Lord Highlander

Chapter 1098

Suldak went out in a carriage, followed half a step behind by a beautiful female assistant with lake blue eyes. The Janna girl with a thin waist and plump buttocks wore a silky magic-weave dress and deliberately dressed herself up to be more mature, but she didn't care No matter how she dresses, she can't make her breasts fuller.

The two-headed ogre, Gulitum, has been graciously following Suldak recently, acting as his bodyguard. Suldak has not yet guessed whether the ogre brothers want to leave him. What.

Samira left the city hall and soon came to the central square.

Since the portal is open to civilians and merchants around the clock, and the goods passing through the portal are tax-free, and the teleportation pass is half price, the teleportation fee charged by this portal is only enough to maintain the normal operation of the portal, so the central square Crowded with caravans and adventure groups, the scene was very chaotic.

There are even some nobles who deliberately ran to Ruyt City through the portal in order to have a hearty lunch.

Samira came to the portal, but did not find Charlie and Luke, so she asked the guard at the portal.

The guard naturally knew Samira. The sky-strike bow she was carrying on her back had already spread several versions of battle stories in the city, and the most exciting thing was that one arrow shot through three The story of the king of hellhounds.

The guards at the portal had actually been replaced in the morning, but in order to please the archery master, the guards at the portal made a special trip back to the dormitory next to the square to wake up the guards who were on duty at night...


In the guard camp of Mucuso City, Captain Edmund rode to the lobby on the first floor early, and chatted with the young and beautiful Miss Anita by the front desk.

He is going to wait a few more days. If Chief Hamas still does not take the next step, he is going to ask Miss Anita to have dinner. Delicate flowers marry home.

This is also the main reason why the front desk receptionist of the security battalion headquarters is always changing frequently.

Xiaomengxin, who had just joined the job a few days ago, became the boss's wife in just two weeks. This kind of bloody drama is not uncommon in the security battalion headquarters building.

Earl Hans, chief of the guard, was going to attend a regular meeting at the town hall in the morning, and the specific affairs in the guard camp were basically in charge of Captain Edmund.

In the past few days, Captain Edmund always came to the guard camp early to wait for the chief of the guard's magic caravan in advance.

Seeing Captain Chapman of the Second Battalion coming down the stairs yawning, Captain Edmund put on a straight face and asked:

"Chapman, what did you do? Why did you put so many craftsmen in prison? Now that the whole city is rebuilding, do you still want the logistics minister of the city hall to treat you to afternoon tea?"

Cavalier Chapman walked down the stairs because he was hungry. He wanted to have some breakfast in the cafeteria. He didn't expect to be reprimanded severely in front of the beautiful Miss Anita just as he went downstairs. He was stunned for a while. After Captain Edmund finished those words, Knight Chapman whispered to Captain Edmund:

"Report to Captain Edmund, it's not the kid Harry's fault."

Miss Anita avoided Captain Edmund's sight, and secretly winked at Knight Chapman, signaling that Captain Edmund was in a bad mood and told him to be careful.

Chapman immediately explained to Captain Edmund with a straight face.

Captain Edmund waved his hand impatiently, and reprimanded Chapman:

"Hurry up and get rid of it. If you dare to catch the craftsman at this time, don't you want to wear the leather armor of the guard battalion?"

Cavalier Chapman quickly replied: "Understood, I guess if you scare him again, you should be subdued, Harry now..."

Captain Edmund said to Knight Chapman even more impatiently: "Don't tell me this kind of thing, I advise you to avoid participating!"

"Understood, Captain Edmund." Knight Chapman gave a military salute and planned to leave.

When he just turned around, Captain Edmond called again: "By the way, where did these craftsmen come from?"

"I heard about Hailansa." Knight Chapman said.

Captain Edmund waved to Knight Chapman, indicating that he could leave, and when he turned his head to look at Miss Anita's blue eyes, he said hesitantly: "Hai Lansa, there is something in the north of the tower. The mountain city, this name is so familiar..."


The morning meeting in the city hall was delayed until ten o'clock in the morning, and the door of the meeting hall was pushed open from the inside.

The head of logistics came out of the room dejectedly. Anyone who was reprimanded by Surdak for a whole morning would not be in a good mood.

In fact, many things cannot be entirely blamed on him. During this time, Marquis Luther came to Mucuso City and not only took away 20,000 heavy armored infantry soldiers, but also escorted thousands of prisoners of war from Lord McDonnell's army to Bena. Originally, those prisoners of war were moving stones on the wall of Mukuso City, and those infantry soldiers were also resting the streets in the city. This group of young and strong laborers was almost the main force to repair the city.

After all of them were withdrawn at once, even if he mobilized some migrant workers from other places, he still couldn't complete the city wall repair task planned every day.

Now all the pressure is concentrated on the head of logistics, his eyes are red these days.

In the regular meeting this morning, Suldak had already clearly expressed his dissatisfaction. A group of deputies and clerks were waiting at the door. When they saw the Minister of Logistics coming out of the conference hall, they surrounded him with a bang—there were too many things.

Seeing Suldak come out of the conference hall with a displeased face, Samira, who was waiting outside, rushed over and whispered something to Suldak in the corridor of the city hall.

Suldak was slightly taken aback, stopped and looked at Samira:

"You mean they arrived in Mukuso last night, but why didn't they come to me?"

Then Suldak suddenly remembered that when he left Wall Village, he didn't give Charlie and Luke addresses at all, but only told them that they would send someone to pick them up at the central square...

'Why didn't they wait for me! ’ Suldak felt a little strange.

Then he told Samira:

"Okay, I see! You send your people to the city to search again. There are so many of them, it is impossible for them to disappear immediately. Maybe they just found a hotel to stay temporarily, or they may find a quiet small place. Square, they have a carriage, and they probably don't want to pay for a hotel."

When Suldak explained the matter to Samira, it happened that the Chief of Security Hamas and Captain Edmond passed by.

'Look for...'

Suldak's words fell into the ears of the chief of the guard. The fat as a ball, the chief of the guard, Mr. Hamas, stopped immediately, then walked to Suldak's side, saluted with a serious face and said:

"My lord, is there anything I can do for you?"

Suldak was slightly taken aback. He didn't intend to bother the security battalion with this matter, but seeing the eagerness of the chief security officer, he said casually: "Uh, so... there is a group of craftsmen from Hailansa City. , They all rushed over from my hometown to help me do things, they arrived in Mukuso City ahead of schedule, and happened to be staggered with the people we went to pick up the station, so we can let those patrolling knights in the city pay attention.”

"Please don't worry, this matter will be investigated by our security battalion, please give me half a day!" The chief of the security first made a promise in a humble gesture, and then commanded Captain Edmund next to him in an orderly tone. :

"Captain Edmund, you will be responsible for this matter. I need to hear the exact result before afternoon tea."

As soon as the chief of the guard finished speaking, he saw Captain Edmund throw a very veiled wink, and whispered in his ear:

"Hamas President, I have something to report to you!"

The chief of the guard frowned, and reprimanded Captain Edmund very dissatisfied:

"In front of the Consul of Suldak, if there is anything you can't say in person, just say it! What's wrong with your subordinates?"

Captain Edmund stood at attention, knocked his heels heavily, and said to the chief of the guard: "Chief Hamas, these craftsmen are currently locked in the prison of our guard battalion..."

The corridors of the city hall, which were still noisy all around, immediately fell silent, and the surrounding officials all looked at Hamas, the chief of security.

"Edmund, what's going on?" The chief of the guard's heart burst almost instantly, and he asked hysterically.

"It is said that there was a fight with a group of guides in the central square, and was taken back to the guard camp by the leader of the 7th Squadron, Chapman, who was on duty last night..."

Before Captain Edmund finished speaking, Chief Hamas felt dizzy for a while.

"Arrest Cavalier Chapman, and investigate what's going on immediately!" The chief of the guard wiped the oily sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, and ordered Captain Edmund.

Hearing the tone of Commander Hamas's words, Captain Edmund sighed softly in his heart. Obviously, he wanted to use Captain Chapman to quell public anger.

Suldak said to Samira: "You and the head of Hamas go to the guard camp to find out the situation, and if there is no major problem, we will take them home..."

Hearing what Suldak said, the Hamas chief knew that this matter was more serious than he thought.

However, Suldak didn't continue to say anything, and turned around with Siya and left the conference room corridor.

When she was about to walk out of the door, Xi Ya looked back while holding the note.


Samira followed behind the guard battalion chief Hamas without saying a word, and Hamas signaled Captain Edmond to leave early with his eyes.

Captain Edmund immediately understood, and wanted to leave the city hall first, and rush back to the guard camp to make arrangements in advance.

It's just that he didn't expect that just as he took a step and wanted to slip out through the small door next to him, he felt the chill behind his back. When he looked back, the sweat pores all over his body stood up.

The Sky Strike Bow that flashed with electric arcs was unexpectedly held in Samira's hand, and a feathered arrow was clamped between the two fingers of her other hand, and the bow string had already been drawn halfway.

If he hadn't looked back just now, but reached out to pull the side door, he probably would have been nailed to the wall with an arrow by the ridiculously beautiful half-elf archer in front of him.

At this time, Samira said in a hoarse voice: "None of you can leave early, the magic caravan should be parked outside, hurry up and take me to the guard camp, don't test my patience..."

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