Lord Highlander

Chapter 1072: 1058. The Altar in the Small Town

The 20,000 infantry of the heavy armored infantry regiment left the town of Samp on the shore of Bellanoma Lake and entered the eastern plateau.

The land here is sparsely populated, and the vast land is covered with green grass. It can be tens of kilometers away from Sangpu Town to the east.

It can be said that this is the large grassland where Lord MacDonnell used to raise war horses, but now there is not even a single living thing on the grassland, let alone horses, cattle and sheep.

Except for the green grass, there are only those vultures in the sky who don't want to fall down.

However, those white hellhound feces have not yet melted into the soil.

The rabbit holes on the grass seemed to have been dug by the cavemen, and there were even some traces of rabbit fur left at the entrance of the caves. It was obvious that they were hunted extinctly by the cavemen and hellhounds.

The mages rode magic handles and circled around the infantry regiment.

Soon, a group of hellhounds hiding in the tall grass were found behind a mound, and the number was not even more than a hundred. Suldak let the heavy armored infantry go forward as usual, and only sent a light cavalry from Luther's army Corps to clean up those hellhounds.

He was worried that there were three hellhounds hidden in the pack, so he asked Samira to set off with the light cavalry regiment to carry out this hunting mission.

With the strong second rank mixed in the team, the light cavalry regiment successfully completed the hunting mission.

The light cavalry also knew that there was a merit exchange list in the legion. As long as they had merit, they could exchange for many valuable good things. Even if they didn't want those precious magic items, they could at least exchange for some gold coins.

It is precisely because of this kind of welfare that the cavalry in the light cavalry regiment are like chicken blood when they perform their tasks.

They were very brave in battle, mainly because the cavalry were not afraid of being injured, as long as they were not killed on the spot, they could be rescued by Suldak when they returned to the barracks.

The light cavalry are all very good bow cavalry, relying on the ancient Bolai war horse with excellent endurance on the grassland, it can be said that they come and go like the wind on the grassland.

All low-level demons who tried to sneak close to the heavy armored infantry regiment would be directly exposed to the eyes of the mages who were scouting in the sky.

The magicians kept finding low-level demons all day long, and then sent the light cavalry to clean them up. When these light cavalry returned to the team, each of them had a bloody linen bag hanging on their saddles. It's almost full of hellhound heads.

The light cavalry harvested many hellhound heads along the way, making other soldiers in the legion envious.


The great swordsman Quintus sent a message of 'Come to Ak Town quickly', so Suldak didn't want to delay on the way.

He would set off every day before dawn, and camped on the spot when it was completely dark. The three meals a day were dry food for marching. The conditions were very difficult. Suldak even gave his green-scaled horse The horse also let out, carrying the supplies carried by the legion.

He mingled with the infantry regiment, ate and lived with everyone, and walked all the way to Ake Town.

Since the highest commanders in the legion have set an example in this way, the soldiers have no complaints.

The speed of the march was not slow. After walking for seven days in a row, the heavy armored infantry regiment stepped into the boundary marker of Ake Town. A huge boulder more than seven meters high stood beside the road. There was no writing on it. In the center of the boulder A huge rune is engraved in its place.

With years of exposure to wind and sun, the imprint of that rune was somewhat blurred, but Suldak recognized it as a symbol in the language of runes the first time he saw the rune.

The army hurried past the front of Runeterra, and walked for more than a day along a road that did not grow grass, and finally arrived at the town of Ake at the foot of the eastern mountain of Daxue Mountain.

The flat plateau came to an abrupt end here in Ake Town, and the terrain in the north suddenly turned into a steep snow ridge, and even the east side was a towering and steep snow mountain.

Along the way, the light cavalry regiment hunted and killed at least dozens of small groups of hellhounds, and they were considered the most rewarding team in the legion.

When entering the town of Ake, two magicians just came out of the town to greet them, but they did not see the figures of Quintas Great Swordsman and Chester Great Swordsman.

Although Suldak knew that this place was wiped out by the Constructed Swordsman Group, he did not expect that the Constructed Swordsman Group had completely occupied Ake Town. The hell demons here were dying and running. Very quiet.

After asking the two magicians, he learned that Quintas Great Swordsman and Chester Great Swordsman each led a group of Constructed Swordsmen into the Great Snow Mountain to clean up the stronghold of the Black Magic Priory in the Snow Mountain.

The Constructed Swordsman Group gathered more than 1,500 Constructed Swordsmen this time, and the two great swordsmen each took away 500 swordsmen.

There are only 500 constructed swordsmen who can't completely control the entire town of Ake, only guarding the most important magic area in the town.

Although the Constructed Swordsmen would occasionally hunt and kill those low-level demons in the small town, forcing them to hide everywhere, but the Constructed Swordsmen had never been able to completely eradicate these low-level demons.

Up to now, there are still some hellhounds, gogs and shadow demons hiding in many houses in the town.

There are still many cavemen hiding in the underground tunnel.

They were probably afraid of being killed, and they would all hide during the day and only come out at night.

The sky over Ake Town is covered with dark clouds, and only the peak of Daxue Mountain has white snow. When you enter the town, you will be rushed to the head-on wind with a biting coldness.

The whole town of Ak was dead silent, and there were traces of battles everywhere. Only the main street could see the figures of the constructed swordsmen. Suldak seemed to be able to feel the strong demonic energy of the town.

There is no fence in Ake Town. The outermost part of the town is the courtyard walls of the town’s residents’ houses. The courtyard walls made of bluestone are uneven. Some courtyards are full of trees, and some courtyards only have simple walls. A main street stretches out, and occasionally the flame Gog can be seen from the window of the house wall, and there are also figures of crypt people in some trenches.

They looked very alert, but they just showed up and disappeared in the next second.

The army did not immediately enter the town of Acre. Suldak, Archmage Harper, Samira, Gulitham and others followed the two magicians to the magic area in the northwest corner of the town.

Along the way, Suldak found that Ake Town was much more dilapidated than Samp Town. The doors and windows of many buildings were severely damaged. The wooden furniture in the room was also covered with black blood stains, and there were messy and post-battle traces everywhere.

It's just that after a long time, the town is filled with a kind of decadence.

It can be seen that when the low-level demons appear in Ake Town, the residents of the entire town may not be prepared.

The mottled blood on the wall seemed to reproduce the scene of that day. The residents of the town were quite unable to make any response to the sudden change. Almost everyone in the town died in the mouth of the hellhound, and some It is here that the inhabitants become servants of the devil.

Some wooden buildings have only a little black frame left, and the masonry houses have also collapsed seriously. Some dark purple weeds have begun to grow on some dark soil in the town, and those are only found in the hell world. plant.

Apparently, Ake Town has been severely invaded by demons, and even the environment here has been demonized to a certain extent.

The magic block was also severely damaged, and many shops seemed to be on fire, and now they have already turned into ruins.

Suldak rode a blue-scaled horse into Ake Town, and it could be seen that the town was quite prosperous. There were many shops on the central street of Ake Town. If it weren't for the blood stains on the walls and glass, Suldak would even feel that I entered an ancient city that had been dusty for a long time.

The doors of many magic shops are open, the goods inside have long been invisible, and many shelves have collapsed.

Most of the street trees on both sides of the street are dead, and some purple plants even grow in the flower beds. Those purple leaves obviously do not need sunlight and rain to grow well.

Suldak raised his head and saw the Magic Tower in the town. It was a three-story round stone building. It wasn't very tall, but it was round and flat like a three-story birthday cake. , and the outer corridors and exquisite stone pillars with reliefs are also built outside.

In front of the magic tower is a huge square, and there is a pool in the middle that no longer sprays water. The water in the pool is actually purple.

Seeing the huge pyramid-shaped altar made of skeletons on the square, Suldak's heart felt as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer, and his heart seemed to stop suddenly at this moment. It takes at least a few thousand corpses to build such a large altar.

These corpses piled up into altars should be sacrifices. Their bodies have no blood, and their faces are hideous. They look like mummified corpses.

The altar on the square was firmly bound by a series of silver chains. These chains were as thick as arms, connecting from the top of the altar to all sides of the square.

Only then did Suldak notice the square in front of the magic tower. The square seemed to be a large magic circle formed by splicing hundreds of magic rune boards, and there were drawn magic lines between these magic rune boards. The connection seems to be the work of a great magician.

One after another mana was drawn from all around the square and poured into the center of the altar continuously.

At this time, Suldak turned his head to look at Archmage Harper, without any surprise on his face, and immediately understood that he should know.

Since it was the mage group who passed the news about the construction of the swordsman group, Suldak didn't know that there was such a large magic circle in Ake Town.

Suldak and Master Harper followed the two magicians to the edge of the square, and the two magicians said to Master Harper, "Mr. Harper, Mr. Morrison is on the altar!"

Archmage Harper nodded slightly, turned to Suldak and asked with a smile, "How about it, do you want to go up with me and have a look?"

Suldak rubbed his nose, and said to Archmage Harper: "The great swordsman Quintus wrote to urge me to come to Ake Town, I am afraid it is also for this matter?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the altar in front of him...

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