Lord Highlander

Chapter 1026 1012. Plane Battle Plan

"I heard that the Black Magic Retreat will summon a large number of low-level demons' hell legions in the north. Our next enemy is not only the Ganbu plane lord army, but also the more powerful hell demons low-level legion."

Magician Avid stood on the terrace and said to Suldak.

Suldak rubbed his eyebrows, thought for a while before saying:

"No matter what, we must capture Mukuso, otherwise we may be in trouble."

It is not an easy task to capture Mukuso. It is estimated that it will be difficult to do it with Suldak's 20,000 heavy armored infantry alone, and the resistance army must continue to recruit new troops.

Suldak is going to transfer the 7,000 heavy armored infantry reserves stranded in Bansko Town to Hatangada Town.

Suldak asked Magician Avid: "Did you bring the temporary teleportation circle?"

"Brought it!" Magician Avid said. In fact, what he brought was not only a temporary teleportation circle, but also Miss Nora who made him understand that the true meaning of life is not only about magic.

Suldak thought for a while before saying, "Let's go back to Bena City and report the situation here to the military department and the magic union."

Magician Avid nodded and said: "I am also planning to discuss this matter with you. Archmage Morrison and Archmage Harper also have this idea. In addition, they hope that I can communicate with you. Now Ganbu How much support can the heavy armored infantry regiment give to the mage regiment?"

"Don't worry, tell Master Morrison and Master Harper that our heavy armored infantry regiment is naturally duty-bound to deal with the Demon Hell Legion..." Suldak said decisively.

Hearing Suldak's promise, the magician Avid was also relieved.

In the afternoon, Archmage Morrison and Archmage Harper found the magician Avid in person, asking him to speak to Suldak.

I didn't expect Suldak to be so proactive in jointly fighting against the hell demons.

Later, when the mages heard the reply from the magician Avid, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Master Morrison and Archmage Harper looked at each other. The hard work of the mage group during the recent period was finally not in vain.

Next, Suldak's heavy armored infantry regiment will continue to go north, but there are no walls in the small towns between Hatangada Town and Mukuso City. Infantry, there is no force that can stop the Suldak Legion's footsteps.

It will then be easier to capture towns.

Suldak had two thousand Gubolai horses in his hands, and in the battle of Hatangada, the number of Gubolai horses increased by nearly a thousand.

In the past few days, almost all the four-wheeled carriages in Hatangada Town have been forcibly requisitioned by Surdak. He not only needs to use four-wheeled trucks to transport infantry soldiers, but also establish a complete supply line in Hatangada Town.

Let the war return to what it should have been, instead of shuttling through the gate of the void every day.


Suldak walked out of the portal in the teleportation hall of Bena City together with Mage Avid, Archmage Morrison, and Archmage Harper. The teleporter in the hall greeted them:

"Avid, how have you been on the Ganbu plane recently?"

Everyone stopped quickly, and Avid stepped forward to salute respectfully, and said:

"To be honest, the situation over there is not good. It can be said that it is already very bad."

The old magician stood in the spotless teleportation hall and asked with a puzzled look:

"Oh, is the McDonnell family well prepared over there?"

Magician Avid quickly shook his head and said:

"No, although Lord MacDonnell's army is strong, we have also organized a powerful infantry army. There are many low-level demons over there, which makes our war very passive..."

The old magician was even more surprised, then lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said with a worried face: "Oh, this is really not good news."

"So when we come back this time, we want to seek more resources from the Magic Union."

Avid stood in the hall and talked to the old magician of the Stargazer Union.

Everyone agreed to stay in Bena City for half a day, and then they would gather at the gate of the teleportation hall and return to Ganbu plane together.


With limited time, Suldak rushed directly to the Marquis Luthor's mansion in a magic caravan.

Sure enough, Marquis Luther happened to be having afternoon tea at home, and the butler brought Suldak to the garden of the manor.

Mrs. Marianne knew that the two had important matters to discuss, so she took the other ladies to prepare dinner.

Hearing the information that Suldak brought back from the Ganbu plane, Marquis Luther frowned. He didn't expect that the Black Magic Hermitage would cause such a big hidden danger in the Ganbu plane.

Sitting on the recliner in the garden, Marquis Luther tapped the armrest of the recliner lightly with his fingers, as if it was the only way to concentrate on thinking.

The warm sunshine makes the back garden very warm, and a gust of warm wind blows through, carrying a strong fragrance of flowers.

There were still dresses on the lounge chair next to him that hadn't been cleaned up in time, and Mrs. Mabel's face was still flushed when she left. It seemed that Marquis Luther was really a person who knew how to enjoy himself.

Suldak took the teacup handed over by the butler, and took the opportunity to pick a few nuts from the tea tray to eat.

The fountain in the garden is full of water, and the swimming pool is crystal clear, but this season is not a good time for swimming.

A few birds landed on a tall stone pillar...

This made Suldak think of the reservoir in Wall Village. Now that the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, the scenery by the reservoir should be beautiful.

Just when Suldak's thoughts were flying, Marquis Luther opened his eyes, staring at Suldak with wise eyes and said:

"The most important thing now is to do everything possible to capture the city of Mukuso and repair the portal in the city. As long as the portal can operate normally, the troops and supplies stationed in the province of Bena can continue to flow. Shipped to Mucuso."

"The Luthor Legion is currently stationed in the city of Ruyt. Besides the Luthor Legion, there are other noble lords and the Bena coalition army with 100,000 troops. I will prepare the military supplies there in advance. The prerequisite for all victory on the cloth plane is to open that portal."

He sat up a little bit, and said to Surdak:

"However, there won't be much support for you here, especially when the demon army appears on the plane. At this time, the noble lords of Bena don't dare to continue to raise their stakes in this war."

"Dark, now the main force of the coalition forces is waiting in Ruyt City, can you think of a way to capture Mukuso City?"

Suldak tapped his forehead and said bravely:

"I will find a way to complete the task."

"Very good..." Marquis Luther nodded, and then said: "If you can capture Mukuso, at least the territory south of the Ganbu plane can be included in your territory. For you, this It is also a very rare opportunity..."

"I'll do my best," Suldak said.

Although he hasn't been able to come up with a good solution yet, but he feels that he wants to capture Mukuso City, but it's not like there is no chance at all...

Marquis Luther was a little tired, and he waved at Suldak and said, "Go see Hathaway before you leave. Last time she left in such a hurry, she complained to me for a long time."

It can be seen that he is under a lot of pressure.

Suldak performed the knight salute and said, "Yes, Lord Marquis."

Then he followed the butler from the back garden into the guest room of the castle. For some reason, he suddenly thought of Baron Sidney at the Battle of Moyunling.


Under the service of the maid, Suldak took a comfortable hot bath in the guest room, and then lay down on the big soft bed full of soap locust fragrance and took a nap for the afternoon.

When he woke up, he found that Hathaway was wearing a white dress, sitting by the bed and reading a book quietly.

Beatrice curled her body like a kitten, lying in her arms, staring at Suldak's face flickeringly with her big eyes.

Suldak endured the restlessness in his heart, leaned his head over and kissed passionately...

Afterwards, the three ran to the tallest watchtower in the castle.

It seemed that the room on the top of the tower had become the best place for them to date. It was the place where Hathaway and Beatrice were banned, and Hathaway had now arranged it into a cozy hut.

Pushing open the window, you can feel the warm and sweet spring breeze, which is the breath of spring...

Beatrice was wearing a comfortable silk nightgown, and the wind blew her body slightly cool.

Huddled in Suldak's arms, looking up at his slightly stubbled chin, those soft eyes were filled with tenderness like water.

The three of them even settled for dinner in this room.

Of course, the three of them did not dare to challenge the glory of the Luthor family and the Gophero family.

When Suldak returned to Bena City this time, he didn't mention the dangerous situation on the Ganbu plane, but Hathaway felt a little nervous in her heart.

After all, Suldak was fighting on a plane controlled by Lord McDonnell's army.

In the evening, when Suldak was about to leave, Hathaway and Beatrice reluctantly sent Suldak outside the gate of the manor.

Seeing that the magic of the Luthor family emblem stopped at the door, Hathaway directly pulled Beatrice into the carriage, and the two sent Suldak to the entrance of the teleportation hall in Bena City before bidding farewell...

"Be careful...I want to marry Suldak, not because he can become an earl!"

Before Suldak jumped out of the car, Hathaway held his face and said to him softly against his forehead.


Suldak glanced at the door of the teleportation hall, then turned around and walked up the steps quickly.

The magician Avid and several other magicians were already waiting at the gate of the teleportation hall.

Those magicians wore black robes, magic cone hats, and the emblem of the Stargazers Guild embroidered on their clothes. These old magicians didn't even have magician badges, not any badges...

Hathaway has heard some rumors about magicians, and heard that there are many magic scholars in the magic union who are indifferent to fame and fortune. They just don't have those messy magic badges on them, and these people are the real background of the magic union.

This is the kind of magician she might see today...

Hathaway and Beatrice looked at each other, and instantly read the worry in each other's eyes...

These magic scholars...how did they go to the Ganbu plane with Suldak?

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