Lord Highlander

Chapter 1050 1036. Myra Mountain Canyon

The town of Tongaro was in a state of depression, with occasional cavalry passing by at the intersection, and there were traces of fights everywhere.

The largest trading firm on the main street has become a temporary garrison for heavy cavalry. There are also some goods such as cloth, iron pots, and wooden barrels on display in the firm. There are also some traces left after fighting, and the eye-catching blood on the stairs. The bloodstains that seemed to be scratched by blood-stained fingers were still so clearly printed on the wall.

The cavalry searched all day, and almost all the hellhounds in the town were cleaned up.

The cavalry set up a pot and cooked a large pot of vegetable soup, and found some stored cheese in the warehouse of the firm, and the sky gradually darkened.

The town of Tongaro is located at the pass of Mount Myra, where the wind is very strong in the morning and evening.

A group of human cavalry lived in the empty town, and bonfires were lit in many courtyards.

Around a bonfire surrounded a group of knights, all in armor, and their swords stood beside the low wall.

"It's miserable enough. The whole town is gone, not even a corpse."

A cavalryman picked up the vegetable soup, took a sip while it was hot, and then sighed.

Cleaning up the hellhounds in the town has hit these knights hard, and there are almost no survivors in the town.

"When we leave, there will really be no one living here." Another cavalry said.

The atmosphere in the team was somewhat dull. The Hellhound left a lot of feces in the town. These gray-white dry feces were mixed with a lot of bone fragments and finger bones.

These hellhounds should have been eating people in the small town for a while. The blood stained the narrow alleyways, the window edges of the house, and the statues in the square, as if killings were everywhere in this small town.

When the cavalry arrived, the residents of the town had been eaten up by those hell dogs. When the hell dogs came out, the town was so clean that not even a mouse could be found.

The cavalry captain took the wheat cakes from the bonfire and said very firmly:

"There will still be people coming. We will drive away the demon army here, and people will move in one after another. They will rebuild this town. Maybe we still know those people who came here. After all, it is Mende. The town captured by the family and the Owen family, a large area of ​​land here will belong to the Mende and Owen families."

He looked down at the scars on his arm, and said to the other cavalry: "After this war of planes is over, I will almost retire from the cavalry regiment. If the family sells the land here, I plan to Come here to develop, so many vacant houses, even if they won’t be distributed to us, they will be very cheap!”

The cavalryman who spoke first joked, "Aren't you afraid that these hell dogs will show up again someday?"

The cavalry captain patted the hard armor on his body indifferently, and said indifferently: "What is there to be afraid of, is it sure to be safe in Roland Continent?"

The cavalry laughed and said, "You talk a lot, Captain, if you want to come here, then count me in."

A group of Bena coalition troops passed through the street. They did not stop at Tongaro Town, but turned over the pass and entered the camp set up at the entrance of the canyon to the north.

The Bena coalition army, which is composed of thirteen lord legions, will rest here for three days. When the Collins legion rushes over from Avaru Town to meet up, it will formally pass through the canyon to the north of Tongalo Town and enter the Sai Ruoman Plateau. There are seventeen small towns scattered throughout the plateau.

These small towns have been captured by the hell demons, and the town of Ake is in the northernmost part of the Sai Ruoman Plateau.

"Captain, how long do you think this plane war will last?"

A cavalryman turned his head and asked the cavalry captain who was tearing toasted wheat cakes.

The cavalry captain rubbed his forehead, thought for a while before saying:

"I heard that you can enter the Sai Ruoman Plateau through the canyon behind. There is a large pasture there. We will continue to capture the entire plateau."

Occupying the entire area at the entrance of the canyon behind Tongaro Town, a large tent was set up, and clusters of bonfires were lit at night.

Surdak did not rush into this canyon, which is less than five kilometers long.

Because the terrain on both sides of the canyon is somewhat special, he felt that it was necessary for the mage to investigate it when it was dawn.

And the commanders of these lord legions waiting at the entrance of the canyon gathered together at night and began to study the dozen or so small towns on the Sai Ruoman Plateau. plateau.

A group of light cavalry galloped across the canyon towards the camp.

These light cavalry scouts rushed to the hinterland of the plateau to avoid groups of wandering hell dogs, and did not find the army of hell demons near the exit of the canyon.

They rushed back to the military camp in the north of Tongaro Town in the dark, but they didn't find the greedy eyes on the cliffs on both sides of the canyon.


Only in the dark night did this hellhound king dare to stand unscrupulously on the cliff and look at the southern exit of the canyon. Its three throats let out low growls at the same time, venting the uncontrollable anger in its heart.

He was just one step away from capturing Mukuso City, and he even smelled the sweet fruit that said victory.

The cave man who rushed into the city had already seen the door, but unfortunately he failed to seize that opportunity, which caused the entire siege battle to fall short.

During the battle with the human army in the north of the city, another defeat made it lose one ally. Although the crypt lord Dogens has a bad temper, there are so many crypt people rushing forward, and there are fewer deaths in each battle. tribe.

Now it fled to Sai Ruoman in embarrassment, and those human troops dared to chase after it.

The Cryptmen have lost their king, and have been scattered by the sinking, and it is said that Dognes was skinned.


Barsa Muller stood on the top of the cliff, and couldn't help letting out another low growl.

Those hellhounds hiding in the crypt on the top of the cliff crawled on the ground, wishing they could bury their heads in the mud.

The hellhounds have been starving for two days on the top of the mountain, although this is nothing to them, but they have just finished a feast in the small town, and now they are going to hide in the cave hungry , this kind of psychological gap is quite large, especially after they have demon servants, they have some mentality...

They began to question Basa Muller, the king of hellhounds:

Although it is the king, it has led the Hellhound Legion to defeat several times in succession.

Then... even if he is a king, he is of course an extremely incompetent king.

In the next three days, the human army gathered more and more troops at the entrance of the North Canyon in Tongaro Town.

A steady stream of supplies from the rear were transported here from Mukuso City, but this army had no intention of moving forward at all, and some heavy armored infantry were still digging some holes in the canyon, and it seemed that they had no intention of entering Sai Ruoman Plateau's plan.

The hell dogs hiding on the mountains on both sides of the canyon can't hold back their impatience more and more. Many hell dogs can't help but take advantage of the dark night to crawl out of the damp and stuffy burrows.

They even wanted to take advantage of the night to rush into the camp in the north of the Myra Mountain Canyon.

But their king has no such plan at all...


Although the light cavalry scouts who went deep into the Sai Ruoman Plateau did not find any abnormalities in the valley, and the mage group rode magic handles to investigate the sky and found nothing wrong with the canyon.

It was Samira, the half-elf archer, who found something wrong with this canyon.

The night before the expedition, Suldak blessed Samira with the blessing of the high-level god of night vision "insight", so Samira happened to see the king of hellhounds who crawled out of the crypt at night to let the wind out.

It was discovered that these hell dogs were actually lurking on the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, preparing to fight an ambush when the army passed through the canyon of Mount Myra.

Although the exact number of Hellhounds is unknown, Suldak plans to keep this Hellhound army in the Myra Mountain Canyon forever.

Two more today

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