Lord Highlander

Chapter 1078: 1064. Demon Hunter Sia

In the darkness, a space above a statue of a pool in a square is slightly distorted. The picture is like the distortion of vision caused by the heat wave on an unmanned road in midsummer, but this part of the distortion is human-shaped, and it will be silent Breathless movement.

Not to mention under the darkness of night, even during the day, as long as it is willing to hide in the shadows, no one will find it.

Shadow knew that Samira was not easy to mess with, and he was very agile, every jump was as light as a cheetah.

Therefore, it immediately chose Xi Ya as the target of attack. He jumped off the statue, even when his legs stepped into the pool, he didn't make a sound at all, but if you look carefully, there will be subtle noises on the water surface. ripple.

It didn't even have a shadow. Seeing the vivid life in front of him, the excitement that surged from the bottom of his heart made him a little uncontrollable. There was a wave of fluctuation in his heart, and the moment he approached Siya, he shrouded Siya's body The water elemental hood of his body was suddenly burst like a bubble.

However, that shadow didn't feel the instant disorder of the water element at all... He continued to approach Xi Ya.

"who is it?"

Xi Ya asked softly, while drawing a magic circle with her slender fingers. The ancient Naga language was born for magic spells, but later generations developed it into a unique language and culture.

So chanting mantras is as easy as talking to Xi Ya.

At this moment, Samira actually saw Xi Ya's hands drawing the magic circle at the same time.

Samira's reaction was also extremely fast, with just a slight hook movement of the little finger of her right hand, the black steel arrow in the quiver automatically jumped into her palm.

When he drew the Sky Strike Bow, he saw a vague figure appearing behind Xi Ya, even if it was only for a moment. Samira's heart suddenly felt a little cold, and it was too late.

Dazzling red magic lines appeared on her arm, and two arrows were shot out at the same time, aiming at the center of Xi Ya's eyebrows, this arrow was a bit reluctant in haste.

The shadow dagger was attached to Siya's back, ignoring the two steel arrows shooting at Siya, and the fist sword in his hand cut Siya's neck.

The shot arrows collided with each other halfway, and the tips of the arrows actually shot at the phantom behind Xi Ya.

And at this time, the fist and sword in the darkness cut off first.

Siya's incantation also stopped, and at the same moment when the sword pierced Siya's neck, Siya suddenly turned into a puddle of clear water, and when the dagger pierced into the water, the human-shaped clear water immediately scattered into countless water droplets, falling into it like raindrops. in the pool.

Shadow paused for a moment, swung the fist sword in his hand, and hit a steel arrow shot by Samira.

It overlooked one thing, that is, Samira shot two arrows, and while one was knocked flying, the other arrow pierced through its shoulder.

The shadow is holding a fist sword, trying to get into the shadow...

Samira would not give it a chance to escape, and shot another arrow, which hit the back of the shadow, and the shadow almost fell to the ground. At the last moment, it actually rushed into the darkness, and its body merged with the darkness.

Samira regretted that the arrow did not carry the power of lightning, so that the duck with its mouth flew away, and took two Ujin arrows with her.

At this moment, Xi Ya's body suddenly condensed into shape beside the pool. The upper body was still a transparent water element, but the shape remained in the shape of a mermaid. Her mouth seemed to be chewing gum, and a blister came out in the next second. , the water bubbles drifted towards the darkness ahead.

Swelling against the wind...

The shadow didn't care about the floating bubbles at all, it didn't even hide, it raised its fist and sword and bumped into it.

The water bubble touched the shadow, and in just a moment, the water bubble showed obvious deformation.

The shadow reappeared, and stabbed the water bubble fiercely with a shuriken sword, but unexpectedly, the water bubble did not burst, but produced a suction force, completely swallowing the shadow into the water bubble.

The shadow was swallowed into the bubble, and he tried his best to break free, but no matter how he stabbed the bubble with fists and swords, the bubble was like a piece of tough thick cowhide, and he couldn't pierce the bubble at all.

Just when Samira saw that Siya's magic was so powerful, she was about to lead someone to catch her alive. Then I heard Xi Ya faintly shout:

"Hurry up, Samira, the blisters can only last for six seconds..."

Only then did Samira re-start her bow and arrow, and an arrow with wind blade mixed with the power of lightning from the Sky Strike Bow shot at the blister.

Arrows fly,

blisters burst,

It was a perfect connection, the shadow in the blister couldn't dodge at all, and was shot in the chest by an arrow.

The body flew backwards with the arrow and hit the floor hard.

At this time, everyone clearly saw a black figure with three arrows stuck in his body, still struggling to crawl towards the shadow not far away...

A water bomb gathered on the tip of Xi Ya's finger, and with a flick of the finger, the water bomb flew out quickly, overturning the shadow again.

At this time, the shadow seemed to be unable to struggle anymore, the shuriken sword was pressed against his chin, and he lowered his head fiercely, the shuriken sword actually protruded from the top of his head, leaving only a corpse on the ground.

Siya and Samira chased after it cautiously, the shadow had already started to twitch.

"This Shadow Demon is really cunning!" Sia sighed and said to Samira beside her.

"Let's go, before the body cools down, we'll bring him to the boss!" Samira knelt down, put her knees on the Shadow Demon's neck, and cut off its head with the dagger in her hand.

Samira whistled, and footsteps sounded from the other end of the alley. Several infantry soldiers quickly ran towards this side. Samira threw the Shadow Demon's body into the magic sealing box and kicked it again. He kicked the hellhound corpse under his feet, and said to the infantry soldiers running over:

"You guys clean up here, wash away all the blood, throw the body of the crypt man outside the town for incineration, this hellhound will be compensated to you, but remember to turn it in..."

"Yes, Lord Samira!" the infantry soldiers said respectfully.

After finishing speaking, without looking at the infantry soldiers, he led Xi Ya, turned around and walked along the other side of the exit.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to take away the leg of lamb hanging on the flagpole...

"Samira, where are we going next?"

Siya excitedly followed Samira and asked.

"There is a free market on the opposite street. There is a well at the entrance of the free market. Let's try our luck there..." Samira replied.


Xi Ya quickly agreed that this was her first time as a witcher, and everything was new to her.

In Samira's eyes, Xi Ya's understanding of water magic has almost reached the extreme, and her use of water magic is always unique, with a wild imagination...

Adding a new meow 1 silver lord to the sea (10/90)

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