Lord Highlander

Chapter 1021 1007. Victory and Harvest

A sound of explosion resounded through the valley, and the whole valley shook with the explosion.

The horses were shocked, and the knights on the horses were overturned to the ground. They were wearing heavy armor and fell off the horses, as if they were falling apart. Stepping on a knight...

Some knights were next to those straw figures, and at the moment of the explosion, all the horses and men flew into the air, were blown to pieces, and the armor on their bodies was pushed farther away...

These straw figures are all over the valley avenue, and the huge earthquake after the detonation shocked the magicians in the sky.

Even if they use bursting flames, it is impossible to have such power.

And those scarecrows that were ignited were like countless hell flames, rumbling continuously.

The valley was suddenly shrouded in dust and gunpowder smoke. An unlucky magician was hit in the ass by a blown heavy helmet because he was not flying high enough. accident.

The heavy cavalry in the mountain path were frightened dumb by the sudden explosion. Those heavy cavalry who were not affected by the explosion fell off their horses one after another. Their ears were so loud that they could not hear anything. To a world full of smoke and silence.

The heavy cavalry hiding in the woodland were also stunned by the scene in front of them. Looking at the valley filled with gunpowder smoke, everyone's legs and legs were a little weak.

When Suldak led his team to charge down the hillside, there were only a few dozens of people following him at first. On the hillside ten meters away.

The large troops quickly followed and ran down desperately. They had already hidden some road-stopping horses in the woods. At this time, they wanted to stop these heavy road-stopping horses at the exit of the valley. This valley is very wide, and there are enough road-stopping horses needed. There are dozens of...

The valley was already in chaos, and Suldak led people to block the road-resisting horses in the middle of the valley road. The trees in the dense forest were covered with bridle ropes to prevent the cavalry from escaping from the woods.

Then they were on the edge of the battlefield, carrying long swords, and began to pack up the heavy cavalry who ran out of the mountain path.

At this time, no one can run out on horseback. As long as these heavy cavalry don't ride horses, the heavy armor on their bodies is not armor, but a shackle that hinders their movement. The armor is too heavy, and the cavalry's legs are slightly For some circles, it takes a lot of physical strength to take a step forward.

They couldn't move forward with the knight's spear on their shoulders, so they could only draw out the knight's long sword to fight with the heavy armored infantry...

Occasionally, one or two heavy cavalry rushed out on horseback. The two-headed ogre Gullitum would take the initiative to greet him with a big stick. The ogre had a fireball in its left hand and a big stick in its right. Unstoppable.

Of course, although the squadron leader-level constructed knights in the heavy cavalry regiment were also affected by the explosion, most of them survived the battlefield with the strong defense of the magic pattern structure, and these constructed knights became the battlefield. The potential threat on the Internet requires special attention from Suldak.

However, Suldak also had many constructed swordsmen among the ordinary infantry, and they were also looking for the constructed knights hiding in the opposite crowd.

On the battlefield, soldiers have begun to get used to the habit of beheading and liquidating their achievements.

For the heavy armored infantry soldiers here, after killing people, they would chop off their heads and hang them on their waists. The head was dangling back and forth on the waist, with blood still dripping from it. The scene was extremely bloody.

With these cruel methods of the heavy armored infantry fighters on the opposite side, the last line of defense in the hearts of the heavy cavalry was broken like this...

Many people wanted to escape from the battlefield and turned around to run back. Unfortunately, those grass figures on the road were like reminders, and fireballs continued to fall from the sky.

Suldak was like a farmer standing in a vegetable garden, directing a group of his men to harvest cabbages in the field.

Finally, heavy cavalry began to choose to surrender...

The merit value of the captured heavy cavalry is higher than that of the dead heavy cavalry. These heavy cavalry soldiers are all equipped with ropes. They bound the hands and feet of the heavy cavalry together roughly, and then used charcoal pencils on the opponent's armor. Paint your own number.

The escape route was blocked by the refusal horse, so he kept busy until dark, and some places on the battlefield were still fighting...

The fighting will of these heavy cavalry was far more tenacious than Suldak expected.


Archmage Morrison and Archmage Harper have joined together. Two of the mage group were injured by arrows during this operation, and no one was killed.

What shocked the mages the most was the explosion in the valley. Even if two hundred fire mages cast spells at the same time, it might not be able to create such a scene, unless the fourth-level group fire magic 'Meteor Fire Rain' was arranged, perhaps Being able to overwhelm this explosion on the scene...

"Did you see how they arranged it?" Archmage Harper asked the people around him.

When arranging the battlefield, Suldak specially invited the mage group to participate, and a magician who participated in the whole process stood up and explained:

"They seem to have buried a lot of oak barrels in the ground next to the straw man, not metal rune plates bursting with flames..."

"Well, the oak barrel is very heavy." Another mage said affirmatively.

Master Harper then asked, "Did you get a sample?"

"Yes!" The magician nodded, took out a paper bag from his arms, and said, "These medicinal powders are taken from the barrel."

"Is it alchemy or potion?" Archmage Harper asked.

"It should be alchemy..." said the magician.

Archmage Harper glanced at the crowd, and then said, "Isn't Higgins a master alchemist? Show him and see what he says?"

Not long after, a middle-aged magician came here from the hillside not far away. He didn't even look at the powder, because he had a bottle in his hand, and said to Master Harper, "It contains charcoal. Sulfur, um... is far less powerful than a fire scale bomb, but a barrel, just like that, can create an explosion bigger than bursting flames!"


"I heard that Viscount Suldak has a sulfur mine..."

The magicians paused for a while, and some people began to say: "No wonder the fireball technique is used to detonate it. It is a simple fire scale bomb without a magic rune detonation device!"

The magician named Higgins nodded and said: "Almost, the ingredients are much simpler than the fire scale bomb..."

The magicians finally came to a conclusion: "It seems that this Viscount Suldak also knows a very great alchemist..."

Everyone can accept this conclusion.


The battle at the barracks was over. Ned Mossby led the heavy armored infantry to successfully occupy the entire barracks and captured nearly 3,000 Lord Army soldiers.

Waiting for these fighters will be a long labor period. When the battle on the Ganbu plane is over, they will be prisoners of war, waiting for their families to bring them back with a ransom.

If no family comes to save them with a ransom, they will continue to be reformed in labor camps.

Of course, if these captives try hard enough, they can still be free before dying.

The supplies in the garrison camp are not too much, so Suldak still needs to capture the town of Hatangada as soon as possible to solve the current problem of extreme shortage of various combat supplies.

After all, it was an army of more than 20,000 people, and Suldak and Aphrodite alone could not transport so many supplies by traveling back and forth through the gate of the void.

Many blue-scaled horses died in this battle, which made Suldak feel very distressed.

The dead blue-scaled horses were cut into pieces on the spot, transported back to the garrison camp for stewing soup,

The wounded horses were also transported back to the camp, and Suldak was going to raise them, even if they couldn't go to the battlefield, they would be sent to the pastures in the hills and mountains of the Bailin plane to be raised as stallions...

Only less than 600 blue-scaled horses survived the battle, and the prisoners of the heavy cavalry were only more than 500. It was extremely damaged.

There are nearly 1,500 heavy cavalry who can still find complete bodies.

The rest were blown to pieces, and some heavy cavalry escaped in the chaos.

The heavy cavalrymen who refused to surrender were beheaded and their bodies were hung on wooden crosses on the hills outside the town of Hatangada.

Many people died in this battle, and the spoils that could be obtained were not as much as expected.

The light cavalry from Hatangada Town did not take the opportunity to come out to support them. They were not like the heavy cavalry with thick armor, and they were not afraid of the mage group in the sky at all.

Until now, the 15,000 infantry soldiers of the Second Legion of the Lord's Army are still on the road from Mukuso City to Hatangada Town...

Add more updates to the battle song of the leader's glory (4/10)

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