Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 850 Can't tell if it's a human bone or an animal bone


Well, it sounds like a new contract for Jing Yunhe.

"What is the proportion?" asked.


There seemed to be a moment of silence before a big question mark came over.

As far as Jing Yunhe's worth is concerned, even if the entire Internet is hacked now, it won't be 1:9, right?

What Manager Zhou didn't know was that the conditions proposed by Jing Yunhe himself last night were not even 1:9.

People don't want any share directly, only the basic living expenses per month are enough, and they don't need to exceed five figures.

Obviously, Boss Fu is not the kind of mean and exploitative person.

In the final analysis, this matter is not Jing Yunhe's fault, and his attitude is so low, it is natural for him to like it as a boss.

As long as it is cleaned up, it will still be a cash cow for Hexing!

It's okay to give an extra 10% of the share.

After all, the boss is not short of money, so there is no need to be so stingy.

Another thing is that my daughter-in-law likes Jing Yunhe quite a bit, so I just want to sell my daughter-in-law to save face.

A certain master doesn't care how Manager Zhou feels in the company at the moment.

The car was driving slowly on the road, and there was a small traffic jam during the morning rush hour.

At this moment, the Municipal Bureau.

Su Zhixiao has already followed his teammates out of the city bureau, heading to the place where the corpse was salvaged yesterday.

A small agricultural ditch outside the city has water almost only when the fields are busy for irrigation, and the rest of the time, there is only the filth discharged from the sewer.

It stinks.

The kind that makes people not want to eat for three days.

The corpse was salvaged from a sewer not far from the ditch, and after a whole day of salvage, nothing was recovered.

Therefore, today the police gathered by this small ditch.

After all, the water in the sewer will eventually be discharged into this ditch.

So, I wanted to try and see if I could find something in it.

The ditch is quite long, hundreds of meters.

After everyone got the tools, they all squatted down and began to examine them carefully.

Yes, it is a spoon, scooped up one by one, put it on the tip of the nose to smell, and even touch it with hands.

If in doubt, bag it and send it back for testing.

Although this ditch is only a few hundred meters long, it is definitely a big project to search for one by one!

The weather is not yet beautiful, and the sun is very hot.

Not long after, a policeman fainted from heatstroke.

There are reasons for being sunburned, I am afraid, there are also factors for being smoked.

too difficult.

There were beads of sweat on each face and forehead, dripping down in big drops, and the clothes on their bodies and their backs were all wet.

Think about what is lined up in this ditch on weekdays, hiss~

The whole morning passed quickly, but no important evidence was found.

About one-fifth of the ditches of hundreds of meters were checked.

Just when work was about to end, there was a sound at the front:

"Found it, found it!"

In an instant, everyone gathered around.

Look, is this a human toe? Like the fingers I found before, they were all deep-fried. "

"It's kind of like it, but I'm not sure."

"Hey, where's Forensic Doctor Su?"

Su Zhixiao stepped forward when he heard someone calling himself.

"Officer Su, come and see if this is a toe?"

It has been deep-fried, and it has been severely deformed. If it is not a professional, ordinary people can really tell whether it is a human bone or an animal bone with the naked eye?

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