Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 688 Do You Know Something?

A great actress, she is controlled by her husband and her manager.

Thinking about the time before his death, how desperate Guo Chuyun would have been?

"Well, the most important thing now is to find out whether the accidental car accident of the crew at that time was man-made or not?" Boss Pei suddenly said.

Otherwise, the matter between Pei Qi and Ren Yingying would only be condemned on a moral level, and laws and regulations can't control it.

Dogs and men can still continue to squander the huge inheritance left by Guo Chuyun, eat delicious food, drink hot food, and live a chic life.

Zhou Huan nodded, agreeing very much.

Instead, the man next to him put down his wine glass, raised his head and glanced at his big manager:

"So, what about the dog you asked to check?"

Guo Yinghou's dog has been with Guo Chuyun for three years and has been raised since he was a puppy.

Animals are spiritual, if the dog is still there, it is bound to find out something.

However, the chances are slim.

Ten years have passed, and the average lifespan of a dog is about 12 to 13 years, and it must be ensured that the dog will not get sick and have accidents during this period.

However, even if the chances are slim, you still have to check it out first.

Now the Internet has become more and more fermented, and many netizens are pointing at He Xing, asking He Xing to give an explanation!

Who would have thought that a person who had been dead for ten years could cause a public relations crisis?

Zhou Huan pulled a few times:

"That's still under investigation."

It's okay to find someone to talk to, now that network technology is so advanced.

But dogs, there are too many similarities.

Sure enough, his boss gave him a cold look in an instant.

Fortunately, the boss is still quite humane, so he didn't pursue this further:

"Where's Pei Qi?" asked.

"I heard that there were announcements in the past few days, but they have all stopped. People should stay at home."

Such a big movement, although there is no concrete evidence, but the police are dispatched, and they will definitely not let people run away at will!

There is no need to worry about this.

"By the way, Ayan, there are still news about you and your sister-in-law on the Internet."

The man raised his eyebrows:

"What news?"

cough cough.

Manager Zhou coughed a few times before saying:

"It's the news about you sending your sister-in-law to the hospital."

The man is clear:

"How long has it been? Haven't you dealt with it yet?

Just get paid and don't do anything?

If that's the case, it's all gone! "

"No, boss, we have dealt with it. The PR department has been watching it all the time. It has suppressed several waves of hot searches. Now it is spreading in a small area. Guess what."

You know, pressing a hot search is expensive!

And there will be a second, third and even more follow-up.

Think about it, just by pressing a few hot searches, the annual net profit of many state-owned enterprises cannot reach this amount.

But, no pressure.

Fortunately, the boss is not short of money!

Tens of millions are thrown down without blinking.

"Give me the tablet."

"Oh oh, ok, here you go."

Looking at the news content on the tablet, the man frowned, and swiped it to the end. After reading almost everything, the tablet was thrown back into Manager Zhou's hands.

"Suppress them all!" commanded.

Being rich is self-willed!

"Sure, I'll notify the PR department now."

After Manager Zhou left, there was only someone and Mr. Pei left in the office.

Two big men, you look at me, I look at you:

"I said Boss Fu, do you know anything about Guo Chuyun?" Boss Pei asked curiously.

How do you look, how do you look like!

"have no idea!"


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