Lord All People: I Turned Out To Be Tang Monk Flesh!

Chapter 66 Sit Tight On The Top Spot! I Am Soft-Hearted!

But there is only one Stein Kladow!

For the death of Stein Kladow, Chen Yang has no guilt at all.

This is pure Stein Klado overreaching!

If he had given up earlier, he wouldn't have died!

Let's look at the ranking of the top five meritorious service points on the rookie list:

First place: Chen Yang-Human Race-White Dragon World-59698

Second place: Fury Flame-Golden Beamon-World of Beasts-47927

Third place: Heaviside-Democracy-Dark Abyss-41051

Fourth place: Eddington-Red Dragon-World of Flames-39629

Fifth place: Hans Dirac - Terran - Dead Hill - 38362

After the death of Stein Kladow, Chen Yang is already far ahead!

He directly surpassed the second place Nuyan with more than 10,000 merit points.

However, Chen Yang naturally cannot be satisfied with "207".

It's only more than 10,000 merit points of Fuyan, and it's still a bit unsafe!

Chen Yang paid attention to Galadriel again.

Galadriel went from 21st to 13th again!

It can be described as full of enthusiasm!

When the name of Stein Kladow disappeared, the world communication channel naturally boiled up.

No one expected that Stein Kladow would die!

[Hans Dirac (Dead Silent Hill) (Human Race): "Stein Kladow is too persistent... It's a pity that his bones are sloppy, I want it so much!

【Flender (Holy Light World) (Human Race): "Good death! He deserves it! It's a pity that he didn't die under the purification of the Holy Light!"】

[Alice (Holy Demon World) (Human Race): "I didn't expect that! I didn't expect Lord Chen Yang to become the number one...too strong!】

【Beveridge (World of Wild Beasts) (Fox Clan): "Although there are still three days left, there should be no doubts. Lord Chen Yang should be the "Newcomer King"!】

[Rage Flame (World of Wild Beasts) (Golden Behemoth): "I don't even know how to describe my mood, the third place before going to sleep, and the second place after waking up!】

[Rage Flame (World of Wild Beasts) (Golden Behemoth): "Stein Klado died well! Lord Chen Yang, I am convinced! 】

[Hans Dirac (Dead Silent Hill) (Human Race): "@您炎: I also promoted one, I don't know if the second, third and fourth place can die two more! In this way, I will Can enter three!】

【Sandy (Green Tree World) (Wood Elf): "His Royal Highness Galadriel has reached the thirteenth place, and I don't know when I will be able to reach the top ten!"】

On the night of the twenty-seventh day, except for Yi Yi, the other nine blood sisters all broke through to the lower silver rank!

Here, all of them have grown the wings of Blood Red!

Looking at their blood-red wings, Chen Yang let out a soft breath.

This is just great!

Breaking through to the lower silver rank, the Yiyishi sisters who have all grown bleeding wings have greatly increased their combat effectiveness!

In the early days, most races were unable to fly.

Races with the ability to fly are really an advantage!

Chen Yang did some calculations, and the protection period would end in two days.

Then comes the final battle to defend the territory!

Looking at the rookie list again, his meritorious value once again distanced himself from Nu Yan.

Nuyan seems to have given up catching up!

You can go back to the territory to rest for a whole night tonight.

By the way, Chen Yang is also ready to collect the net!

It has been seven days since he last cast a net.

Those alternate lords should have more rewards!

After dinner, lying in the comfortable cave, Chen Yang turned on the world communication channel.

[Joel (Dark Witch Continent) (Human Race): "Lord Chen Yang, is he taking a rest? It has been more than two hours and the merit value has not increased!"】

[Alice (Holy Demon World) (Human Race): "@Joel: Yes! He has already rested! He was still selling apples on the trading channel just now... Lord Chen Yang is really great, he fought for five days and four nights , The first thing he did when he returned to the territory was not to rest, but to cultivate apples for us, which really touched him!]

[Hans Dirac (Dead Silent Hill) (Human Race): "@Alice: I don't know why, I suspect that he fought for five days and four nights, and there should be some energy left, otherwise he would not be able to continue to cultivate apples!】

[Heaviside (Dark Abyss) (Devil Refining Clan): "There is absolutely room to spare. If it is really close to running out of oil and the lights are dry, the first thing he will do when he returns to the territory is to definitely not think about cultivating apples." Does it really matter? That Chen Yang is definitely an extremely scary guy!]

[Rage Flame (Mad Beast World) (Golden Beamon): "@Heaviside: I persisted for four days and three nights, and fell down immediately after returning to the territory. It was my subordinates who sent me to the pear ...I feel like there is no hope!"]

[Alice (Holy Demon World) (Human Race): "Wow~ what happened today? Three of the top ten newbies appeared!】

【Chen Yang(White Dragon World)(Human Race): "@艾丽丝: You counted wrong, it's four!】

【Alice (Holy Demon World) (Human Race): "Lord Chen Yang, you actually appeared, don't you rest?】

【Chen Yang(White Dragon World)(Human Race): "Lying on the bed, unable to sleep, and a little bored!】

The entire world communication channel instantly quieted down...

It can be seen from all that, even after fighting for five days and four nights, Chen Yang has not reached his limit!

[Rage Flame (Mad Beast World) (Golden Behemoth): "@ Chen Yang: I feel like you are more like an orc than me!"]

【Flender (Holy Light World) (Human race): "@ Chen Yang: Lord Chen Yang, if you can't sleep, you can grow some poppers!"]

Joel watched Flender's speech, and silently deleted the speech he had prepared.

Why does he feel that Flender is more like a nurse!

As soon as Flender spoke, he immediately got responses from many alternate lords.

It was really the twenty-seventh night, and everyone was cornered!

These seven days are enough for many stories to happen.

Some people picked up treasures in the abyss world.

Some troops suffered accidents and suffered serious losses...

In the past, Chen Yang was at the critical moment of competing for the "Rookie King", and these alternate lords were simply ashamed to mention the bursting fruit!

They also feel that 0.0 brought it up by themselves, and Chen Yang will definitely not spend time nurturing it.

But now, Chen Yang has secured the top spot!

And he seems to be "bored" now, so can I exchange the treasure in my hand for a bursting fruit from him?

【Larry (Tia Territory) (Goblin): "@ Chen Yang: Lord Chen Yang, please grow some poppers! I have a silver-level interspatial ring in my hand, I can exchange it with you!"】

【Homer (New Moon World) (Dark Elf): "@ Chen Yang: Lord Chen Yang, I found a piece of Star Steel, and I want to exchange some Explosive Fruit with you!"】

Chen Yang looked at those alternate lords who begged him to grow popcorns, and even took out treasures to seduce him, Chen Yang couldn't help but want to laugh!

These people are stretching their necks, begging him to kill them!

It's embarrassing for him to start!

He is a soft-hearted man! .

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