Lord Highlander

Chapter 1027

Suldak and the magician Avid met in the teleportation hall.

Magician Avid was followed by five magicians in black robes. They hid their faces under the mage's conical hat. Facing Suldak's greetings, the magicians had no intention of speaking at all.

Suldak stood with the magician Avid, and Avid introduced to Suldak in a very small voice:

"Those are the elder-level scholars of our Astrologer's Union. They live in the research room on the top of the Magic Tower all year round. Even my teacher's teacher has to salute as a junior when they see them. I am not very familiar with them... Going to the dry cloth plane is to be able to repair the portal as quickly as possible after occupying Mukuso!"

Suldak lowered his voice and said, "I thought you would bring some resources back to the Ganbu plane."

Avid patted the magic pocket, with a smug expression on his face, and said in a low voice, "I have brought a lot, this time you will never imagine how much support the trade union has given me..."

Archmage Morrison and Archmage Harper arrived a little later, but this time they brought another twenty magicians from the Magic Union.

Counting it, the Magic Union has sent a squadron of 60 mages before and after.

Explained some of the battle plans of the Bena Army with Archmage Morrison. Although Archmage Morrison was a little dissatisfied with Suldak's failure to bring back any resources, but considering the current situation in the Ganbu plane, it is not possible for the time being It can only be this way.

Looking at it now, the key is to get through the portal on the square of Mukuso City.

In addition, the Bena coalition forces will continue to enter the Ganbu plane from Ruyt City.


Judging from the images recorded in the magic crystal, Mukuso City is much larger than Hailansa City.

Mukuso City is the only central city on the Ganbu plane. The population in the city is about 700,000. There are large slums around Mukuso City outside the city. These slums have now developed into Mukuso City. A satellite town of the city.

However, these small towns are almost connected with Mukuso City, and the division between the inside and outside of the city is to get a city wall that is 15 meters high.

This place belongs to the power center of the Ganbu plane. The city wall is very high, and since there are small towns connected together outside the city, it is almost impossible to push the siege engine directly under the city wall. Little by little the area is cleared.

In addition, there are about 20,000 city guards in the city. The number of these city guards alone is about the same as that of the Suldak Legion.

Not to mention that there are still remnants of the Third Legion and the Second Legion in the city, as well as the private armaments of countless noble lords. These troops add up to at least 50,000.

Once the war breaks out, this city with a population of 700,000 will continuously recruit militiamen from civilian areas to join the defense army.

It can be said that even the current heavy armored infantry regiment of Suldak is simply not enough...

The only thing Suldak can rely on is the Constructed Swordsman Group and the Mage Group. How to make good use of these two knives is the key to whether Suldak can open the situation.


The Heavy Armored Infantry Corps has set out from the town of Hatangada and occupied several small towns along the way. There are no walls around these small towns, and the armed forces in the small towns have no resistance. Now these noble lords are also Be wise, they don't care who rules here as long as they don't rob their estates and take their lands.

The news that Suldak's army did not rob the noble lord in the town of Hatangada has already spread among the noble circles.

When passing through these small towns, there was hardly any resistance. The mayors of the towns even greeted them outside the towns in person, and even offered to give up the town hall for Suldak.

Even when a meeting of noble lords is held, all the nobles are present every time. After all, no one wants to buy their own land with their own pockets.

So Suldak's heavy armored infantry regiment went northward very smoothly.

It had reached the border of Mukuso City in early April.


In the barracks, Suldak and a group of officers were deducing the siege on a sand table, but this time, even with a group of mages and constructed swordsmen, there seemed to be no good way to break through the high wall.

In fact, even the great swordsman Quintas was not very optimistic about Suldak's siege.

To break down a city, the attacking side must have at least twice as many troops as the defending side, in order to be able to capture the city.

Archmage Molesen was also in the barracks tent, but he did not participate in this military game.

He brought a magic cannon from the Bena Magic Union this time, but it was one of his few trump cards, and he didn't want to take it out so early.

Although Suldak hasn't found a way to break the city until now, it seems that the legion doesn't have that kind of depression from top to bottom.

On the contrary, the officers were in high spirits and were thinking of various ways to break the city.

In recent days, Suldak and the commanders of the infantry regiment have made many siege plans. Some people proposed to use cavalry to quickly attack the city gate when the city gate of Mukuso is open. The A infantry regiment arrives, and then the army can rush into the city in one fell swoop.

In fact, this idea is the most reliable battle plan, because there are mages and construction swordsmen in the Suldak army. Both teams are good at surprise attacks. If the construction swordsmen decide to seize the city If there is a door, and if the mages support it in the air, there is still a great chance of success.

However, because Suldak's army currently only has horses and no cavalry, the siege plan was shelved.

Some people also suggested that the constructed swordsmen sneak into the city, and then when the army attacked the city, the constructed swordsmen took the opportunity to occupy the municipal square and asked the magicians to forcefully repair the portal. If you rush out of the door, you can occupy the entire Mukuso.

This plan was a big gamble, and it almost meant to put the Constructed Swordsmen to death. Although Suldak could command the Constructed Swordsmen to fight, he had no right to send so many Constructed Swordsmen to their deaths.

Another officer proposed to send a group of elite squads into the city to hijack members of the McDonnell family, take them to the square, use the hostages to force the Lord Army not to approach, and then repair the portal.

This is even more outrageous, obviously aiming to bury the strong in the Suldak army in one fell swoop.

Of course, as the chief combat officer, Suldak's plan is also very outrageous...

He planned to ask carpenters to build a wooden horse bigger than a house outside the city of Mukuso. He asked 3,000 heavy armored infantry to hide inside the wooden horse, and then withdrew all the troops, waiting for the lord army in the city to push the wooden horse into the city. The heavy armored infantry is taking the opportunity to capture the city gate...

Suldak's plan was opposed by all officers, it was simply too risky.

But it's not just a matter of risk, it's like sending three thousand heavy armored infantry soldiers in the horse's belly to the fire pit.

This time, Suldak gathered 30,000 heavy armored infantry, which was considered to have drawn all the elite fighters of the resistance army, and there were not many troops in the rear of the resistance army.

Arriving in various small towns along the way, Suldak did not recruit new troops.

Now when the soldiers approached the city, they realized that these heavy armored infantry were a little less after all.

The heavy armored infantry regiment's camp is located on the edge of a satellite town outside Mukuso. The camp built by 30,000 heavy armored infantry fighters is larger than the entire town.

It is less than ten kilometers away from Mukuso City. When the army first arrived in the town, they could already see the walls of Mukuso City in the distance.

There are still many refugees who fled here from the north in the small town. Many of them plan to work in the small town. Unfortunately, the town itself has a small population, and several workshops are also in a state of suspension. The refugees cannot find to work.

They also heard that there was a war in the south, so they chose to stay here temporarily.

Unexpectedly, overnight, the resistance army from the south was stationed outside the town...

The carriages formed a wall outside the camp, enclosing the general camp inside.

Now the second and third legions of the lord's army have completely retreated into the city of Mukuso, and there is no resistance outside the city.

The magicians on Suldak's side can also fly around in the sky, checking the distribution of the Lord's army everywhere.

Add more updates to the battle song of the leader's glory (6/10)

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