Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 651: That Crazy Woman in Nanwu

Nan Wu came over from there with the things she ordered. The kid didn't pay much attention at first, until she felt a figure approaching her, and then raised her head.

After seeing Nan Wu, the little face was surprised:

"You you you, you are a bad aunt!"

"Porridge, who told you that I belonged to a bad aunt? Your mother said that?"

The kid frowned:

"No, my mother didn't say anything."

"Oh? Are you sure your mother didn't say anything?" While speaking, Nan Wu was already sitting beside the child.

The child was so crowded that he stood up and stepped on the sofa:

"Auntie, can you sit in another seat?"

Except for calling a bad aunt when I was surprised for the first time, the child was still very polite and just called auntie.

"No, this is a public place, and Auntie can sit wherever she wants."


The child's two small brows were wrinkled and almost knotted:

"Auntie, can you let me go? Porridge wants to go out."

"What's the hurry? Let's chat first."

In fact, children's temperament is more inherited from his father, and they will not have much patience for people they don't know or hate.

"Auntie, Congee Congee doesn't want to chat with you, so let me go out."

Nan Wu showed no sign of getting out of the way, instead she pushed the thing in front of her inside:

"Congee Congee, Auntie treats you to something, okay?

You see, there are donuts, steamed corn, egg tarts, as well as chips and snacks. "

Children, can't they be coaxed by food?

Then you still underestimate the children of today. Whether it is a parent or a school teacher, they will often remind you not to eat outside food, and not to take things that you are not familiar with or given to you by strangers.

The kid didn't even move, holding his ice cream tightly in his little hand:

"Thank you, auntie, I don't eat porridge."

The smile on Nan Wu's face became more and more rigid, and in the end, she turned black face directly:

"Please eat or not, then I tell you, if you don't eat today, don't even think about going out!"

Threatening a child, is Miss Nan having some serious illness?

Children are very sensitive to whether the person in front of them is malicious or not.

The 'crack' ice cream that had already started to melt hit Miss Nan directly.


"Little bastard, what are you doing?"

The children are afraid of returning home, but their momentum is not weak:

"Will you let me go? If you don't let me go, I will bite you!"

A large piece of stain couldn't be removed at all. Nan Wu was so angry that she reached out and grabbed the child's arm, and pressed it on the sofa:

"Little bastard, are you okay?"

At the same time, he grabbed a handful of snacks from the tray with one hand and stuffed them into the child's mouth:

"Give it to me!"

Cough cough cough cough.

The child was choked for quite a while, and finally cried loudly:


Several people outside the milk tea shop heard the sound and rushed in.

Unexpectedly, a woman's figure rushed faster and ran in in a flash.

"Nanwu, are you courting death?"


Miss Nan was pulled backwards, and she didn't have a chance to react, she was thrown all over the floor on her back.

"Baby, don't be afraid."


The kid who was really scared just now kept calling for his mother, his whole body was trembling and trembling.

Su Zhixiao didn't even care about the crazy woman on the ground, he put his arms around his son and comforted him:

"Baby, don't be afraid, mom is here, mom is here."

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