Lord Highlander

Chapter 1077: 1063. Night in Ake Town


This was the first blessing after the arrival of the angel. Suldak in the beam of light felt that his body was almost transparent under the holy light, and those golden feathers were clearly condensed by the overflowing holy light.

Under the holy light, Suldak entered the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness again, this time he came straight to the front of the door, touched the door with the arm glowing with the holy light, and pushed it open very easily That door, he stepped into the vast sea behind the door...

The blue sky, the endless sea, and only a tip of the iceberg in the distance.

At first, I thought that if I stepped in, I would encounter great resistance, and it was very likely that I would be ejected from the light inside.

I didn't expect to go straight in, and a huge wave hit me, and the coldness almost penetrated into the bone marrow.

He was originally floating on the sea, but the huge waves swept him into the sea. The cold sea made his whole body a little stiff. He rolled randomly with the surging waves, followed by a strong sense of suffocation. Zhong Suldak felt that his mental power was exhausted extremely quickly.

He tried his best to stretch his arms, his feet vigorously waved the sea water, and surfaced, he felt a thin layer of ice quickly condensed on his face.

A huge wave came over, and Suldak's eyes went dark again...

When Suldak woke up, he was lying on the wicker chair in the lava mine.

Aphrodite sat gracefully aside with a cup of tea, the light in the lava pool reflected on her face, making her pretty face flushed.

"The kobold slaves saw you fainting outside the mine, so I asked them to carry you in. How do you feel now?"

Aphrodite reached out and touched Suldak's forehead, but her little hands were rather cold.

"Maybe he fainted because his mental strength was exhausted just now." Suldak supported his body with his hands, and sat up from the rattan chair, which still smelled of Aphrodite's perfume.

Aphrodite put one arm on Suldak's chest, let him continue to lie on the wicker chair, and asked him:

"In the end what happened?"

Suldak was lying relaxed on the wicker chair, Aphrodite's exquisite face was close at hand, as long as he raised his chin slightly, he could easily stick to her soft lips, and he could even feel it. It is so soft to two large drops.

He rested his hands on his slender waist very naturally, laying on the wicker chair, not daring to move, and said casually: "I found a door in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. After I tried to open a door, I fell into a In the icy sea, before I got to the surface, a huge wave knocked me out."

Aphrodite put on a senior look and said to Suldak:

"You are in contact with the power at the level of the second rank. You are feeling the power at a deeper level of your spiritual knowledge. I thought you would climb a sacred mountain covered by clouds and mist. If you want to become a knight at the peak of the second rank, you must finally climb to the top of the mountain." Go up to the peak to bathe in the holy light, why did you fall into the sea? You are not a water magician, how did you meet the sea, besides the sea, have you seen anything else?"

"The sky...?" Suldak asked tentatively.


Aphrodite couldn't help but rolled her eyes, but took the opportunity to rest her head on his generous chest.

The "thumping" heartbeat made her dizzy...


In the town of Acre, in Suldak's marching tent.

Xi Ya was lying bored in the square water tank. This water tank was really strange. It was made of good quality. It was painted with a layer of black paint on the outside, and the inside was covered with thick felt. It even had an exquisite cover. Ya lay comfortably in it.

This water tank was found by Xi Ya from the coffin shop, and Xi Ya knew what it was used for.

But because the texture is very good, the most important thing is that it is just long enough that Siya's beautiful tail fin will not be exposed when she sleeps.

There is a layer of water magic protection in the tent. This magic protection can isolate the outside detection. Only in this way can the privacy in the tent be guaranteed.

Samira and Gullitemu were guarding outside, whether it was the heads of the heavy armored infantry regiment or Archmage Morrison, they were all stopped outside.

The excuse Samira gave was that Commander Suldak was resting in the tent.

Xi Ya was a little helpless, the role of an assistant is really...

She patted the water splash a little bored.

She misses the days in Samp Town. Bellanoma Lake is really a good place. She can swim in the lake to her heart's content and chase the fish in it. There is not even a river in Ake Town.

She held up a huge water polo from the water with both hands, and the water polo reflected her delicate face.

With her eyes closed, she took a deep breath... Heh! Even the air is full of freedom.

She kept explaining herself, and the difficulties along the way may be the price of freedom.

No matter what, at least this place is much better than the Seventh Sea.

She thought of the boring life in the Seventh Sea Palace. At that time, she was a living gift. The meaning of life was probably to marry a nobleman of a certain dynasty, maybe the Janna Sea Clan, maybe a human, or something else Race, when she thinks of the river lord from the Oleniok Valley, she feels a little nauseous...

Then she found a chance to escape from the Seven Seas, what a fate!

The first ship she encountered when she surfaced was a slave ship...

During those days trapped in the sink, I remembered those slave traders who put her in a big fish tank and sold her to the Bailin plane.

Suldak is really annoying, always thinking about sending her back to the Seventh Sea, but Siya never thought about going back, even staying in Bellanoma Lake is better than going back to the Seventh Sea .

But in fact, it is not bad to live in Dodan Town, at least there are two good friends there, but if Signa knows that she may become...

Xi Ya's face was slightly flushed, the water polo in her hand burst, and a handful of clear water was poured on her face, and she took the opportunity to sink into the water tank.


The heavy armored infantry corps fully occupied the town of Acre.

The hellhounds and cryptmen hidden in Ake Town have some survival experience, and most of the land around Ake Town has been demonized. Many plants that can only grow in the demons grow in the soil around Ake Town. was quite robust.

Whether it's a hellhound or a caveman, you can use these demon plants to fill your stomach when you're hungry.

They don't have to come out and eat people to survive. In this way, the cleanup task in Ake Town will be more troublesome.

Many crypt people hid in the sewers, and the hellhounds also hid in some narrow gaps. In this old town, there are countless nooks and corners that can provide them with hiding places.

The population of Ake Town is second only to Samp Town, and the building area of ​​the town is also very large.

The soldiers of the Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment swept the streets, collected valuables, and then sealed the houses. They only waited for immigrants from Bena Province to come over after the Ganbu plane was fully recovered. Whether rented out or sold, these properties are going to be great fortunes.

At night, there was a garden square at the end of a small alley, and there was a fountain in the square that hadn't dried up or been polluted.

On the opposite side of the fountain are three flagpoles, and a bloody yellow leg of lamb is hung on the flagpole in the middle. The only leg of lamb that can be eaten in Ake Town is the two-headed ogre Gullitum. This leg of lamb is Samira asked for it from the ogre.

Now it is hanging on a pillar not far away, and some sheep's blood is still stained on it, falling drop by drop on the stone slab under the flagpole.

tick tock... tick tock...

The north wind blowing from the snow-capped mountains made the night very cold.

Samira was lying behind a rock with her Sky Strike Bow in her arms, taking a small breath with her eyes closed.

Siya was soaking in the pool in the center of the square, her wet hair sticking out of the water, hiding on the edge of the pool platform, she was a little nervous, but also a little excited, staring fixedly at the leg of lamb.

This was the first time Samira invited her to go hunting. Siya had always dreamed of becoming a witcher, and this time she was able to fulfill her dream.

For Samira, she just wants to sleep for a while between hunting. In the past few days, she has been looking for hidden demons everywhere in the town, and now she can take a nap behind the rock wall. For her It was a good rest for him, and after much deliberation, he decided to bring Xi Ya out.

Xi Ya silently patted the three-color tail fin, the small pool sparkled suddenly, and a small water cover protected the two of them.

Several cryptmen seemed to smell this tempting fragrance, and carefully crawled out of the ditch. They had completely lost their vision, and only relied on hearing and smell to identify directions.

These days, all of them are gnawing on the moss in the sewer, and now they rarely smell the smell of blood. Facing the irresistible temptation, they finally crawled out of the sewer.

Sia woke up Samira...

The crypt man was almost crawling slowly on the stone slab, and three water marks remained on the ground with its short limbs.

The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger, the leg of lamb is so close, they can even feel the tempting blood dripping on their faces, just as the three crypt men are scrambling for each other, opening their mouths wide, trying to That little leg of lamb, a shadow like a black line, ran with all its strength in the small square, rushing towards that leg of lamb.

A two-headed hellhound spewed a fireball from its mouth, blowing three cryptmen flying.

The two-headed hellhound pounced on the leg of lamb, and before it could bite, two black arrows crossed the night sky and pierced into the back of the hellhound soundlessly, and the hellhound whimpered Screaming, falling far away.

Samira stood up from behind the stone, and shot three arrows at the three cave men.

Xi Ya happily got up from the pool and began to clean the battlefield...

With the sound of horseshoes coming from outside the town, Samira climbed up the fence and jumped to the roof. In the dark, a group of cavalry entered the town along the road.

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