Lord Highlander

Chapter 1073 1059. Demon Body

Archmage Harper stood on the edge of the square and nodded slightly.

He stepped forward, and Suldak quickly followed from behind.

Stepping into the square, Suldak realized that he seemed to have walked into a completely enclosed space, and the magic cover could not be seen from the outside at all. It was like air, but it still existed.

Walking into the square, Suldak immediately felt a strong dark energy in the air.

The rune metal plates on the slate floor of the square are also in constant motion, and the four elements of wind, fire, earth, and water are constantly being extracted by the magic circle, and they rush towards the altar along the sixteen thorium chains. In the square, you can see an elemental cage on the altar.

Archmage Harper explained to Suldak as he walked:

"Those of us didn't expect the situation in Ake Town to be so bad. The magician in charge of the investigation came here and found that the black magicians of the Priory not only opened a door of demons here, but also used it here. Thousands of people in the town built a life altar with flesh and blood. If it weren't for this emergency, they wouldn't have mobilized three regiments of constructed swordsmen overnight, and mobilized all the magicians from Ruyt City to break into the plateau directly. In the depths, this city of Ake was captured in one fell swoop regardless of the cost."

Suldak thought to himself: The magic union probably spent a lot of money to let Archmage Harper say that regardless of the cost.

He looked at the sixteen thorium chains engraved with magic patterns around the altar. Each of them was as thick as a forearm and about a hundred meters long. Even if these chains were only coated with thorium, they should be very valuable. !

Suldak walked a few steps quickly, followed, and asked Archmage Harper curiously: "Master Harper, what is the function of this altar of life?"

Archmage Harper deliberately didn't say anything, pointed to the top and said, "Come up with me to see if you know? Morrison is also on top!"

After speaking, Archmage Harper quickened his pace.

Suldak turned his head to signal Gulitum and Samira to wait outside, while he quickly followed.

The two magicians did not follow.

"The further you go in, the stronger the devil's breath will be, but I believe that the black devil's breath won't affect you." As he spoke, Archmage Harper not only propped up a magic shield for himself, but also supported Suldak. Played a translucent magic shield.

Suldak has long felt the dark energy in the square, and the power of the holy light in the nodes in his body is constantly circulating. Not only does his body repel the dark energy, but the holy light emitted from his body can even purify these Dark energy.

He is not affected at all.

Stepping on the altar made of dead bodies, even though the steps were covered with thick blankets, it still made Suldak feel extremely uncomfortable.

Especially with the heads of so many corpses exposed outside, the faces still retain the painful appearance before death.

There are only thirteen steps, and Suldak feels like walking for a whole day, and the sufferings he has experienced flood into his mind step by step.

He lowered his head, not to show the complex expression on his face, and followed Archmage Harper to the altar.

Above the altar was a ground made up of countless corpses, and the blood-colored magic circle drawn on it had been destroyed. Standing on the altar, Suldak's heavy heart was slightly relieved.

In the center of the circle, sixteen silver chains wrapped around a bloody body.

It was a body clad in black armor.

Or it could be said that the layer of armor originally grew out of that body, without a head, and the bloody neck seemed to be dripping with fresh blood.

Both arms and legs were cut off, and none of the limbs were on the altar, only the bloody body was bound by chains.

But Suldak had an intuition that this body should be alive.

In addition to having normal breathing, there is also a normal heartbeat.

Archmage Morrison and four other great mages stood at the five corners of the altar. Magical light shone under their feet. The magic power transmitted by sixteen chains formed a huge birdcage. Their feet should be A sealing magic circle, each holding a high-grade magic spar in their hands, it can be seen that the spirit is a little tired.

The body in the center of the magic circle began to gushes out blood, and the blood kept gushing out with the sound of the heartbeat of'bang bang bang'.

"When the magician in charge of our investigation came to Ake Town, he found this demon body on the altar, but at that time he was still like a mummy, sucking the blood of these people under the altar..." Mr. Harper The mage said to Suldak.

Suldak felt that the frequency of his heartbeat was somewhat similar to that of this demon body...

"This is the body of a high-level demon king."

Archmage Harper then introduced to Suldak.

"The biggest defect of the Demon Gate created by the Black Magic Retreat is that it is bound by the power of the world laws of the plane. Only low-level demons can pass through the Demon Gate created by them. You have probably seen it. Under normal circumstances, the low-level Demons can't stop the iron cavalry of our Green Empire!"

Archmage Harper continued.

Suldak's body revealed streaks of holy light, resisting the attack of black devil energy.

"The way they came up with this time is to kill a demon king who has the ability to resurrect."

The 'they' that Archmage Harper spoke of were black mages.

"Then disassemble the body into six pieces, and after turning into a mummy, the vitality can be minimized, and then hidden in the belly of the low-level demons, brought to the dry cloth plane, and then invaded a small town, using the power of the entire town Build a life altar with flesh and blood, and then restore the disassembled body of the demon king to its original strength, and the demon body with its original strength can be 'resurrected' on the dry cloth plane."

"In fact, their plan has succeeded."

"It turns out that it works, they're just a little too impatient."

Archmage Harper asked Suldak: "Do you still remember the magic union they slaughtered in Mukuso City?"

"Hmm!" Suldak said.

Archmage Harper explained: "In fact, that head is the head of the demon king."

"The head was on the side of Ake Town at the beginning, and it was completely restored with the power of the altar. It probably didn't want to wait, so it chose to enslave the body of a human warrior and broke into the magic union in Mukuso City alone."

"In fact, he did it too. Almost all magicians died in his hands."

"He even broke into the showroom on the top floor in the end, and someone detonated the magic circle in the showroom. This magic storm not only destroyed his enslaved body, the space crack that grew in the showroom, but also locked the head of the demon king. In that space that is about to collapse."

"So much so that this torso has never found a suitable head, so it can only stay on this altar to continue nourishing until the mage we sent over found him!"

"Do you want to know where Quintas and Chester went?" Archmage Harper asked,

Suldak worked hard to digest the information, and said casually, "I heard that I went to the Daxue Mountain!"

"That's right, they went looking for his limbs." Archmage Harper said, "We guessed that some of the limbs might be in Thump Town, but we guessed wrong."

Suldak knew that Archmage Harper brought him here definitely not to stand here and listen to the story.

So he asked Archmage Harper directly: "Master Harper, what do you need me to do?"

Archmage Harper said: "The demon king possesses the power of a sixth-level monster at its peak. Even if it is a broken body, the power we have can only seal it at the magical level, but it can't hurt him at all. You have also seen it. Five second-rank great mages manipulate the magic circle around the clock, even so, he can even absorb the power of magic to strengthen himself."

"But your power of holy light is different. Holy light is like a deadly poison to the devil. We plan to use your power of holy light to suppress him and complete the final seal."

After finishing speaking, Archmage Harper took out a very advanced magic sealing box from his magic pocket, patted it hard, and said:

"This high-level magic-sealing box contains a space magic circle. As long as we can put this body into the magic-sealing box, we will have a way to seal it!"

Surdak said with some surprise:

"Are you going to... put it in a magic sealing box?"

Archmage Harper nodded and said, "Exactly."

"Do you want to do it now?" Suldak touched the broad sword on his waist and asked.

Master Harper put the magic sealing box back into the magic pocket, and said, "Let's go, of course this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later!"

Suldak made up his mind and bravely walked towards the center of the magic circle side by side with Archmage Harper.

It's just that every time he takes a step, he can feel the heartbeat of the body in the center of the magic circle speed up, and his own heartbeat is also speeding up, as if something is eager for him to walk over quickly.

He turned to Archmage Harper and asked in a low voice, "Master Harper, do you feel the call of that body?"

Archmage Harper was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Maybe it's the power of the Holy Light in your body that sensed it!"

Suldak closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and mobilized more power of the holy light in his body. The broadsword in his hand was like a glowing spar. They talked about how to suppress the power of the demon body, but Suldak felt that it was the most direct way to go up and poke a few blood holes in its body.

Thinking of this, his footsteps became more determined.

He walked towards the center of the altar step by step...

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