Lord Highlander

Chapter 1022 1008. Attack on Hartangada

Hatangada town

The light cavalry of the Second Army of the Lord's Army learned that the heavy cavalry was defeated by the Allied forces of Bena in the southern valley, and immediately retreated to the town.

In fact, this light cavalry regiment didn't want to go for reinforcements, it's just that the heavy cavalry regiment was wiped out after only half a day in the valley. In addition, there was a mage regiment staring at the sky, and the light cavalry regiment had just run halfway. The mages flying around in the sky forced them back with continuous fireballs.

Commander of the Second Legion was Lord MacDonnell's third son, Commander Cyrus MacDonnell.

In the lounge of the Hartangada town hall, Cyrus sat on the wicker chair and frowned, staring at the map on the wall, unable to figure out how the heavy cavalry regiment suffered a disastrous defeat. The heavy cavalry regiment was his The biggest hole card, even in the battle of Tarapagan, can basically retreat completely.

He raised his head, pinched the corners of his eyes with his hands, and closed his eyes to think.

The information uploaded from the battlefield is really too little. The information brought back by the light cavalry scouts only said that the valley was shaken by the fireball thrown by the magician.

Could it be that the magic guild in the province of Bena sent a great magister to cast a shower of meteors and fire in the valley?

Cyrus stroked the two dark beards above his lips, and fell into thought.

He is also the most conceited in the family, always thinking that he has the most military and leadership skills in the family.

He thought that the heavy cavalry was attacked by magicians, but he never thought that the three thousand heavy cavalry were blown to pieces by Suldak's black powder.

Now that he retreated to the town of Hatangada with 5,000 light cavalry, he found that almost no heavy cavalry could escape from the southern valley.

But what's the use of regretting?

Now he can only wait for the infantry regiment to reach Hartangada Town on time, so that he can also rely on the town's defenses to hold on here and keep the rebels south of Hartangada Town.

'What a fool Groval is! ’ Cyrus cursed secretly in his heart.

If it weren't for his delusion to use the power of the Black Magic Priory, it is estimated that the magic guild in the province of Bena would not directly join the camp of the coalition of Bena...

But now those black mages led the Hell Legion to bite back, and have occupied four important towns in the northern region in a row. I don't know how the battle in the north is going. Alvin's situation should not be as difficult as his own.

The current McDonnell family can't afford to fight on two fronts with Mukuso City alone. Otherwise, the infantry regiment wouldn't be walking so slowly. There should be a carriage...

In just one day, his cheeks and eye sockets became somewhat sunken.

"Master, all the nobles in the town have arrived." The voice of the butler Bob came from the door, the second butler of the MacDonnell family and his most powerful helper.

Cyrus got up from the chair, straightened his military uniform, and responded:

"Come right away."

His voice was a little hoarse, and the attendant at the side quickly handed over a towel.

He took a hot towel from the attendant, wiped his haggard face, calmed down quietly, looked in the mirror, and made himself look more energetic, so that the noble lords of Hatangada Town Give us some confidence.

In fact, he didn't even have much confidence in himself.

Taking a deep breath, he walked out of the room, his leather boots stepping on the corridor floor, making a dull sound.

He tries to put on an imposing presence, so every step is heavy.

The followers around him knew that he was in a bad mood, so they didn't dare to provoke him, and they tried to walk as lightly as possible, which made him stand out in the corridor...

He strode into the conference hall and stood directly on the podium.

He deliberately lowered his tone, and said in a calm voice:

"Everyone, the 20,000 rebel army is currently only 50 kilometers away from us. Maybe as soon as I wake up tomorrow morning, the town of Hatangada will be surrounded by the army. In addition, unfortunately, my second heavy cavalry regiment has just been defeated. in the southern valley."

"If you don't want the resistance army to rush into the town tomorrow morning and take away the wealth you have accumulated over the years, I hope you can send out all the private armed forces in the manor, and we will form a city defense self-defense army in the town to guard haha Tangada Town."

Some well-informed people knew the news of the heavy cavalry's defeat earlier.

"Master Cyrus, what about your infantry regiment?" A nobleman asked curiously.

Cyrus pulled back the curtain on the wall behind him, revealing the map that had been prepared a long time ago. With the horsewhip in his hand, he pointed to a road between Mukuso City and Hatangada Town, and said, "The infantry regiment is still here. On the way here, if there are no accidents, we will arrive at the town by tomorrow afternoon."

"As long as my regiment of infantry comes, the town will hold."

Then he added, his voice firm.

"In order to strengthen the defense system of Hatangada Town, I also brought twelve bed crossbows from Mukuso City this time..."

Hearing this news, the noble lords present immediately looked uplifted, and everyone was full of confidence.

Everyone is discussing enthusiastically...

"Master Cyrus, I will let my followers join the Self-Defense Force."

A noble lord patted his chest and assured.

Seeing someone express their opinion, other noble lords also expressed:

"We will also..."

The meeting was a great success, and Cyrus seemed delighted.


Cyrus owns a house in the town of Hatangada.

In the restaurant, Cyrus’s dinner was a medium-rare steak. When he cut it with a knife, the bloody meat juice flowed out from the knife. He cut a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, feeling that his hungry stomach seemed to be awakened. After swallowing several mouthfuls, the gravy overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He wiped the corner of his mouth with a white napkin, and took another sip of red wine for himself.

The adjutant entered cautiously and said:

"Master Cyrus, it's time to meet the noble lords at the central square..."

Cyrus stood up, took two pieces of butter bread from the basket, stuffed them into his mouth and said vaguely: "Let's go."

The adjutant followed behind him with a worried expression, and the carriage stopped in front of the gate of the house.

In fact, it is not far from the central square...

The carriage stopped beside the empty central square, and Cyrus realized that there were very few private armed forces who came to the square to join the guard, not even two hundred people.

He got off the carriage and looked at the scattered fighters in the square.

Unexpectedly, all the nobles released pigeons, his face flushed with anger, and he lashed the stone sculpture on the fence of the square with the horsewhip in his hand.

The confidant next to him stood a little further away, for fear that he would also be whipped.

On the contrary, the officers who came with Cyrus stood aside expressionlessly.

A fast horse was galloping down the street. The scouts of the light cavalry were almost attached to the horse's back. Passers-by on the street avoided one after another. The light cavalry ran directly to the central square and handed a roll of parchment to the people who went up to meet them. officer.

Then the light cavalryman hurried away on horseback.

The officer opened the scroll, frowned and walked to Cyrus, handed the scroll over and said softly, "My lord, there is movement from the rebel army. They rushed to Hatangada town overnight!"

"So fast?" Cyrus said with some surprise, his eyes froze slightly.

An officer frowned and said, "It is estimated that tomorrow morning, we will be able to see their army under the city wall."

Cyrus' face turned pale all of a sudden, and asked quickly:

"Have the guards on duty at night been arranged?"

The officer said calmly: "It's arranged!"

Cyrus patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Keep an eye on it, and don't make any mistakes before the infantry arrives."

"Understood." After the officer finished speaking, he led the people away immediately.

Cyrus took a deep breath and walked towards the less than two hundred privately armed soldiers.


Suldak ended the battle here, and hurriedly led 20,000 heavy armored infantry regiments to Hatangada Town, and surrounded the southern part of Hatangada Town.

The sky had just dawned, and 10,000 heavy armored infantry fighters were wearing black iron armor, standing neatly outside the town of Hatangada, forming a two-kilometer-long horizontal row outside the south wall of the town, and all the heavy armored infantry fighters' shields All stand in front of the body.

The battlefield was filled with a chill atmosphere.

The city walls of Hatangada Town are also full of city guards holding longbows.

The mages are also in the camp of the heavy armored infantry regiment, and they are all ready. The main task of the mages today is to extinguish all the bed crossbows at the top of the city.

Following these few battles, hellhounds and demon servants have never appeared in the lord's army. These mages don't want to help Benar's army fight the McDonnell lord's army anymore. These are the lord's own business Well, wizards don't want to participate at all.

However, Archmage Morrison and Archmage Harper stepped forward to overwhelm the public opinion and ordered the magicians to actively cooperate with the heavy armored infantry regiment to complete the siege battle.

The double-headed ogre, as the main attacker, was checking the heavy armor on his body, and he was about to attack the south gate of the town from the front.

A week ago, Suldak made some preparations for storming the town of Hatangada. For this reason, he also used forty four-wheeled carriages to transform a batch of siege vehicles. The ladder is fixed on the carriage of the truck, and guardrails are installed on both sides of the ladder. The heavy armored infantry soldiers only need to push the siege vehicle under the city wall, and the infantry soldiers can rush up the city wall along the ladder.

When ten carriages run side by side, a wide avenue can be erected on the city wall.

The walls of the town are not too high, and the height of the front end of the engineering vehicle is completely customized according to the height of the town walls.

When these siege vehicles appeared in the sight of the city defenders, everyone became a little more worried.

The Second Army now only has 5,000 light cavalry left in the town of Hatangada. There is actually no advantage in defending the city with light cavalry. The only thing worthy of praise is that their bow skills are not bad.

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