Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 650 I want a strawberry ice cream

When a child skips class from kindergarten, both the school teacher and the accompanying bodyguard will report it in time.

Of course, Mr. Fu, who was far away in Lin City, was the first to receive the message from the bodyguard, and his face was very like that.

The uninformed people next to him thought that Emperor Fu had some opinions, and asked cautiously:

"Mr. Fu, what do you think?"

"no problem."

While speaking, he picked up the pen again and signed the contract with his name.

Beijing North, City Hospital.

In the gynecology clinic hall, Su Zhixiao of course also received a message from the teacher.

After seeing the content of the message, his face twitched a few times, and finally, he sighed helplessly.

I just started to send messages to the teacher. As a parent, if the child skipped class and caused trouble to the teacher, the first thing is to apologize. The attitude is the most important!

Fortunately, the teacher didn't care about anything.

After finishing chatting with the teacher, I called my precious son directly.

It was quickly connected:

"Mom~" The voice is very soft.

"Baby, where are you?" asked.

The kid was stunned for a moment, and then said guiltyly:

"Mom, well, Porridge didn't skip class on purpose."

"There's no rush to explain this, tell mom where you are first?"

"Looking at my little sister."


"Are you in the hospital?"

"Yeah, yes, Mom."

Su Zhixiao glanced at the information of the orphanage before, of course he knew that the little girl was being treated in this hospital:

"Baby, don't run around later, just wait in the little sister's ward for mom to come pick you up."


Just right, the caller has already called himself:

"Baby, mom won't tell you first, remember not to run around, wait for mom to know?"


The memory of children is not so fast.

After a while, a certain kid threw away his mother's exhortation just now.

Leaving the ward, getting into the elevator with ease, and going downstairs.

Fortunately, Xiao Si and the others followed.

On the first floor, there are coffee shops, milk tea shops and the like outside the inpatient department.

The children were very excited and went straight to the milk tea shop, not forgetting to tell the uncles not to follow him.

Xiao Si and the others briefly scanned the situation in the milk tea shop before letting the child go in alone with confidence.

It is rare for a child who was free for a short time to run to the order counter excitedly:

"Sister, I want a strawberry ice cream, how much is it?"

The young salesperson raised his head on tiptoes and looked around, only to see the little Douding who was not as tall as the cabinet, and couldn't help but burst out laughing:

"Strawberry flavored ice cream costs 12 yuan~"

12 bucks?

I saw the child put down his schoolbag, squatted down, and began to rummage in the schoolbag.

I really found 12 yuan:

"Sister, here it is!"

After the salesperson received the money, he began to make it.

The speed is very fast, it didn't take a minute, and the ice cream was ready:

"Here, kid, be careful."

"Yeah, thank you sister."

"You're welcome, you can find a place to sit down and eat first, so as not to get on your clothes."


The size of the milk tea shop is not small, at least about 80 square meters. The sofas and tables are all specially customized, and there are ten tables.

The kid casually found an empty table and sat down, his little tongue stuck out and said:

"It's so sweet and delicious."

There were not many people in the milk tea shop at this time, and there were four or five tables.

At the table by the corner, who else could it be if it wasn't Miss Nan?

Xiao Si and the others glanced directly at him before, but they turned their backs to each other, so naturally they didn't see the front face.

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