Lord Fu’s Forensic Wife

Chapter 851 Worried About Safety

When Su Zhixiao came over, he had already fished out several suspected human toes from the ditch.

After that, the uncles of the police carefully scooped up a few more meters, but nothing was gained.

Obviously, that's all for now.

Su Zhixiao squatted down, turned over with tweezers, and then took out a magnifying glass.

After repeated confirmation, it was finally determined:

"It is indeed a human toe. It should not be very old, it is a child."



Everyone gasped.

Isn't it too insane to kill such a child like this?

Of course normal people can't bear it, let alone do it.

But for abnormal people, it is not necessarily the case, and they will be very satisfied.

To put it bluntly, perverts have surpassed normal species a long time ago.

Anyway, everyone at the scene couldn't bear it very much, and at the same time, they were very angry.

"Grass, keep fishing!"

I didn't even eat, I vowed to catch that perverted guy!

Of course, it's not that they don't really skip meals, they just leave in batches.

On the other hand, at this moment, the situation is not so good.

On the viaduct, a man who had just met his partner was sitting in the back seat of the car with a very cold expression on his face.

After all, if you are followed as soon as you go out, no one will be happy if you change it.

It's just that there were too many people in the center of the city at the beginning, so they didn't act rashly.

The main reason is that I am worried that if I start to move my hands suddenly, it will cause accidents.

"Second Young Master, the traffic flow has been cleared, and our people will come over immediately."

On the back seat, the man's eyes flickered dangerously, he glanced out of the window from the corner of his eye, and then looked twice through the rearview mirror.

Apparently, a black Volkswagen and a black Audi were following behind, and the two cars failed to track before they found out.

The Bentley in front of him is Chi Guoguo's bait!

Lure the enemy deep!

After a few more minutes, the traffic on the road became less and less, and there were almost only three cars left on the entire road.

At this time, the people who were following behind finally realized that something was wrong:

"We've been spotted!"

"How can it be?"

"Tm, do you think there will be so few cars on the viaduct going back to the city?"

Not to mention less, there are almost no other cars around now.

At this moment, the Bentley in front suddenly slowed down, made a 180-degree turn, and rushed straight towards the Audi following behind.

The eyes of the two people in the Audi car were wide open:

"Fuck, what are they trying to do? Are they crazy? Are they going to hit us?"

squeak! ! !

The sound of sudden braking sounded, and for a while, it was extremely ear-piercing.

But the car still didn't stop immediately, and because of inertia, it rushed a long way.

However, even if the emergency brake was successful, in the end, he was still hit.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the black Audi was hit and turned 360 degrees several times.

As for the people in the car, they fainted instantly.

On the other hand, the Bentley that crashed the car on its own initiative, apart from the damage to the car, there was nothing else, and not a single hair of the people in the car was lost.

Seeing this situation, the black Volkswagen that was a little behind seemed to want to run away.

It's a pity that the support people have already arrived, and they directly slammed into the rear of the car, and the people who hit it had stars in their eyes.

This was also planned before, outflanking the front and back.

In the Bentley, Aban took out a pistol from under the seat:

"Second Young Master, I'll go down and have a look."

The man made a 'hmm' sound, and a gun appeared in his hand at some point:


Although he was worried about his young master's safety, he was very clear that no one could stop what Second Young Master wanted to do, so he could only agree: "Yes, Second Young Master."

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