Lord Highlander

Chapter 1079: 1065. Rita's Dowry

In late April, the heavy cavalry of the Lord's Legion recovered the small towns on the Sai Ruoman Plateau one after another, and the fully loaded Lord's Army assembled in Ake Town.

The supplies accompanying the military business group also arrived in Ake Town at almost the same time, food, armaments and other groceries.

The Luthor Legion belongs to one of the thirteen lord armies. Like the other lord armies, it also has a main attack town. This small town called Lagan is next to the town of Acre. The heavy cavalry regiment of the Luthor Legion rushed into the town of Lagan. Today, three full-scale heavy armored infantry regiments also surrounded the town on the outskirts of Lagan Town.

Because they got along very well with the Law Enforcement Group of the Magic Union, the investigation done by the mage group was also very powerful. The heavy cavalry drove straight in and divided the town of Lagan into eight independent theaters in less than a quarter of an hour, followed by a heavy infantry regiment. The cleaning of a war zone hardly left Lagan Town with any future troubles.

The soldiers of Luthor's Legion took away all their belongings, and sealed all the buildings in the town and sealed them up.

And the clean-up work in Ake Town was successfully completed.

A cleaning team composed entirely of first-rank fighters entered the sewer of Ake Town with a large amount of armaments, and completely cleaned out the crypt men inside.

In the past few days, Samira and Siya have also hunted down some shadow demons and hell dogs one after another.

Since the demon gates summoned by the black mages can only withstand the passage of low-level demons, the shadow demons who can pass through the demon gates to the Ganbu plane are also extremely weak groups.

Even so, when passing through the demon gate, the bodies of these shadow demons were almost on the verge of collapse.

Some shadow demons with slightly stronger individual strength even burst frequently in the passage opened by the Devil's Gate in the space rift, causing the passage to collapse.

Every time there is a collapse, black magicians need to take out a lot of magic materials to repair the channel.

This kind of stepping through the demon's gate will seriously damage the body of the shadow demon. After a period of cultivation in the dry cloth plane, the shadow demon has recovered some strength. Generally speaking, in terms of strength, these shadow demons are still only huge. A group of crane tails in the Shadow Demon Legion.

Placed on the table is a complete corpse of a shadow demon. A tungsten steel arrow penetrated into the skull from the lower jaw, and just hit the magic core inside the skull. The flowers exploded, and they were too dead to die.

Holding a skinning knife in his hand, Suldak drew a line on the Shadow Demon's chest, peeling off the black hairless leather like undressing.

The Shadow Demon on the Dahetai is only less than 1.5 meters tall, with very long arms. Now it looks like a skinned chimpanzee. The forearm bones have evolved into a pair of fists and swords, and a pair of fleshy The soles of the feet are very thick, with six sharp claws at the front.

I heard that a skinning master once peeled off a piece of leather with the 'invisible' life magic pattern from the shadow demon.

Later, this leather was made into an invisibility cloak by a master tailor, with twenty-one magic pattern circles drawn on it, and this invisibility cloak is currently kept in the treasury of the Angibald royal family.

Now the magicians of the Green Empire have also developed a simplified version of the invisibility cloak. Although it also has the magical effect of 'concealment', it can only stand in the shadows and stay still. Once it moves, it will appear. Even if it does not move, as long as it is illuminated by light, the hidden body will appear translucent.

It is said that the invisibility cloak made from the shadow skin with the magic pattern of life does not have these shortcomings of the simplified invisibility cloak.

It's just that after capturing so many shadow demons, Suldak was unable to find a shadow demon skin with a life pattern.

Suldak believes that the reason for this situation is not only the rarity of this kind of invisible life magic pattern, but more importantly, these shadow demons themselves are a group of eliminated products, and the probability of life magic pattern appearing is greatly reduced.

In recent days, Surdak has had a little free time.

So Suldak took this opportunity to continuously explore the vast sea in the depths of the spiritual world.

After several attempts, he is now able to swim against huge waves for about fifteen minutes in the icy sea water.

It's a pity that even though he was soaking in the cold sea water, he still didn't know where he was going.

He thought to himself: I can't just swim around in the sea all the time.

However, Suldak is also now soberly aware that if he wants to find the answer, he can only continue to temper his body and strengthen himself. At least he has to persist in this ice sea for a while, and maybe he can find the answer.

Every time he came out of the vast sea, his mental strength was almost overdrawn, and the stinging pain on the mental level made him feel miserable every time.

At this time, he would lie on the bed and receive the nourishment of the Holy Light.

Until the body fully recovers, there will be a very intuitive feeling that the spiritual power in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness is constantly growing, and the scope of the aura of power is constantly increasing.


Suldak also took the opportunity to go back to Wall Village in the past few days, and made a special trip to attend the engagement ceremony of his younger sister Rita and Knight Daniela.

Since Suldak is still a noble lord participating in the plane war and the supreme commander of the Ganbu plane, if he publicly appears at Rita's engagement ceremony, he will be directly sent to a military court.

So this time he secretly returned to Wall Village, and he just met Rita and Knight Daniela in the villa.

Then I went next door with the whole family to visit Rita and Daniela's new home. This is a brand new villa. The terrace in front of the three-story villa is supported by two granite sculptures, and the glass windows of the attic on the roof can just look across from the attic of my own house.

April in the barren land is dry and rainless, which is considered the best season for building a house. The construction period of this kind of house made of volcanic ash cement is very short.

Suldak touched the cement in the cracks of the stone slabs and it was still a little damp. The doors and windows of the villa had already been installed, with thick white paint, making the whole villa look very fresh and gorgeous.

"Note that people have to pour water on the walls of the house every morning and evening. This kind of volcanic ash cement will only become very strong after being soaked in water for a long time."

Daniela listened very carefully, nodded to indicate that he had written it down,

Rita graciously held Daniela's arm, with a sweet smile on her face. She seemed to be slimmer, and she even learned how to apply red nail polish.

Sulda took little Peter up the steps, and Natasha helped old Sheila to follow behind. The family walked into this brand new villa.

Recently, Daniela has been overseeing the work here, so whether it is Natasha or old Sheila, it is the first time to come to the villa here.

The walls in the living room have been painted white and the stairs have wooden railings, but the hall is still empty.

"Master Viscount, I plan to invite Miss Rita to Hailansa City in the next few days, and go to the business store to pick out some furniture, so as to fill up all the space in this villa." Daniela held Rita's shoulders, Said to Suldak.

Rita also seems to be very much looking forward to the trip to Hailansa.

Surdak stood by the wall on one side of the fireplace, looked at the white wall and said, "The layout looks pretty good, let me see... a few oil paintings need to be hung here, I remember there should be a blue ice deer head The specimens can also be hung here."

As he said that, he pulled out a wooden shelf from the magic pocket, which was actually full of oil paintings wrapped in linen. Suldak took out another wooden box, lifted the lid, and there was a lifelike painting inside. Blue ice deer head.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, he walked to the center of the living room and said with a smile:

"The living room seems to need a carpet, a coffee table, a sofa, a row of wall tables, candlesticks, tea sets, and decorations on the wall tables..."

Every time he mentioned a piece of furniture, Suldak pulled out a box wrapped in linen from his magic pocket.

From the beginning, the whole family covered their mouths in surprise, but later on, they lost all excitement.

Suldak's magic pocket seems to have an infinite space. From the time he walked into the villa, he began to look at the things. It can be seen that each piece is very exquisite, and it is the kind of antique furniture that nobles would use. , each piece has a lengthy sense of age.

"The bed in this bedroom, Rita, what do you think of the color of the rug?"

"The dressing table in the bathroom seems to be a bit inappropriate in size. The bathtub is okay. There are a few curtains in this box. By the way, I almost forgot about the lighting. What do you think of the crystal chandelier?"


Most of these furniture were piled up in the living room of the villa, which was a little messy.

The furniture that Suerdak brought back was enough to fill every inch of the villa, and he also brought back a lot of artworks such as oil paintings, sculptures, and small ornaments.

"Dark, you prepared these for me?" Rita couldn't control her excitement, and asked excitedly as she hugged Suldak's arm with little Peter. .

"Of course!" Suldak said as a matter of course: "I brought these back from the Ganbu plane. I occupied a large piece of land there and owned several small towns. Some nobles gave up their homes. I left these good things to me, and I picked some furniture suitable for this villa and brought them back, but unfortunately none of them are new furniture, I hope you don’t dislike them.”

Rita touched the wall cabinet inlaid with gold silk patterns, this kind of thing should not be disliked even by ordinary noble families!

Cavalier Daniela did not expect that Suldak would bring back so many gifts this time, so he could only keep thanking Suldak.

Suldak stroked Rita's fluffy blonde hair and said, "We hope you can turn these thanks into more love for our Rita..."

Rita was so excited that she talked non-stop even through dinner.

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