Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 687 Controlled

However, it can be regarded as more than a week off.

Physically, almost recovered.

After all, during this period of time, every meal at home is full of various soups and waters that nourish the body.

It's strange if it can't be made up again.

Afterwards, Captain Luo appeared at the door and nodded to Su Zhixiao:



"Guo Chuyun's autopsy records were in Xiaoyu's."

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

. . . . . .

In the medical examiner's office, Bai Yuren was not there. After searching in the cabinet for a while, he finally found the files from that year.

Take it out, take it apart, and look at it.

In the report, the on-site records, photographs of the corpse's location, posture and clothing, etc. are very detailed.

With years of experience, there is really nothing wrong with this report.

It is a very formal autopsy report!

However, sometimes, seeing is not necessarily believing, and hearing is not necessarily false.

You have to study it carefully!

As for this study, it's just at noon.

During this period, I didn't get up once, nor did I take a sip of water.

I have read the autopsy report in my hand no less than ten times, and I can recite the contents backwards.

Get up, leave the office with the report.

In the corridor, I ran into Luo Yifan:

"Team Luo!"


"Is there any other archives? This, I really didn't find anything."

"Xiao Guo has the latest investigation report, which is part of the investigation based on the information you sent us."

Of course, it is impossible to investigate all of them in just a few hours.

This is a delicate job, not sloppy.

"Okay, then I'll go to Xiao Guo and ask."

"If you can't take it physically, report it in time."

Although I called him back, as a leader and colleague, I still have to give him the convenience that should be given.

Su Zhixiao laughed:


. . . . . .

Right now, on the other side.

Office of the President of Hexing Entertainment.

Manager Zhou, Boss Pei and Best Actor Fu were all there.

Mr. Pei's assistant just brought in a stack of documents, and at this moment, Pei Tianting was looking at them in his hand:


This Pei Qi is really smart, isn't he?

However, Bai still has the same surname as Lao Tzu, so his eyelids are shallow! "

Listening to Pei Tianting's complaints, Zhou Huan snatched the document first, while the man on the other side was not as excited as the two men next to him. What happened, can't make much waves.

Indeed it is.

In fact, even without the information just sent in, I would have already guessed it.

Who is Fu Er?

Brain melons can easily kill others in seconds, okay?

As long as one clue is caught, many can be caught along the way.

"Tsk tsk, this Pei Qi is really not a joke!"

It is a character who can make Manager Zhou complain like this!

"A Yan, do you know? This Pei Qi has been getting involved with Guo Chuyun's manager for a long time.

Guo Chuyun also found out, but didn't make a fuss. "

The man sipping red wine chuckled softly:

"What kind of noise can a person under control make?"

Husband, manager, these are people who follow Guo Chuyun 24 hours a day.

When these two guys get together, Guo Chuyun looks like a little white rabbit!

It's hard to guard against!

I can't even struggle!

Can only wait to die!

After Zhou Huan turned the last page, he let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at someone:

"Ayan, you guessed it right, Guo Chuyun was controlled by them!"

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