needed to be collected, which made him feel tired.

He was either collecting materials, or he was very busy on the way to collect materials.

These 100,000 materials contained many top-quality spiritual insects, which were not easy to collect. Long Xuan could only find the rich woman on the ship and decided to collect wool again.

Normal people don't have the best spiritual insects, and even if they do, there aren't many. This Di Xin has a bunch of the best spiritual insects in his hands.

She is the one who emptied the Xuanyue Empire's treasury, but don't underestimate her collection of top-quality spiritual insects. She has at least one country's resources.

Long Xuan couldn't help but sigh, and he was glad that Di Xin accidentally boarded the ship, otherwise he really wouldn't know where to collect so many top-quality spiritual insects.

After knocking on the door, there was a voice asking to come in. Long Xuan finally opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him.

Di Xin did not raise his head to look at the person coming. He was studying a huge map on the table, his brows furrowed, as if he had encountered a great difficulty.

Long Xuan came over and looked at the map, and the corners of his mouth suddenly couldn't help but twitch.

Good guy, this is actually the distribution map of the major forces in Middle-earth.

Even before she was in Middle-earth, she had already started plotting against the treasure troves of various tribes in Middle-earth.

Is she starting to commit suicide again? The Middle Earth is the strongest among the thirty-six lands in the Western Region, but it is no better than where they lived before.

Middle-earth is one of the five centers of the Gu world. It is the holy land of Gu cultivators and the place where Gu cultivators are most concentrated.

There is a sea of ​​Gu cultivators there, with outstanding people, strong men and countless monsters. How can the forces there be so easy to make decisions.

It is a hundred times more difficult to make waves in the Central Plains than in the Western Lands. There is no comparison between the two places. Making trouble here can really cost lives.

Long Xuan's expression changed, and finally he couldn't help but said: "Are you going to make trouble again? Listen to my advice, your level is too low, and this is not a place for you to make decisions."

Di Xin finally raised his head and looked at him, and said calmly: "You don't have to persuade me. I have to go to the Teng family in Middle-earth. I have reasons why I have to go."

"As a mortal, my ability to cultivate is contrary to nature. Ordinary realm-breaking pills are useless to me."

"And the Teng family has a heavenly elixir called the Earth Spirit Fruit Tree, which can produce a fruit called the Earth Spirit Fruit. Eating the Earth Spirit Fruit raw can increase the probability of breaking through the spiritual sea stage by 40%."

"There are very few realm-breaking pills that can achieve a breakthrough rate of 40%. This fruit is really important to me. This is the only fruit that may allow me to break through. I want to get it at all costs."

"This may be my only chance. I have no choice. If I don't take the risk, I will be stuck in the marrow cleansing stage and never have the possibility of a breakthrough."

"The Gu cultivator in the marrow cleansing stage has a short lifespan, only two hundred years. Seeking stability will only make me die slowly."

Di Xin looked into the distance outside the window with deep eyes.

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