Lord Highlander

Chapter 1025 1011. News of the Demon Race

The Suldak Legion occupied the town of Hatangada, but did not loot the town of Hatangada as the nobles and businessmen expected.

On the contrary, after the heavy armored infantry regiment occupied the town hall, it began to actively reorganize the guard battalion to maintain the chaotic order in the town.

There were no thugs who robbed property on the street, the commercial shops along the street, the vacant houses in the rich area, and the various public facilities in the town were well preserved. City's Resistance Army.

The free market was only closed during the siege. After the resistance army occupied the town, a large number of cheap and exquisite items emerged on the free market. The prices on the market were relatively stable, basically a little higher than the par price.

The resident population of Hartangada Town is almost 200,000, and Suldak fought the siege very decisively this time, which really caught Cyrus MacDonnell off guard.

Otherwise, it would definitely not be an easy task for Cyrus to invade a small town with a population of 200,000 just by mobilizing some militiamen from the small town to defend the city in turn.

On the second day after occupying the town of Hatangada, Suldak organized a census of the town.

The civilians in the town had a good impression of the Resistance Army. When they heard that the Resistance Army had entered the city, they all ran out of their homes to welcome them.

The aristocrats living in the rich district closed the gates tightly, and there were some armed guards guarding the gates, but there was some tension in the eyes of these guards.

Some nobles and merchants fled to Mucuso with their belongings before the resistance army entered the city.

But there were also nobles who insisted on staying in Hatangada Town. These nobles who did not leave hid in the manor in fear, waiting for the resistance army to rush into the manor, hoping that they would be able to grab less points because there were people staying in the manor.

In fact, this kind of looting did not take place on the streets of Hatangada town.

On the second day after the town was occupied, the nobles living in the rich district received a meeting invitation from the town hall...

A meeting of lords is held in the town, and it is still the first time that noble lords who attend the meeting can keep their territories.

And those noble lords who did not attend the meeting need to take out gold coins and magic crystals to buy back their land. If the nobles do not want to buy back the land, then these idle land will be confiscated, and at the same time, one-third of the land will be confiscated. The land became the private property of the Viscount Surdak.

The town needs a new consul, and the most important thing is that Suldak will lead people to take over the idle land in the town.

Surdak plans to continue to implement the tax-free policy in Hatangada Town, and vigorously support agriculture, small workshops and shops. Any monopoly industry in Hatangada Town will be severely cracked down.

It was also at this time that the nobles in Hatangada Town knew that the army of Suldak represented the coalition forces of the lords of Bena Province.

The nobles wanted to recover their lost land, so they wanted to find a breakthrough from Suldak.

The nobles who want to see Suldak every day can almost line up from the central square to the south gate of the town.

Of course, the reasons were varied. Most people invited Suerdak to private dances, and some invited him to have afternoon tea, visit the manor garden, etc., and even some famous ladies in the town invited him to eat cookies at home.

At this time, every noble lord wished he could have two more daughters.

Even if one of them can get the favor of Viscount Suldak, then I will turn around in Hartangada Town...

The next day, no one knew who revealed to these nobles that Suldak's fiancée was the beloved daughter of Marquis Luther...

The nobles immediately stopped thinking of marrying their daughter to Viscount Surdak, but the various invitations did not stop.

Suldak didn't expect that Marquis Luther's reputation was so high. Even if they were separated by a plane, the nobles would not dare to offend Marquis Luther.

It didn't take long for some rumors about Surdak to spread in the town of Hatangada.

Some people say that he likes to pay attention to pomp no matter where he goes, and he always likes to live in houses with swimming pools and attics.

Some people say that he has a cruel and violent personality. He often likes to barbecue in the courtyard with his men and eats those strong captives.

Some people even say that he is the adjudicator elected by the Magic Union, who specializes in dealing with heresy for the Magic Union.

In any case, the deeds of defeating the third and second armies of the lord army with 20,000 heavy armored infantry fighters made him the hottest topic of conversation among people on the streets.

More than 600 heavy infantry regiments died in the siege of Suldak. For a large-scale siege, this number of deaths is a brilliant record.

However, there were a lot of wounded soldiers. Nearly two thousand heavy armored infantry soldiers were injured, and more than half of the casualties were seriously injured. Grams are all used up.

The treatment time was a bit long this time. After busying around Suldak, Xi Ya shared most of the pre-order work for Suldak, but he was still busy for nearly three days before treating these wounded soldiers. He took turns to be treated again.

During this period, Suldak not only had to treat wounded soldiers, but also to rectify the heavy armored infantry regiment.

Every time there is a victory, there will always be some people in the legion who appear impetuous. At this time, someone needs to suppress these fighters, such as strengthening physical training to make them calm down.


The Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment harvested a large amount of supplies in Hatangada Town...

Quartermaster Louis Fitch has become a little numb along the way, and the supplies he has seized have far exceeded the 100,000 magic spar he brought over.

Viscount Suldak seems to be planning to turn the 1,500 green-scaled horses and 2,000 ancient Bolai horses into his personal spoils, but he, the quartermaster, can't say anything about the accounts. , part of it should belong to Viscount Suldak.

Suldak even provided all war supplies in the early days of the war.

Although this heavy armored infantry corps nominally belonged to the Bena army, during the war, Suldak had absolute command, and all the gains from the war, except for the part that needed to be allocated to the infantry soldiers, belonged to Su Viscount Erdak.

In addition to these precious horses, there are one hundred sets of magic pattern structures on the books. Besides these, Louis Fitch also needs to use magic crystals to pay Suldak the purchase fee for the weapons and armor of 27,000 warriors.

He even felt that if the war continued in this way, Viscount Suldak might form his own Constructed Knights at the end of the war.

Although rank two powerhouses are rare in the army, in the huge Bena province, such powerhouses are actually not rare.

They often appear in major battles, but there are not many commanders like Suldak who use the power of the second-rank powerhouse to change the situation of the battle.

Moreover, in these few battles of Suldak, the total strength of troops was not too large, but there were always scenes of suppressing troops on the battlefield.

Now he wants to understand how the Marquis Luthor and the Marquis Gulas used the money to invest in the Viscount Suldak with the construction of the swordsman group, how poisonous their eyes must have been...

If the military can use 100,000 magic spar to buy 20,000 elite heavy armored infantry, this deal can't be considered a loss.


In the last week of March the wizards brought worse news from the north.

A large number of demon cryptmen appeared in the small towns in the north. Although this low-level unit is weaker than hellhounds, there are a large number of them. They are not afraid of death, and they are very brutal in battle. They all drag the enemy to die together.

With a large number of low-level towns occupying the northern part of the Ganbu plane, the humans there were almost reduced to slaves and food, and refugees who fled could always be seen in the mountains.

In the fallen towns in the north, humans were kept in captivity by demons, and those black magicians opened the doors of low-level demons in various towns.

Moreover, an army composed of hell demons is constantly invading the south. The first army of the lord army is currently fighting this hell demon army, because the hell demon army is supported by black magicians, and there are countless fierce demons. Crypt warriors who are not afraid of death, so the situation of the First Legion is not very optimistic.

The magicians were a little worried about this, but they only had forty of them after all. Even if there were eleven second-rank high-ranking mages, they still couldn't fight against these hell demons.

So they needed Suldak's help, just as they had given Suldak's help.


The magician Sheldon also rushed to the town of Hatangada with the army. He was also shocked when he heard that the hell demons appeared in the Ganbu plane from the mage group.

However, he belongs to the magician of the stargazer union, and his attitude towards the demons will not be as sensitive as the magicians of the law enforcement team of the magic union.

The magician Evid came to the town of Hatangada and came to visit Suldak that night.

Suldak invited him to chat on the terrace of the house, and the two were a little worried when they talked about the demons' capture of the northern part of the Gambu plane.

Suldak thought of the hellhound besieging the city of Wozmara on the Maca plane, and almost occupied the Maca plane.

How tragic the battle was at that time, as a knight participating in the battle, Suldak naturally felt deeply, but now the situation on the Ganbu plane is worse than that on the Maca plane, which will inevitably make Suldak even worse. Headache.

Magician Avid stood on the terrace, overlooking the scenery of Hatangada Town.

"I didn't expect you to hit the town of Hatangada so soon."

"Dark, do you remember... We still wanted to live here at the beginning! If we really lived here, instead of going to Takale Town, maybe we would have returned to Bena City long ago, and the following things would not have happened It will happen..." Avid magician said to Suldak with emotion.

"Probably so!" Suldak also thought it should be so.

If he had lived in Hartangada, and hadn't experienced the town being captured by the rebel army and then taken back by the lord's army, Magician Avid might have left the Ganbu plane with his party.

In that case, I am afraid that the province of Bena will completely lose contact with the Ganbu plane.

Whether this place will be reduced to hell by then, no one knows.

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