Lord Highlander

Chapter 1080 1066. About Dreams

After dinner, he dragged Daniela to the villa next door to set up a new home.

There was still only one cook employed in the family. After dinner, Natasha and the cook cleaned up the table together.

Little Peter has been pestering Surdak, hoping to get a real saber.

Suldak rubbed his forehead and never agreed. He was not worried that Little Peter would hurt himself, but gave him an exquisite quality magic weapon right now, which might force him to become more used to this type of weapon.

Suldak hoped that little Peter could get in touch with more types of weapons and choose the most suitable one for him.

Old Sheila was sitting on the wicker chair by the fireplace, with a thin blanket on her knees, looking at Suldak who was chatting lovingly with Little Peter.

Her eyes became a little blurry. Although she had never been able to regard the man in front of her as her own son, she had to say that he had always done a good job and fulfilled the promises he had made meticulously.

The young people in the village who followed Suldak to the Bailin plane almost kept sending money home.

When the old people in the village saw old Sheila, they kept boasting that she had a good son.

But now few people would still say those words, and they looked at old Sheila with respect in their eyes.

After all, this young man who single-handedly changed the lives of the people in Wall Village has now become a distinguished noble lord. Although Suldak always deliberately played down this identity in the village, as more and more people in the village The young man went out with him, and the villagers had a clearer understanding of Surdak.

A noble lord who owns a large forest of monsters and hilly highlands. The land is ten times larger than the barren land, and it is also richer than the barren land.

And he is also engaged, his second and third wives are the daughters of the great nobles in the city of Bena.

Old Sheila was a little worried about Natasha's future life, but these were beyond her control. She fumbled for the smooth armrests on the wicker chair, her eyes a little dry.

Suldak injected some power of holy light into old Sheila's body, nourishing the aging organs in her body with the power of holy light. He lowered his head, and a cloud of holy breath emerged from his palm.

"Rita's wedding, I will come back as soon as possible." Suldak said while holding the old Xila's slack hand.

"If you can't get away from the dry cloth plane, don't force it too much." Old Sheila muttered vaguely in her mouth: "Be careful when fighting over there."

Suldak promised: "I will pay more attention."

Old Sheila asked casually, "When will your wedding be held?"

Suldak paused for a moment, and then said: "After the Ganbu Plane War is over, the wedding may be held in Ruyt City."

He looked at old Sheila, but he didn't see any emotion in her eyes.

"I will probably live in Ruyt City for a long time. After I settle there, I hope you can live there for a while. The living conditions there are much better than here." Sur Dak stretched out his hand to pull away the blanket, and stretched out his hand to cover the old Sheila's knee, but although the holy light can heal, it can't delay aging.

Old Sheila shook her head slightly and said, "When I'm old, I don't want to go anywhere. I don't want to be buried outside after I die."

She raised her increasingly heavy eyelids, and when she looked at Suldak, her cloudy eyes had a little more spirit, just like when she stopped in the living room of the earthen house, but her words were much more tactful:

"I mean...if Natasha will affect the mood of your new wives...just leave Peter and Natasha here, and come back and see us when you want to come back."

She probably also felt that saying this, as if she didn't regard Suldak as a family, so she paused before saying:

"You've done a good enough job. If Dak knows that the village has become like this, and Rita can live in a gorgeous villa when she gets married, she will be very content..."

"Yeah, what is there to be dissatisfied with!"

"Now we can no longer count as your burden, you can run forward as much as you want, and try to fulfill your dreams."

"Dark, what is your dream?"

The first Dak is his dead son, and the second Dak is her recognition of Surdak.

Suldak looked at the dying old man, and seemed to see the entanglement in her heart all at once.

"I don't have any dreams. I've been pushed away all the time. Recently, I've been thinking about what I want to do..." Suldak smiled and looked at Na who was walking over with a fruit plate. Tasha, he took the fruit plate very naturally and put it on the coffee table.

"I don't have any big ambitions, and I haven't thought about which plane I have to save. Maybe I want to walk more with the people around me, and occasionally stop to look at the scenery along the way."

Old Sheila lay asleep in the chair.

Suldak put old Sheila's hands into the blanket.

Natasha prepared the bath water, and Suldak finally ushered in a rare relaxation.

The bathtub can just hold two people, but the water in the bathtub seems to be a little too much, constantly rippling, always overflowing along the edge, and flowing all over the floor.

Probably because she hasn't done rough work for a long time, Natasha's skin has become much more delicate, and the rough calluses on her palms have disappeared.

When she stopped, she would lie in Surdak's arms, pillowed on his shoulders, and she would raise her head and pointed chin, showing off her long neck and delicate collarbone like a swan, with pale blue His eyes looked up at the profile of Suldak. At this time, her movements became very careful, even changing her posture cautiously.

When the two chatted, Natasha was basically talking and Suldak was listening.

Natasha would ask him about his life outside.

For example, what do people from the crypt look like? Do Hellhounds Really Have Three Heads? Can you still eat lunch meat in the military camp?

I will also talk to him about the changes in Wall Village, what has happened in the family recently, and I will also talk about some small troubles in my life. Those women in the village who were able to talk to her in the past, now see her. You have to curtsy and salute, and you will never squat by the pool together laughing and chatting again.

Sometimes I don't even need to do laundry myself.

Many people in the village have become rich, married young and beautiful wives, and hired some servants. When she walked to the pool with a wooden bucket, someone would rush to wash her clothes and even iron them. Be neat.

Recently, she received a prom invitation letter from a noble lady in the city of Hailansa. This invitation letter made her sleepless for several days. An embarrassment at the dance would embarrass Surdak.

Some trivial things in the village will also be discussed with Suldak. Now the population of Wall Village has increased tenfold compared to before, and there are more conflicts and disputes. The old village chief is too busy, and she will come forward occasionally Handle disputes.

Suldak is the best listener at this time, he will not interrupt rashly, he will just say that he is used to it.

Perhaps it was too long since he left Wall Village, and Suldak wanted to see the night view of Wall Village.

Boldly wrapped in a blanket, she ran barefoot onto the terrace and wrapped them both in a blanket.

Suldak silently looked at the cistern under the moonlight, the sparkling river, the neat wheat fields on both sides, the small townhouses in the village, the free market with countless sunshades under the dead trees, Wall Village The outer buildings have been extended to the banks of the canal.

He looked down at Natasha...

Under the moonlight, there was a satisfied smile hidden in her clear eyes, her sweet lips always raised unconsciously, and her soft blond hair was blown into a mess by the night wind.


The news came from the mages that Quintas and Chester, two great swordsmen, led a group of constructed swordsmen to discover the traces of the black mage and the demon army in the depths of the Snow Mountain.

It is hard to imagine that there is an ethnic group living in the depths of Daxue Mountain. They can be said to be the original aborigines of the Ganbu plane.

The first Earl of the McDonnell family led an army into the Ganbu plane, occupied most of the land here, and drove the aborigines into the Daxue Mountain where the snow never melted all year round. Originally, they planned to let these aborigines live in the Daxue Mountain. They fend for themselves, but they never expected that these aborigines survived tenaciously and established a group of tens of thousands of people in a valley.

The black magicians established a stronghold here, and found that perhaps due to historical reasons, the aborigines here actually have a trace of demon blood in their bodies.

They do not reject signing a symbiotic contract with the Hell Dog, nor will they suffer from the backlash of demon blood. At least after signing the symbiotic contract, they will not be covered with rotten abscesses like the Grimm Empire people, and they do not even reject eating and sleeping with the Hell Dog .

The black magician formed an army of demons in Daxue Mountain. I heard that the patriarch of this aborigine originally had the strength of a turn of the peak. With both hands and feet, let the limbs of the demon king rest on his body.

The great swordsman Quintus met the patriarch in the depths of Daxue Mountain. With the power of the demon king in his body, the patriarch actually wounded the great swordsman Quintas.

If it weren't for a magician who took the risk to rescue Quintas Great Swordsman, perhaps Quintas Great Swordsman might have fallen in the snow mountain of Ganbu plane.

Thirteen lord armies gathered in the town of Ake, and Suldak began to mobilize heavy cavalry into the Daxue Mountain to conquer the army of hell demons there.

Because if you want to enter the Snow Mountain, you must consider the issue of cold protection and heating, and the heavy armored infantry regiment is a dry cloth plane resistance army. They live in the rainforest all year round and have never lived in such a cold environment.

It was already mid-May when the army prepared the anti-cold supplies and started marching into the Daxue Mountain.

The mage led the way ahead, and after entering the Daxue Mountain, the journey went smoothly.

When I first entered the Daxue Mountain, there were still some coniferous forests at the foot of the mountain, but the mountains here overlapped, and the higher the terrain, the colder it went up.

The army is stationed outside the valley where the demon army is entrenched, and the entire mountain is covered with thick snow...

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