Lord Highlander

Chapter 1023: 1009. Broken City

The siege horn sounded at that moment of dawn...

Forty siege vehicles were rolled out at the same time, surrounded by thousands of shield warriors holding their shields high.

A group of archers stood on the siege vehicle, and each archer had a shield warrior in front of him to protect him from the rain of arrows. They stood on the siege vehicle and shot at the guards of Hartangada Town.

No one shouted, the dense arrows fell on the armor and made a clanging sound, and the helmets of the soldiers all had visors. These ordinary arrows did not do much damage to the heavy armored infantry.

The moment the siege engine crashed into the city wall, the real battle began.

The guards at the top of the city began to dump kerosene on the siege vehicles, threw fire scale bombs, and countless spears pierced out of the wall to prevent the heavy armored infantry from climbing to the top of the city.

At this time, the heavy armored infantry can only charge up with their shields shoulder to shoulder...

This is a game for the brave.

The soldiers of the heavy armored infantry regiment of Suldak are the foundation of the rebel army. They have experienced more difficult battles than this, and they are not afraid of death. Countless heavy armored infantry soldiers rushed to the siege vehicle


The two-headed ogre was covered in ice armor, carrying two large wooden barrels on its shoulders, and rushed forward with its legs spread apart.

A group of heavy armored infantry soldiers were left far behind by him...

The magician threw fireballs at the city wall in the mid-air above the city, so that the archers would hide in the tower and dare not run out

When it was more than 30 meters away from the city, Naohuaer shouted to Gulitum: "My good brother, the distance is almost there, I am ready to light the fire!"

Gulitum held up the barrel, and a ball of flames condensed in the palm of Brain Flower. The moment the barrel was thrown out, Brain Flower ignited the fuse on the barrel, and the barrel spun in the air and flew towards the city. door, the ogre turned and fell to the ground.

There was a slam on the city gate, but there was no expected explosion sound. The burning fuse hit the wall, and the fuse went out...

The two-headed ogre got up from the ground, a little sluggish, and didn't understand why it didn't explode.

"Come again!"

Gullitum shouted.

Countless arrows rained down on him, but they were all blocked by the ice armor. Only a few arrows luckily pierced the ice armor and stuck on his granite-like body.

This time he brought over two oak barrels, and one beside him...

A bed crossbow turned around secretly, and the magician in the air had already noticed this side. Just as the bed crossbow operator was secretly shaking the winch, the magician swooped down on the magic scorpion and dropped a large ball on the bed crossbow. fireball.

Instant flames enveloped the bed crossbow...

The biggest weakness of this kind of bed crossbow is that it is not resistant to fire. The whole bed crossbow is made of wood. When the fireball explodes, the flame will engulf the bed crossbow.

At this time, the two-headed ogre threw the barrel out again, and then stood there, looking at the oak barrel flying towards the city gate, to see if it could explode...

The moment the wooden barrel touched the city gate, the fire suddenly shrank and spewed out...

At the moment before the final explosion, the two-headed ogre suddenly sensed the imminent danger in its heart, so it threw itself on the ground without any hesitation.

An extremely wild thrust and heat wave came.

Pushing the two-headed ogre more than ten meters away, he fell so badly that the thick layer of ice armor on his body was completely shattered.

Gulitham got up from the ground, brushed off the dirt on his body, and turned to look at the city gate.

I saw that the iron-clad gate at the gate of the city had been blown to pieces, and a row of heavily armored warriors with shields rushed into the gate.

The two-headed ogre saw that nothing was missing on him, and immediately rushed towards the gate with a big stick.

He didn't want to affect his lunch because of this siege.


As soon as Cyrus led people to feel the southern city wall, he saw the heavy armored infantry fighters climbing up the city wall along the siege vehicles.

An earth-shattering bang came from the gate of the city not far away. An arrow tower at the gate of the city collapsed, and the entire gate was blown to pieces, while the magicians were still flying around arrogantly in the air.

Turning against the Magic Union was, in Cyrus' view, the stupidest decision the McDonnell family had ever made.

The big man with two heads in the crowd has already blocked the gate of the city, and no one can block the big stick in his hand.

Behind Cyrus was a group of noble lords who were privately armed. Before these soldiers could give an order, they were stimulated by the atmosphere on the battlefield. They picked up their weapons one after another and rushed around Cyrus to the fierce battle area at the top of the city. .


As the heavy armored infantry entered the town of Hatangada, the light cavalry and city guards in the city immediately launched a life-and-death street battle with the heavy armored infantry.

In this siege battle, the magicians played a vital role.

All the bed crossbows at the top of the city were completely misfired. The archers on the city wall wanted to shoot down the mages wearing the magic shields with bows and arrows, but they were not sharpshooters, and they didn't have strong bows enough to break the shields in their hands. The teacher has nothing to do.

Samira rushed up the city wall from the ladder of the siege engine, and a team of archers followed her, and they quickly occupied the arrow tower on the wall where the siege engine was.

Samira was wearing a fiery red leather armor and stood on the roof of the watchtower. Behind her was a phantom of a ten-meter-tall Elf Windrunner, holding a Sky Strike Bow filled with countless lightning powers.

Samira's doing this is actually a bit unreasonable.

It is completely suppressing the entire battlefield with the aura of a second-rank powerhouse. Seeing her lord army with the phantom of the great elf, how can it have the courage to continue fighting...

Samira shot several arrows in a row, helping the fighters on the front line to kill the opponent.

Sometimes when the opponent slashed at him with a sword, the heavy armored infantry soldier was about to die in a pool of blood. At this time, an arrow flew from the sky, and the light helmet was like paper. The sword lord soldier fell straight.

Even the magicians flying in the sky felt the powerful aura of the half-elf archer and flew around her one after another.


The private armed forces of the noble lords in the town joined the battle. Their biggest feature is that they are well-equipped and have good personal combat power, but they lack cooperation and lack the courage to fight.

Once scattered by the heavy armored infantry fighters gathered together, it is difficult to have the courage to fight again.

This group of people was originally employed by the local aristocratic lords, and they went to the battlefield to defend their homeland. They had the courage to face the rebel army, but it did not mean that they were willing to fight against the Bena coalition army.

When they discovered that these heavy armored infantry fighters were so well-equipped, they had doubts in their minds. When did the rebel army's weapons and equipment become so good?

When they noticed the magician flying around in the sky again, the well-informed warriors quickly understood.

What kind of rebel army are these? These soldiers are clearly the Bena coalition army!

After these fighters discovered the true identity of the heavy armored infantry regiment, they immediately lost their fighting spirit. What's the use of it!

What if we win?

Is it really necessary to be wanted by the entire Bena province?

Is it really safe to hide on this plane?

The Bena coalition army brought people to kill them before they turned around...

The best way to face this kind of war is to stay away.

It's better to hide anywhere than to stay here.

So the private armed forces of these noble lords only appeared at the top of the city for a few minutes, and then all of them ran away without a single one left.

This group of people brought the news from the top of the city to the noble lords in the town almost immediately.

The aristocrats seemed to be suffering from an infectious disease, and they frantically fled Hatangada town. At first, there were only one or two, and now the entire rich district is fleeing.

Suldak's heavy armored infantry corps did not besiege the city, and the nobles fled from the north city gate one after another.


Under the impact of waves of heavy armored infantry like tides, the troops deployed by Cyrus on the city wall were completely dispersed. In desperation, he could only retreat to the town with the light cavalry regiment. The fighters started street fighting.

He looked up at the clock tower on the central square of the town, hoping that the infantry of the Second Legion would arrive at Hatangada Town on time.

It was already noon now, and the city walls and gates of Nancheng District were completely lost.

But if the infantry of the legion came from the northern city, he still had a chance to take back the town of Hatangada...

Cyrus was pulled back by the guards. There were two shield warriors holding shields in front of him to protect him. He was already being targeted by the strong archer at the top of the city, and the strong man had already shot him down. Seven shield warriors protecting Cyrus.

The rangers and assassins who wanted to go around and deal with the archers failed to come back.

The cronies can only pull Cyrus to the rear...


After dawn, Surdak and 6,000 heavy armored infantrymen and 500 armored swordsmen rushed to the mountain pass north of Hatangada Town. They arrived almost a quarter of an hour earlier than the infantry regiment of the Second Army.

Not long after they occupied the mountain pass, they saw a black mass of infantry appearing in the northern wilderness.

But at this time, the flag of the Bena Allied Forces was already flying at the highest point of the mountain pass...

The infantry regiment was stopped outside the mountain pass in the north of the town. Lorenzo Congreve, the commander of the infantry regiment, received an urgent letter from Cyrus last night.

In fact, he also set off two hours earlier, intending to reach Hatangada town by noon.

They could imagine that the town of Hatangada would be in a very difficult situation after losing the heavy cavalry regiment. Lorenzo couldn't even figure it out. How could the 3,000 heavy cavalry be gone...

In fact, he didn't know, and Cyrus MacDonnell couldn't figure it out just like him.

In order to be able to arrive at Hardangada Town in advance, Lorenzo Congreve even left a large number of baggage vehicles on the way, leaving a part of the manpower to walk slowly behind, and the main force directly entered Hardangada Town.

It's a pity that at the mountain pass less than ten kilometers away from the town of Hatangada, he saw the flag of the Bena coalition army fluttering in the wind.

Lorenzo Congreve stood on the chariot, raised his arms high, and stopped the advancing army.

He never thought that the opposing officer was so bold that he dared to penetrate the army to the northern area of ​​Hartangada Town.

If this strategic intention is discovered by the light cavalry in Hatangada Town, they only need to send a thousand light cavalry to use wolf pack tactics, and they will be able to tear this heavy armored infantry regiment to the bone...

But there is another explanation, that is, the current situation in Hartangada Town is in a precarious situation, and even a thousand light cavalry cannot be distinguished...

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