Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 849 Fried Fingers

After Jing Yunhe's affairs were settled, it was already around eleven o'clock in the night.

However, the idea of ​​going home to sleep with his wife was completely shattered.

"Sister Su, take a look at this."

Su Zhixiao took a look, then frowned:

"Where did it come from?"

It looks like a human hand.

"Outside the Sewers"

"what about others?"

"I haven't found it yet, only these."


"Sister Su, can you see anything?"

Su Zhixiao shook his head:

"You salvaged only two arms, and they were all fried at high temperature. It's very difficult."

At least, you have to find the torso!

Of course, the most important thing is the head!

It is clear that the victim was brutally dismembered.

Dismembering the body was already inhumane enough, but who knew that the murderer would throw the dismembered arm into a frying pan at high temperature?

Su Zhixiao frowned tightly. On the other side, a certain master was already sitting impatiently, and urged him loudly:

"Officer Su, when will it be over?"

"Don't bother me!"

Once you get into work, you won't think about anything else, and you won't be distracted at all.

It can also be understood, after all, this is a living human life!

As a policeman, you must catch all the bad guys, bring them to justice, and seek justice for the victims!

So, don't be distracted.

Must be serious!

A certain person was choked hard, but he didn't make a sound after all, but his face was quite aggrieved.

It was around 12:30 in the morning that the couple left the criminal police office.

At this point in time, there is no need to go back to the old house, and go directly to the family building.

Fortunately, during this period of time, Aunt Feng will come to clean the family building. It is very clean, and the bed sheets and quilt covers are washed and put on. You can move in directly.

Wash and take a shower again, good guy, it's over.

Lie on the bed, and fell asleep directly, without any thoughts.

Of course, Officer Su was the only one who could fall asleep directly like this.

As for the person next to me, tsk tsk

the next day.

Early in the morning, Officer Su, who was supposed to be on vacation, clocked in on time.

There was a murder case, how could he still be in the mood to go out and play?

Of course, the most important thing is to solve the case as soon as possible!

It's vacation, save it.

Watching my wife leave home without being able to say anything, that would be aggrieved!

But there is nothing to do.

So much so that he went to the company without breakfast.

Jing Yunhe's matter was not an ordinary trouble to deal with, and the big boss had to come out to sit in charge this time.

Currently, the news about Jing Yunhe is still the most popular on the Internet, and eight out of ten hot searches are about him.

However, starting today, the trend of public opinion began to change slightly.

Someone started to speak up, refute rumors, and so on.

Apparently, the PR department is on the move.

The man was sitting in the back seat of the car, holding a tablet in his hand, and messages from Manager Zhou would be sent from time to time.

"Ayan, our people have arrived at Jing Yunhe's hometown."

"Online public opinion can be resolved within three days at most!"

"By the way, I heard that Jing Yunhe proposed to amend the contract on his own initiative?"

For the time being, only a few people who were there at that time knew the conditions that Jing Yunhe raised in the criminal police office last night.


He didn't hide anything, and agreed.

However, manager Zhou is not stupid, and if he can let this master spend all his money to cleanse his artists, it will definitely not be a loss-making business.

If that's the case, Jing Yunhe's side is afraid.

Just then, a message came over:

"Let's redraft a signing contract."

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