Lord Highlander

Chapter 1099 1085. A True Great Knight

Samira jumped out of the magic caravan before the guard chief Hamas's magic caravan entered the guard battalion headquarters compound.

The chief of the guard, Hamas, and Captain Edmund looked at each other silently. Samira didn't want to let the guard camp make arrangements in advance, and got off the car early when she arrived at the gate of the guard camp, making it clear that she didn't want to participate in the interior of the guard camp. affairs.

He expressed his attitude very clearly, that is, he wanted to hold everyone involved in this incident accountable, but he didn't want to interfere in the internal affairs of the guard camp.

The magic caravan then drove into the compound, and the two guard battalion knights standing in front of the steps quickly moved the wooden steps and placed them at the door of the carriage.

Seeing the twenty four-wheeled carriages parked in the yard through the car window, Hamas, the chief of the security, felt dizzy for a while. He sat in the carriage and took a sip of ice water, and walked out of the carriage with a livid face.

The two knights of the guard battalion noticed that the Chief had stepped out of the car with a dark face, and immediately retreated to their posts.

Chief of Security Hamas walked over without saying a word, Captain Edmund and Chief Hamas's assistant followed closely behind, the atmosphere was almost freezing cold.

A group of people opened the door and walked into the lobby on the first floor of the guard camp. It happened that Cavalier Chapman was on a day off during the day. He was leaning on the stone pillar next to the reception desk and chatting with Miss Anita, the receptionist. Cavalier Chapman's witty conversation made Miss Anita laugh. eyes.

Under the gesture of the chief of the guard, Hamas, the captain Edmund walked to the front, cursing silently in his heart, and at the same time bit the bullet and ordered to the accompanying guard knights:

"Tie up Chapman Knight!"

The four knights of the guard battalion were all trusted aides of Captain Edmund. They immediately stepped forward and held down the surprised-looking Chapman knight.

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Knight Chapman stopped resisting. Before he was captured, he just asked Captain Edmund, "Captain Edmund, I want to know why?"

Captain Edmund coughed and turned slightly sideways.

The head of the guards strode up from behind, looked dissatisfiedly at Captain Edmund, and ordered the surrounding guard battalion knights: "Pull off Chapman's leather armor, and tie it up for me!"

Apparently, the order of the Chief of Security, Hamas, is even stronger.

Knight Chapman was pinned to the ground at once, and the rope that originally bound the prisoner was now tied to himself. Knight Chapman saw Captain Edmund's eyes drifting to the carriage outside the window, and immediately knew that the problem was the where.

Miss Anita, the receptionist at the front desk, brought a chair to Hamas, the head of security. Hamas sat down and asked in a deep voice, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Cavalier Chapman thought to himself, and said: "Last night, Harry had a dispute with a group of craftsmen from other places near the central square. Since the traffic was obstructed, I led my people there and took all the brawlers to the prison on the first floor of the basement. inside."

Seeing that Chapman bit Harry out, the head of Hamas closed his eyes in anger, and the voice almost came out from between his teeth:

"What about Harry?"

Knight Chapman quickly said: "Harry is in prison, and he is planning to reconcile with those craftsmen..."

The next two words were said very lightly, because he was a little guilty.

reconciliation? hehe!

The chief of the security, Hamas, was so angry that he said nothing.

Captain Edmund stood up again at this time, and told the four cronies around him:

"You guys follow me..."


In the prison on the first floor of the basement, two knight guards of the guard battalion stood at the door and chatted softly.

The guide Harry squatted with the melon cap in his hand, showing the hideous scar on the top of his head, waiting for the group of craftsmen in the prison to subdue. Of course, subduing is secondary. Loss.

Charlie and Luke didn't expect the guide's appetite to be so big. Each craftsman had to pay one gold coin as compensation, which was almost their salary for more than a month.

Charlie and Luke glanced at each other, thinking about it or agreeing to it, and then talk about it after they get out of trouble...

The guide Harry could see the embarrassment and hesitation of the two young leaders, and said with a smile: "I said, if you were more sensible last night, would you still have to suffer so much? You need to know... It takes a lot of gold coins, and I definitely can't pay the money..."

Before Harry finished speaking, Captain Edmund led someone in from the outside.

"Come on, arrest Harry and lock him in..." Commander Edmund ordered his subordinates.

Four guard battalion knights rushed up and held Harry's shoulders.

Harry opened his mouth wide and watched several guard battalion knights coming up with disbelief. He couldn't hide before he shouted: "Captain Edmund, what are you doing? You can't tie me up. I'm A relative of the head of Hamas, my sister..."

Captain Edmund took the opportunity to walk up to Harry, and slapped Harry until he lost his breath.

"Tie him up, give him 20 lashes first, and then lock him up, so that he can speak more wisely in the future." Captain Edmund snorted coldly.

The craftsmen of Wall Village were stunned, and Harry, who was still flaunting his power just now, was tied to the cross like a dead dog. The cane was pulled out of the bucket and smacked Harry's ass hard.

Harry had fainted, and the whip woke him up immediately, but just after he yelled halfway, a cork was inserted into his mouth by the Knight of the Guard Battalion.

One whip after another whipped the skin to pieces, and the entire prison became silent.

Then the last whip was over, and Harry, who was already unconscious, was thrown into the opposite cell by the Knights of the Guard Battalion.

The chief of the guard, Hamas, strode in from the door, and ordered to Captain Edmund with a straight face:

"Edmond, go to the central square and arrest all the guides involved in the fight."

Captain Edmund quickly took orders to lead his cronies out of the prison. He didn't want to stand aside and watch the wonderful performance of Chief of Security Hamas.

The chief of the guard, Hamas, took the key from a knight of the guard battalion, stepped forward, opened the door of the cell where the craftsman of Wall Village was imprisoned, and then walked into the cell, not caring about the smell inside, before walking in front of the villagers. , said sadly:

"I am Hamas, the chief of security. I failed to manage the security of Mukuso City well."

The earl's badge on his chest is particularly eye-catching under the dim light of the prison.

How could a group of villagers have seen this before? Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say at this time.

complain? Revenge? My mind went blank.

"It is our negligence that made you craftsmen who came from other cities to support the construction of Mukuso City suffer. On behalf of the residents of Mukuso City, I would like to express my sincere apologies to you."

Security chief Hamas said.

When did you hear nobles apologize to commoners?

The villagers immediately felt that even if they got a few more slaps on the face, it would be worth it!

Hailansa city doesn't even have such a good chief of the guard battalion. This is the real nobleman!

Charlie, Luke, and a group of artisans from Wall Village, led by the Chief of Security Hamas, came out of the prison on the basement level and were taken directly to the cafeteria in the security camp. All the villagers were still standing by the vegetable sink. Simply wash up.

After another free lunch in the cafeteria of the guard camp, twenty four-wheeled trucks left the headquarters building of the Mukusuo Guard Battalion one after another.

When the coachmen in Wall Village were driving their carriages, they discovered a strange thing. Twenty horses turned into young war horses. They immediately reported this to the stable manager of the guard camp.

The stable manager was so distressed that tears were about to flow out, but at this moment he had to bite the bullet and say, "How is it possible! These carriages came like this, and we didn't move your horses at all!"


The coachmen looked suspicious, but they continued to carefully observe the war horses pulling the carriage. They had deep marks on their backs worn by the saddle... they were clearly war horses.

After the craftsmen of Woer Village knew that the horses of the four-wheeled carriage had been replaced, they all gave a thumbs up and praised Hamas, the chief of the guard: Mr. Chief is really a great knight!

Walking out of the gate of the guard battalion headquarters, Charlie and Luke saw Samira across the road at a glance. They saw her wearing a black magic pattern structure, sitting quietly on the railing, and waving to a group of Wall Village villagers.

Adding a new meow 1 silver lord to the sea (17/90)

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