Lord Highlander

Chapter 1028 1014. Out of Control Situation

The color of the northern sky is a bit gloomy, with dark clouds, countless black clouds piled up together, and the cloud layer is very low.

A series of electric snakes continued to light up in the clouds, and there was a faint rumble of thunder.

Among the mountains in the north of Mukuso City, there are some cavemen with broken weapons all over the mountains and plains. They are only surrounded by tattered leather and armor pieces, and the weapons on their backs are also broken copper and iron. Underground, the eyes of these cavemen have completely degenerated into a forehead fold.

They are very sensitive to the heat and smell in the air. Although they have no eyes, they can accurately identify the situation around their bodies.

In particular, they have a pair of sensitive noses, which give them a very strong advantage in tracking, and they are not affected by day and night when they fight.

These cave people are only about 1.5 meters tall, and a thick layer of hard skin grows on important parts of their bodies. The skin is smooth and hairless. It seems that there are no sweat glands, and their mouths are extremely ugly.

Teams of crypt men looked like they had just crawled out of a mud pit. Their bodies were filthy, and they would make gurgling noises every time they breathed.

Hundreds of cavemen came out of the mountains, like countless small streams finally converging into mighty rivers.

Next to them, some demon servants with hellhounds can be seen walking on the avenue.

A slum town composed of countless dilapidated wooden boards has appeared in front of them. The hellhounds at the front of the team have already rushed towards the town. taste of life.

This is a satellite town on the edge of the northern city of Mukuso. The people who live here are almost all the people who live at the bottom of Mukuso City. They will enter the city to do the most humble jobs during the day and return to the city at night. They lived in shacks surrounded by wooden boards, and almost no nobles lived here.

No one maintains law and order here, you are muddy and filthy everywhere.

The thin wooden house was smashed to pieces by the tall hellhound, and the elderly and children hiding under the bed were dragged out from the wooden house, and they swallowed them with their bloody mouth. The sound of chewing bones almost Let those residents who want to escape lie limp in the muddy water.

Some men from the slums rushed out of hiding places, holding sticks and hatchets in their hands...

But they couldn't stop the hellhound, which was as strong as a calf. After throwing people down, the hellhound put its huge paws on the shoulders, stretched its bloody mouth to the neck, and bit them with sharp teeth. throat.

More and more people were killed by hell dogs.

Those poor people who were naive enough to think that they could escape by hiding at home and not going out, finally proved that their thinking was wrong with their own lives.

There was no defense force in the town, and soon the poor town fell completely.


A large number of crypt men came up from behind. Although they were not as fast as the hellhounds, they had a sharper sense of smell. A team of 500 crypt men entered the farm.

They broke open the gate of the farm, climbed over the fence of the farm, trampled in the vegetable garden, and then rushed into the farm villa.

The nobles hid in the cellar under the manor building, trying to escape the catastrophe. The entrance of the cellar has been bricked and covered with a thick layer of soil. Unfortunately, this cannot stop the cavemen .

The crypt men rushed into the villa following the smell, and they began to dig crazily in front of and behind the house. They only had three claw-like fingers, and the nails on the fingers were as sharp as iron hooks, which were very suitable for digging dirt.

The aristocratic men, women and children in the manor are all hidden in the cellar, the crypt men dug the cellar, and the bloody killings are carried out in the cellar...

Although the nobles have weapons, they are useless in front of these cavemen who are not afraid of death.

A cryptman rushed forward, followed by more cryptmen, and then everyone piled up with the cryptmen. The cryptmen opened their mouths full of sharp teeth, and then used their sharp claws to penetrate Hooked deep into the flesh and blood.

The dead nobles were eaten by the cavemen. They held up the bloody fresh meat, as if worshiping a priest, poured blood on their bodies, and drew some weird symbols on their faces, chests, and shoulders!

The large slums in the north of the city soon fell into the hands of the Demon Race Hell Legion.


Suldak ran to the north of Mucuso City on horseback. The refugees who fled all over the mountains and plains, including many defeated troops of the First Army of the Lord Army, were crowding towards Mucuso City. The hellhounds , demon minions, and crypt men followed, trailing behind the refugees.

These refugees have completely lost the courage to resist. The withered arms deep in the caveman can easily penetrate the back of the refugee's heart by raising their sharp claws...

In fact, these cryptmen are far less powerful than hellhounds. Their biggest feature is that they are ferocious and fearless. They seem to be machines made for killing. Before they die completely, their killing is driven by instinct. .

When the guards at the head of Mukusuo City saw these demon armies appearing within their field of vision, the North City Gate, which was originally crowded with people, was forcibly closed with a loud crackling sound.

There was no moat outside the city of Mukuso, and those who had no chance to escape into the city threw themselves at the foot of the city wall and cried loudly.

There were also more people looking desperately at the closed city gate, and decisively fled along the city wall to the east and west sides.

Some people directly choose to go south around the city...

The defenders standing on the top of the city watched the black tide rushing up from behind, engulfing these people bit by bit.

The body of the caveman who ate countless flesh and blood became swollen and firm, with bone spurs and scales growing out of the hard armor, and the four limbs became stronger...

With their withered hands like claws, the caveman chased him to the bottom of the city, and easily climbed up the city wall.

The guards standing on the city wall picked up stones and threw them down the city. Often a boulder fell and killed a group of people in the cave.

However, there are so many of these cavemen, and the places where the gaps are made will be filled by more cavemen immediately.

Occasionally, they open their mouths wide open, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth and a long, chameleon-like tongue.

When these cavemen reached the middle of the stone wall, the guards on the top of the city began to pour kerosene down the city, and then threw down the lit torches.

The fire sizzled the people in the crypt, but they were covered in flames and continued to climb up in the black smoke.

The raging fire couldn't stop their progress.

More hellhounds have gathered under the north city wall. These hellhounds can jump more than three meters high in a single leap. Their sharp claws scratched the stone wall of the city wall, and their bodies jumped upwards, and they could easily climb up Fifteen-meter-high walls.

Those demon servants gathered at the gate of the city, piled up countless discarded blood-stained wooden boards in the door opening, and burned the city gate to ashes with flames...

The outside of the north city wall instantly became a purgatory.

The black mages huddled behind the main force, and they seemed reluctant to rush forward.


The battle on the northern city wall quickly attracted Suldak's attention, and countless refugees fled southwards around the city of Mukuso.

Even the residents outside the south of the city began to flee south with their families in a panic, and people shouted that the army of hell was rushing up.

The group of mages flew towards the north of the city on their magic horns, and when they saw the overwhelming army of demons, they immediately brought the news back to the camp...

They came very quickly, most of them were surrounded by Mukusuo city walls, and some of the hell dogs chased the hell dogs and went around to the south of the city.

Suldak didn't expect the demon army to come so fast, one step faster than the heavy armored infantry regiment, and surrounded Mukusuo's north wall. Now seeing that the people outside the city were in a hurry to escape, he immediately began to organize his hands.

Suldak had experience fighting hellhounds in the city of Vozmara on the Maca plane, and immediately left the camp with three heavy armored infantry regiments, facing the refugees who were fleeing, Suldak let the soldiers They lined up in a front arrow formation, and he and Gulitum stood at the forefront of the front arrow.

Quintas also followed with five hundred swordsmen in construction, and there were dozens of magicians in the sky.

Suldak took the heavy armored infantry regiment and set up a formation north of the camp to buy time for the residents of the southernmost town of Mukuso to evacuate. Many fleeing residents saw that there was an army here, and they would subconsciously run to the army.

Some soldiers holding flags stood on a high place, guiding these people to continue to escape, not to stop.

There were more than a hundred horse-drawn carriages in the camp. At this time, these horse-drawn carriages rushed to the refugee crowd in the city, picked up those children, women, and old people who couldn't run at all, onto the carriages, and pulled the group of people southward with the carriages.

With these soldiers to guide the chaotic crowd, and some carriages carrying people who couldn't run, the chaotic scene in the slums outside the city became a little bit better.

"Bring those hell dogs over and kill as many as possible..."

The great swordsman Quintus followed up with the constructed swordsmen, Suldak whispered to the great swordsman Quintus.

The heavy armored infantry regiment of Suldak rushed forward with the iris shield in their hands to meet the hellhounds that rushed up.

As long as the shield warriors block the Hellhound's charge, the spear warriors behind will stab out the Paglio spear in their hands desperately. Under this shield-wall defensive formation, the Hellhound seems to have nothing to do.

However, there are also some larger two-headed hellhounds in the hellhound group. These two-headed hellhounds can spit out some fireballs, ice arrows, wind blades and the like.

Shield fighters can't stop these magic spells, and they will cause certain casualties if they are hit.

However, there are still a lot of such double-headed hellhounds, so the great swordsman Quintus rushed up with the constructed swordsmen, and the mage group in the sky specially dealt with this kind of hellhounds that can control magic.

When these constructed swordsmen fight, they are also used to cutting off their heads as trophies...

There is an army here fighting against the hellhound, and more people stranded outside the city are rushing towards the army.

When they came, they also brought more hellhounds. Facing the ferocious hellhounds, Suldak could only lead the heavy armored infantry to gradually shrink their formation.

Set up a shield wall against the camp to block these hellhounds...

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