Lord All People: I Turned Out To Be Tang Monk Flesh!

Chapter 67 Galadriel's Testimony! Mad Beardsley!

【Chen Yang(White Dragon World)(Human Race): "@弗兰德: Alas! I also know that it is not easy for you!】

【Chen Yang(White Dragon World)(Human Race): "@弗兰德: How about it! If the Lord of Fury Flame can give me less pressure, I can cultivate Kazuki's bursting green spirit fruit tonight.】

[Rage Flame (World of Wild Beasts) (Golden Behemoth): "@ Chen Yang: I don't have any ideas about the rookie king]

Nu Yan really didn't think much about the "Rookie King".

The gap between him and Chen Yang is too big!

Even though they fought for five days and four nights, they acted like a normal person!

This made Nu Yan a little desperate!

In particular, the merit points are all public.

Even if he wants to sneak attack, there is no way!

[Hans Dirac (Dead Silent Hill) (Human Race): "@ Chen Yang: I didn't expect the rookie king, but I have thoughts about the top three!】

[Bilel (Leader of the Hammer) (Dwarves): "@ Chen Yang: Lord Chen, quickly cultivate green spirit fruits [I need some green spirit fruits!]

[Hans Dirac (Dead Silence) (Human Race): "@ Chen Yang: Lord Chen, don't give it to him, he is now tenth on the rookie list, he is a threat to us!】

[Bilrell (Hammer's Collar) (Dwarves): "@汉斯·迪拉克: Believe it or not, I'll kill you!】

[Hans Dirac (Dead Hill) (Human Race): "@Bilrell: Don't believe it!】

Bieler and Chen Yang know each other.

The only dwarf in the top ten of the rookie list. 03

However, his ranking has indeed been declining recently.

Not much drop, probably injured, but not serious!

After Birel, there are also many alternate lords who want the green spirit fruit.

【Chen Yang(White Dragon World)(Human race): "Then tomorrow morning! I will stay up all night today to cultivate Kazuki's green spirit fruit and burst fruit.】

[Alice (Holy Demon World) (Human Race): "@ Chen Yang: Lord Chen Yang, you have to take care of yourself!】

After gaining a lot of gratitude, Chen Yang rolled over and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, Chen Yang woke up refreshed.

After leaving the cave, he could see patches of greenery in the territory.

This lively scene made him extremely satisfied!

Looking at Yiyi and the others again, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

no way!

It's really tempting!

It's not that they want to seduce Chen Yang, but most of their clothes are torn!

When they first came to the territory, they were all dressed as maids.

But after twenty-seven days of fighting, their good-quality maid outfits are already in tatters, even the small clothes they wear inside are no exception...

Originally, Chen Yang bought them a set of bronze-level soft armor.

But now most of them have just come out of the cave dwelling, without wearing soft armor!

"Eleventh, put on your soft armor!" Chen Yang reminded, "There are others in our territory!"

It's okay for Chen Yang to see it, but you can't let others see it!

Chen Yang and forty other subordinates live behind the cave!

"It's not very comfortable to wear!" Little Eleven looked down at his chest and said blankly, "I will wear it when I go out..."

Chen Yang smacked his mouth: "It's okay!"

After breakfast, Chen Yang put the popper fruit and green spirit fruit he had cultivated recently into the space ring, and then took Yi Yi and the others to leave the territory to continue hunting Moyuan monsters.

Although he now has a big gap with the second place Nuyan, he can't slack off.

After all, there are still two days left, so it's not like they have no chance!

This trip, of course, is by flying!

After he tied himself to Yi Yi, he directly opened the world communication channel.

In this transaction, he not only wants treasures, but also plans to trade some slaves!

However, not just any lord can trade slaves!

Common people have no access to this kind of deal!

Only a powerful figure like Galadriel in the local area can take out slaves for trading.

【Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human race): "I have already cultivated the burst fruit and the green spirit fruit. If you need it, you can add me as a friend, because I may have to develop the territory independently, so I need a lot of resources. It is recommended that you attach the price you can pay when applying for friends.]

[Chen Yang (White Dragon World) (Human Race): "Because I will continue to hunt monsters from the abyss, I can only spare time to trade with you. The transaction may be a bit slow, please bear with me

【Joel (Dark Witch Continent) (Human Race): "Didn't you say that Nuyan has given up competing for the newcomer king? Why is Lord Chen so anxious?"】

[Alice (Holy Devil World) (Human Race): "@Joel: There is only a difference of 10,000 merit points. If Lord Chen Yang doesn't continue to kill monsters in the abyss, Lord Fury Flame still has a chance

There are many people who have been overturned in history!]

【Joel (Dark Witch Continent) (Human Race): "Then Lord Chen, come on!"】

【Larry (The Territory of Tia) (Goblin): "@ Chen Yang: Thank you Lord Chen for your hard work!"】

[Homer (New Moon World) (Dark Elf): "@ Chen Yang: Lord Chen Yang, I'm sorry for your trouble [friend request has been sent!"]

In a bunch of gratitude and cheering and encouragement, there is still a noise mixed in.

【Beardsley (Holy Light World) (Human race): "I really don't understand you, why do you thank him! You are an idiot who has been sold and has to count the money!"]

[Beardsley (Holy Light World) (Human Race): Chen Yang is just a profiteer, he just wants to steal the treasures you have worked so hard to get in the Abyss World, if in our Holy Light World, Chen Yang is definitely Going to be burned at the stake!"]

Beardsley, who hasn't been seen for a long time, appears!

For some reason, when Chen Yang saw his name, he felt a little kind.

People who dare to "smear" him on the world communication channel are still too rare!

[Homer (Crescent World) (Dark Elf): "@Beardsley: light believers of rubbish, we like to send treasures to Lord Chen Yang, can you control it?"】

[Larry (Tia Territory) (Goblin): "@Beardsley: We are all voluntary, Lord Chen Yang is a good man, he fought for five days and four nights Ming Ming was very tired, and he even helped cultivate the bursting fruit, We are all grateful to him!"]

[Hans Dirac (Dead Hill) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: Lord Chen's toes are a hundred times better than your God of Light!】

[Bilrell (Leader of the Hammer) (Dwarves): "@Beardsley: Everyone trades fairly, you better shut up!】

[Alice (Holy Demon World) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: Lord Chen Yang is a kind and good man, you villain should stop slandering him!】

[Beardsley (Holy Light World) (Human race): @Alice: Kind? Where is he kind? Where is he like a good person?"]

[Joel (Dark Witch Continent) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: Lord Chen Yang also helped his classmates cultivate burst fruit when he was at the critical moment of his challenge to the rookie king, isn't that counted?】

[Beardsley (Holy Light World) (Human race): @Joel: Huh! Maybe this is a good show directed and acted by Chen Yang, the purpose is to sell popping fruit!"]


Chen Yang couldn't help but twitch his eyelids when he saw Beardsley's words.

The truth!

[Galadriel (Green Tree World) (Moon Elf): @Beardsley: I was seriously injured a few days ago, and my ranking fell to over forty. It was Lord Chen Yang who gave me two green spirit fruit buds to recover Lord Chen Yang who came over is a real good man, I am very grateful to him!"]

【Alice (Holy Demon World) (Human Race): "Is there such a thing?】

[Sandy (Green Tree World) (Wood Elf): "So it is! Thank Lord Chen Yang for helping Your Highness Galadriel!"]

[Case (Green Tree World) (Sun Elf): "It turned out that Lord Chen Yang helped Galadriel, thank you Lord Chen Yang!"】

Almost one-sidedly, many elves came forward to thank Chen Yang.

Chen Yang still underestimated Galadriel's influence.

The moon elves and sun elves are both high-ranking races of the elves, and they naturally have their own influence.

Galadriel has remained in the top ten of the rookie list for a long time, and has virtually become the banner of this year's 987 newcomer lords.

This influence is naturally greatly enhanced.

When Galadriel's ranking dropped, I don't know how many elves were worried!

【Chen Yang(White Dragon World)(Human Race): "@凯兰雷尔: You are welcome, after all, you are my first friend after I came to Abyss World.】

【Beardsley (Holy Light World) (Human Race): @ Chen Yang: Good friend? Galadriel is Chen Yang's babysitter, right?"]

[Galadriel (Green Tree World) (Moon Elf): @Beardsley: I swear in the name of our spiritual goddess, Lord Chen Yang did reach out to me when I was seriously injured. My words are true, if there are lies , I am willing to fall into the realm of the underworld forever!"]

[Galadriel (Green Tree World) (Moon Fairy): @Beardsley: You dare to swear in the name of your God of Light, didn’t you slander Chen Yangsheng here because of your own wishes?”]

[Joel (Dark Witch Continent) (Human Race): "@Beardsley: Swear!】

[Bilrell (Hammer Clan) (Dwarves): "@Beardsley: You swear!】

After Galadriel swears, the others all ask Beardsley to swear!

But how dare Beardsley swear?

Thousands of miles away, you and Meng sat up from the blanket.

His body was covered with red bandages.

"My lord, are you awake?"

The elf sitting by the campfire was surprised.

I only heard Beardsley roaring loudly: "You have all been deceived by him, he is just a little......... poof~"

Having said this, Beardsley violently spat out blood mist, and then fell down again heavily.

"My lord?"

"My lord!"

The only elf who was not seriously injured came to Beardsley, put his hand on his neck, and felt for his pulse.

"What's wrong?"


"It deserves it! If it wasn't for his aggressiveness, Hillman and the others wouldn't have died...".

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