Lord Highlander

Chapter 1049

To Suldak, the marching tent of the Bena Allied Forces was a temporary field hospital.

Before the war started, the commanders of the lord legions could still hold strategic meetings here, but once the war started, it would become a field hospital where outsiders could not be disturbed. In order to avoid the sudden harassment of low-level demons in the town However, Suldak did not move into the town after it was captured in Tongaro.

A row of tents built next to the marching tent is a rest area for wounded soldiers.

Suldak led Sia to inspect the tent of the wounded soldiers, and walked into the large military tent. The magic chandelier on the roof was swaying gently, and there were eleven light brown songs hanging in the corner of the tent. Leather, each piece of leather is stretched tightly on the wooden frame, the uncooked leather becomes hard, and the outer surface has a layer of fine and dense fluff, with a faint luster.

Taking a towel from the shelf and wiping his face, Suldak walked over to Archmage Harper.

Archmage Harper was bowing his waist, looking at a piece of Gog fur with a somewhat excited expression. His fingers were slender and his nails were neatly trimmed. He stroked the fur in the wooden frame, looking like he was Feel the smooth and delicate touch of the fur, but Suldak can tell at a glance that his fingers are slowly moving along the magic lines of life hidden under the leather.

It's like an artist touching an exquisite handicraft, he is feeling the mysterious magic circle contained in the magic pattern.

The life magic pattern is a kind of magic pattern that cannot be reproduced in nature. Many magicians are exploring the magic origin of the life magic pattern, but there are very few magicians who can make achievements in this regard .

Suldak knew that Archmage Harper had seen the two life sigils, so he didn't bother him.

It's a pity that these two life magic patterns are of the fire attribute. Xi Ya glanced at them with some regret, feeling a little regretful in her heart. Although these two life magic patterns are not suitable for her, this does not prevent her from admiring the two life magic patterns. The understanding of the magic pattern.

Although these two life magic patterns are only the lowest-level fireball technique, this cannot conceal the value of the two life magic patterns.

These two life magic patterns are an enhanced version of the low-level fireball technique, which not only greatly speeds up the casting speed, but also reduces the cooling time of magic skills.

To put it simply, if the ordinary fireball technique is likened to a revolver, then this life magic pattern stripped from Gog's body is a Maxim machine gun, but a Hell Gog is limited by its own magic power, so it can't reflect it at all. The power of this life magic pattern.

At this time, the water-type female magician who used hydrotherapy to give restorative treatment to the battalion of wounded soldiers walked into the marching tent, saw Archmage Harper carefully observing the life magic pattern, and hurried over to say hello.

"Mr. Harper, do you also think the life magic pattern on this magic leather is very mysterious?" There was a sense of pride in being recognized by the strong in the words of the water magician.

Archmage Harper raised his head in surprise, "So you all know", he immediately said in his heart, taking a deep breath to hide his inner embarrassment, and said casually:

"It is indeed a very good fire-type life magic pattern. I didn't expect it to be peeled off in such a timely manner. If the normal skinning method is to cut the neck from the neck and then open the chest and peel the skin, the magic pattern will just be divided into two. ...and it is so well preserved."

"Commander Suldak is indeed a skilled skinning master!" The water-type female magician echoed: "And luck is so good, who would have thought that Ju could grasp the short moment before the magic pattern of life dissipated. Keep it, after all, this kind of magic pattern is recessive."

Originally, Archmage Harper fantasized that everyone was ignorant, and he could still pick up a leak, but now it seems...

He stood up straight, put one hand on the wooden frame, and asked with a smile: "Commander Suldak, are you willing to sell these two pieces of magic leather?"

Suldak was looking at the canyon north of Tongalo Town. At present, the leading troops of the coalition forces have been stationed at the entrance of the canyon. When the mage scouting team completes the investigation over the canyon, the coalition forces will enter Sai Ruoman through this canyon.

Now the Mende Army and the Owen Army are still cleaning up the low-level demons around Tongalo Town.

Suldak raised his head and said to Archmage Harper very readily, "Of course, if you need it."

Archmage Harper felt that although he already had a high opinion of the young commander in front of him, he might still lack some real understanding of him.

"What about you? Do you need me to pay for magic spar or gold coins, or something else... Rare magic metals, magic potions, high-level magic scrolls, enchanted weapons?" Archmage Harper asked casually.

Suldak thought for a while and said, "If you are good at inscriptions, can you help me repair a batch of elementary magic pattern structures?"

Hearing what Suldak said was a batch, Archmage Harper asked seriously: "How many batches are there?"

"A hundred sets..." Suldak said.


"Two magic patterns!" Suldak added.

Master Harper stretched out a hand to Suldak, and said: "Deal, but the restoration of the magic pattern structure cannot be completed overnight. The dry cloth plane war is over, and you will bring the magic pattern structure to Bena City The magic guild is looking for me, and I will try my best to prepare the schedule."

Suldak held Master Harper's hand and responded, "Okay, Master Harper."


The ogre did not participate in the follow-up cleaning work in Tongaro Town. He had more important things to do. He ran back to the camp to light a bonfire, and then strung two skinned Gogs on a wooden stick. Just stand by the fire and start grilling in earnest.

It's a pity that Gog is not very afraid of fire. The meat on his body is not like the salamander, which loses its resistance to fire after death, and can cook delicious barbecue.

These two Gogs were a bit undercooked, but they were still served on the ogre's table.

Gulitum's teeth have always been well protected. When chewing Gog's leg bones, the sound of "creaking and creaking" is like chewing a fragile bone.

Guli Temu and Nao Hua'er sat outside the marching tent and ate with gusto.

These two Gogs are the unique delicacy promised by the Mende Legion and the Owen Legion to the two-headed ogre, and they also come with a small dish of unique sauce from Constantinople, which makes Gullitum very satisfied .

He hasn't eaten this kind of meat that is only medium-rare for a long time, and it feels pretty good!


The temporary residence of Archmage Harper is in a not-so-damaged dwelling on the edge of Tongaro Town.

There was plenty of light in the living room, and there were many bottles and jars on the magic test bench. A magic crucible was next to the test bench, and the magic solution inside was constantly bubbling.

He carefully cut a life sigil into the size of a book page, and used curing potion to make the page tougher, and then bound this 'enhanced version of fireball' life simile page in a thick magic book .

Generally speaking, the regular weapons of magicians are wands and magic secret swords, and some people like magic daggers and devil horns, but there is another school of magicians in the magic world who like to hold a magic book, similar to compound magic reel.

The magicians draw the magic circle on the magic parchment, and usually bring the magic book with them. When fighting, tear off the required pages, and use it in a similar way to a magic scroll.

But this kind of special leather with life magic patterns, the pages made out of it are no longer one-time magic items.

It can even be top-loaded with a single page to form a book.

It's just that Master Harper is used to binding it in his favorite book. There are 33 pages in this book, and this is the 34th page. Each page is of extraordinary value.

After the binding was completed, Archmage Harper finally let out a sigh of relief. His tense nerves were relieved all of a sudden. He only felt sore all over his body, and he sat slumped in the chair and didn't want to move.

After a long time, he finally regained some strength, and out of curiosity about this new page, he opened the page again.

Master Harper suddenly felt a little bit of inexplicable suction from the magic circle hidden in the middle of the leather, and the surrounding magic elements even gathered in the pages of the book.

The fine magweave threads hidden within the leather now glow orange through the leather.

He can only perceive the general pattern of this life magus with mental power, but he can't reproduce it accurately. He even has the urge to peel the second life simile from the leather. I want to see the true face of this life magic pattern.

In fact, there are many magicians who do this, but so far no one has successfully reproduced it.

He picked up the magic book and injected a trace of fire element into the pages of the book, and a fireball instantly condensed.

With a 'poof'...

The fireball flew out without any stop.

Harper noticed that the fireball was flying straight forward. He could only slightly control the direction of the fireball, and it hit the wall of the room. After the explosion, the wall was blasted with black scorched marks the size of a leather ball, and a large piece of off-white wall peeled off.

Only 0.5 seconds later, the second fireball flew out.

A series of small fireballs, like the colorful lights decorated on the balcony of a festival celebration, exploded on the wall with a continuous sound of "puff puff".

This kind of fireball consumes very low mana, each small fireball is almost instantaneous, and the interval is so short...

Archmage Harper suddenly felt that the two life magic patterns he promised to repair a hundred sets of magic pattern structures in exchange seemed not so bad.

And whether it is a magic apprentice or an advanced magician, as long as they have magic power, they can activate the magic pattern circle in the magic book page and release a series of fireballs...

This magic book is much more advanced than those wands engraved with fireball.

Archmage Harper closed the pages of the book, and his eyes fell on the test bench.

There was a devil in his heart, which gave him the urge to peel off the second life sigil from the leather.

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